
Sunday, October 15, 2017

Nature’s Release

A beautiful Sunday afternoon.  The birds are chirping, the squirrels chattering, the pups are running in and out; what I wouldn’t give for temperatures in the 70s.  Oh well, maybe soon.  I put a pumpkin out for the squirrels it’s filled with nuts and seeds. They are spiraling up and down the tree chasing each other.  In each round they move closer to the pumpkin!  It’s hilarious watching them as they figure out how and when to go for the pumpkin.

A tufted titmouse lands on the feeder to enjoy the seed we have out.  The wind rustles leaves and the bird tilts its head listening.  Our backyard has come alive with Nature.  The green of the grass, bushes, and leaves is reminiscent of emeralds, chrysoprase, and jade which glitters in the sunlight. A hawk crys in the distance and all hide until it flies past.  Although, Nature calms and relaxes me; it reminds it too is filled with danger and darkness.  For survival is a constant vigil of these animals and birds; yet we can learn from them to take time out for play and fun.

I think it’s time for me to read one of Mary Oliver’s poem.  It’s the perfect day for it.  Enjoy the moment and Nature.  The squirrels are playing again!

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