
Thursday, October 12, 2017

The Gift of Sight

So, what interesting adventures did you have today?  Me, I picked up my new glasses and am trying to get use to the bifocal line in the lens.  I miss my progressive lens, but indeed thrilled I have new glasses.  It’s amazing how the world changes from slightly hazy and blurry to crisp and clear just from the tweaking and changing of the lens. Those of you with perfect vision I hope treasure your eyesight.  It is a fearful time when you cannot see clearly or in some cases very little.  The need for these wondrous inventions (yes, spectacles as they were once called are inventions) has been shown throughout humanity.  Yet, many lived and are still living without the benefit of such a basic health tool due to cost or they are unavailable.

What can we do to help?  Plenty.  First off:  stop thinking that it’s their problem not yours.  Someday, it could be you or someone you care for.  Secondly, if you have an old pair of glasses donate them to the Lions Club Recycle for Sight program.  They collect almost 30 million pairs of glasses each year to help people in developing nations.  Another nonprofit organization is New Glasses who do the same thing. Lastly, this is a wonderful way to help if you can.  When you buy a pair, give a pair!  Some optical stores actually do this and give the glasses to those in need!  Think about the joy a child would have in seeing the world clearly for the first time.

Now, I’m not telling anyone to do this, just giving you an idea of what you can do to help make a difference.  Oh yes, as soon as I have adjusted to my new bifocals, I will be donating my old ones.  After all I can’t see out of them, but someone else could.  And yeah, if you need an additional incentive donating them is tax deductible.  Funny though, I never think about that, I just want to give the gift of sight.

As always, Good Night and Good Luck.

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