
Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Autumn!! Time To Relax And Enjoy!

Ahhh!  Cool air is finally filtering its way through Florida.  Instead of the 90 heat and humidity we’ve been sweltering in; its 74 and cool breezes to enjoy.  A delightful change as autumn seems to be arriving.  Autumn; the one season where celebrations are abundant!  So many festivals and incredible colors brighten the days as the day (in the Northern Hemisphere) shortens and night extends giving us the time we need for resting after the strenuous and stressful days of summer.

The harvest is at hand or completed.  The homes are filled to the roofs with the fruits of harvest and the family is gathered together to tell stories, play games, read, or do crafts.  Such a wonderful time of the year!  Yes, we are thrilled with the abundance we have been given and now enjoy a respite from the work.

I awake with a jerk from the meandering my mind was doing!  Harvest?  Abundance of fruits from the soil?  Families enjoying time together?  What the hell century was I in?  It sure wasn’t the 21st Century!  Families are too busy to be around one another.  Kids are in their rooms with computers, TVs, tablets, or phones.  Quite often they are being taken from one activity to another, seldom at home or with other family members.  Parents are working, networking, or transporting their children; never slowing down to enjoy the beauty of autumn much less realizing the comfort of longer nights to relax in.

The harvest?  Heck, there are some people who haven’t got the faintest where the food they eat comes from.  Quite often   it comes from fast food restaurants and then people complain about why there are so many who are unhealthy.  I’m still trying to come to terms over the fact 7% of American adults think chocolate milk comes from chocolate cows.  What has happened to us?  How stupid are we?
The truth is we have lost something.  We’ve lost the ability to relax and talk to one another.  We don’t take the time to learn about the world around us.  Our children are seldom exposed to nature or are to busy to even notice it. We’ve become to rely on technology too much; displacing manual abilities.  We depend to much on artificial intelligence than on our own.

Okay, enough of doom and gloom which so many love to indulge in.  Yes, people need to slow down. Hopefully, they will but it’s their decision.  We do need to educate our children and adults.  We need to focus on teaching not on taking tests.  We need to set aside some time and just enjoy each other.  It’s our decision.  Do me a favor though, just stop for a moment, go outside, listen to the sounds around you.  Hear the birds chirping and singing?  There’s a squirrel chattering nearby.  A dog barks in the distance.  Children laughing as they play.  The rustle of leaves as the wind brushes against them.   Yes! This is autumn!  Time to enjoy the brilliance of color and festivities!

Just a rambling thought I had today.  Have a wonderful day and godspeed!

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