
Friday, October 20, 2017

Praying for the Weekend

Another weekend is upon us.  Once weekends were days the weary workers were given off to rest, recuperate, and prepare for the coming week’s work.  Before that weekends didn’t occur, just a period of time for worship of the chosen god and that was all.  No, weekends were more of a modern thought which has now been set aside by many businesses for in truth the god who is praised the most is the god of money and greed.

Think I’m joking?  Think again.  This country in many ways was created to worship money, capitalism, and greed.  When the “new world  was discovered by Europeans” what was it the Europeans desired?  If you said land , you would be correct. However, there was more.  The Spaniards flocked there to grab the gold, gems, jewelry, and Native Americans as slaves.  Once the French and English saw this, it sparked the avarice and sent individuals from these nations to do the same.  They plunged into the “new world “ hunting for furs, fishing, establishing colonies; thereby, taking the land from those who dwelled here before , all for the sake of money.

Yes, the god of money was and is prevalent within this land we call our home.  Even the Christian Bible was twisted as the pastors, ministers, priests, and teachers of this religion began promoting the promise of wealth over the teachings of the one they said they believed in.  Instead, they developed “prosperity gospel “ a creed which served to increase hatred and disdain toward the poor and needy and uplifted the value of gaining and increasing wealth.  Don’t believe me, read your Bible.  Read the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.  Read John’s letters 1,2, and 3.  Read the book of James. Think about what is being said of false teachers and prophets. Why do you think these epistles and Gospels were written?  For the same reason I’m talking about.  The god of money and greed is captivating and seductive.

Enjoy your weekend and think of those who don’t get to enjoy one.  They are there serving you and you are helping their employers achieve wealth.  Kinda fascinating isn’t it, the ones who work the weekends receive the lowest pay, while who they work for take the largest amount.  Oh well such is life as worshiping money leads us on a backwards path of serfs and lords.

Have fun!

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