
Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Just A Rambling Thought

It’s been quite awhile since I’ve done anything on here.  Too many things have occurred and I have been either exhausted, angry, frustrated, or stressed beyond my coping abilities.  I wonder how many would say we all have been , that’s life deal with it.  Sadly, all a person,who has been reeling from life as I have, wants is someone to listen to you.  Just to let you vent or talk things out.  Alas, an attitude of not my problem and a waste of my time is given in return .  Anger rises quickly, frustration flares, and the feeling of being inadequate floods the mind giving way to anxiety and depression.  All due the desire to connect with another for just a moment, relieving the turmoil within oneself.

Perhaps this is the reason for so much hostility today.  No one listens.  They assume .  No one pays attention.  They’re fighting their own  chaos.  Maybe, just maybe we should slow down.  Stop running here and there.  Take a moment to breathe and look at the wonders we are surrounded by and just open our hearts and minds to each other and listen.  Just a rambling thought.

Take care.  And in the words of  Edward R Murrow:  “Good night and good luck “.

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