
Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Embrace the Earth

Autumn finally showed it’s cool weather today.  Our high was only 79 degrees F and tomorrow morning we will rise to a delightful 68 degrees.  Ahhh!  After months of heat and high humidity perhaps we will begin to enjoy cooler temperatures; but then again maybe not.  Who knows?  At this moment though we will embrace the lowering temps.

Though there are those who disbelieve in global warming/ climate change, I find myself wondering what they think is happening to the Earth.  Of course, I should no better than ask; however, how is one to discover another person’s thoughts.  Yes, I asked and read.  I’m still trying to figure out the reasoning for the belief.

The one answer I found the most was it’s god’s doing.  That’s right, the increasing temperature is all god’s fault.  “If there is global warming “, they say, it’s what god wants.  Okay.  god wants the world,which he placed us as stewards of , to be destroyed.  I don’t know about you, but that tells me we were crappy caretakers.  Plus, it doesn’t make sense, all religions have the same basis, which is love and compassion.  Doesn’t really make the cut in explaining global warming and how it’s god’s idea.

Then there is the other answer many give.  “There isn’t any climate change!  It’s “fake news”!  I sit there with my jaw dropped open, thinking of all the scientific tests, the rising of temperatures, and the melting of polar ice caps and glaciers.  Who are these people?  Where do they come up with all this stuff.  Interestingly, they are our family members, friends, politicians, teachers, firefighters, police, bankers, mechanics, chefs, cooks, store clerks, customers, and all of the other jobs and roles humans perform.

The sad part about this is these individuals are so sure of their view, they won’t listen to any other perspective.  Both fervently believe in their truth, as do I believe in my own.  The question then comes , how do we change the others minds.  My answer , you won’t.  Not if all you are doing is trying to change minds.  Instead, we need to listen, rationalize, and realize we need to work together to help our only home.

Yeah, I know it will never happen.  People said we couldn’t live in space, guess what?  We are.  Anyway, it’s just a rambling thought.  Have a great night and godspeed.

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