
Saturday, October 28, 2017

One Moment

I’m leaning against the pillows on the bed gazing out the windows of the which leads out to our deck.  In the tree directly in front of the deck hangs a bird feeder filled with seeds , nuts, and fruits. A brown squirrel sitting in the feeder nibbles on a sunflower seed.  It’s tail flicks once in awhile as it munches it’s food. A female cardinal lands on a branch just off to the side, watching the squirrel.  Within the branches of a nearby rain tree, another squirrel runs and leaps about, playing as a woodpecker raps at the trunk of the tree.
I watch all this noting how the sky which had been blue and sunny, is now covered with grey clouds threatening to unloose the rain they hold.  Yet, the rain does not come and the birds and squirrels enjoy the reprieve.  Beside me on the bed curled tightly against my right side lies Geralt.  A white majestic feline who is purring loudly as my hand glides along his white furred body.  Booker, my black Labrador mix lies by my left knee, his black hair gleaming from the light outside. Little Dorian curls against my left side, nuzzling me in anticipation of my petting him.
A moment of repose and contentment fills the room.  I hope you will have a similar experience.  Just a rambling thought for the day.  Enjoy the moment and godspeed.

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