
Saturday, October 28, 2017

One Moment

I’m leaning against the pillows on the bed gazing out the windows of the which leads out to our deck.  In the tree directly in front of the deck hangs a bird feeder filled with seeds , nuts, and fruits. A brown squirrel sitting in the feeder nibbles on a sunflower seed.  It’s tail flicks once in awhile as it munches it’s food. A female cardinal lands on a branch just off to the side, watching the squirrel.  Within the branches of a nearby rain tree, another squirrel runs and leaps about, playing as a woodpecker raps at the trunk of the tree.
I watch all this noting how the sky which had been blue and sunny, is now covered with grey clouds threatening to unloose the rain they hold.  Yet, the rain does not come and the birds and squirrels enjoy the reprieve.  Beside me on the bed curled tightly against my right side lies Geralt.  A white majestic feline who is purring loudly as my hand glides along his white furred body.  Booker, my black Labrador mix lies by my left knee, his black hair gleaming from the light outside. Little Dorian curls against my left side, nuzzling me in anticipation of my petting him.
A moment of repose and contentment fills the room.  I hope you will have a similar experience.  Just a rambling thought for the day.  Enjoy the moment and godspeed.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Something Different

It’s been a busy day, running errands, taking hubby to work, browsing in the mall, daughter has been doing Christmas shopping and I am at a loss trying to figure out Christmas gifts this year.  Not much funds and not very creative.  Oh well, something will come to mind, even if it is coupons I create to be used.  Not a bad idea actually.  You know a coupon which says, This is good for 3 dozen homemade chocolate chip cookies; or maybe, Good for one trip to Disney Springs!  Heck, I would love that!  Too often people run around buying all sorts of things; when in reality some would just like to spend time together.

Yeah, I know, telling somebody you got a coupon from your mom saying Good for a dinner of chicken paprikash isn’t the same as Mom got me a new iPhone or tablet.  Not even like Dad got me a gift certificate to Macy’s!  Yet, for some these homemade coupons could be more highly valued for they represent the love of whoever created them.  A pair of knitted slippers.  A special photo framed within pieces of wood made from branches.  A quilt or blanket made by arthritic hands convey a deeper devotion than all the expensive jewelry bought.

If you’ve ever worked retail, you know the week after Christmas is busy as people return the gifts they were given.  A number of them become irritable when they discover how little grandma spent on the item.  Not realizing grandma gave up funds needed for other things.  Too much greed and no caring for what some have given.  Think I’m making this up?  Think again.  I’ve seen it from working in retail.  It’s makes me humble to think of what my loved ones have done to give me something.  Working retail at Christmas is overwhelming and disturbing when stuck with nothing but returns.

Just a rambling thought about doing something different.  Something meaningful.  Maybe that’s what Christmas is all about.  Enjoy the moment and godspeed.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Autumn!! Time To Relax And Enjoy!

Ahhh!  Cool air is finally filtering its way through Florida.  Instead of the 90 heat and humidity we’ve been sweltering in; its 74 and cool breezes to enjoy.  A delightful change as autumn seems to be arriving.  Autumn; the one season where celebrations are abundant!  So many festivals and incredible colors brighten the days as the day (in the Northern Hemisphere) shortens and night extends giving us the time we need for resting after the strenuous and stressful days of summer.

The harvest is at hand or completed.  The homes are filled to the roofs with the fruits of harvest and the family is gathered together to tell stories, play games, read, or do crafts.  Such a wonderful time of the year!  Yes, we are thrilled with the abundance we have been given and now enjoy a respite from the work.

I awake with a jerk from the meandering my mind was doing!  Harvest?  Abundance of fruits from the soil?  Families enjoying time together?  What the hell century was I in?  It sure wasn’t the 21st Century!  Families are too busy to be around one another.  Kids are in their rooms with computers, TVs, tablets, or phones.  Quite often they are being taken from one activity to another, seldom at home or with other family members.  Parents are working, networking, or transporting their children; never slowing down to enjoy the beauty of autumn much less realizing the comfort of longer nights to relax in.

The harvest?  Heck, there are some people who haven’t got the faintest where the food they eat comes from.  Quite often   it comes from fast food restaurants and then people complain about why there are so many who are unhealthy.  I’m still trying to come to terms over the fact 7% of American adults think chocolate milk comes from chocolate cows.  What has happened to us?  How stupid are we?
The truth is we have lost something.  We’ve lost the ability to relax and talk to one another.  We don’t take the time to learn about the world around us.  Our children are seldom exposed to nature or are to busy to even notice it. We’ve become to rely on technology too much; displacing manual abilities.  We depend to much on artificial intelligence than on our own.

Okay, enough of doom and gloom which so many love to indulge in.  Yes, people need to slow down. Hopefully, they will but it’s their decision.  We do need to educate our children and adults.  We need to focus on teaching not on taking tests.  We need to set aside some time and just enjoy each other.  It’s our decision.  Do me a favor though, just stop for a moment, go outside, listen to the sounds around you.  Hear the birds chirping and singing?  There’s a squirrel chattering nearby.  A dog barks in the distance.  Children laughing as they play.  The rustle of leaves as the wind brushes against them.   Yes! This is autumn!  Time to enjoy the brilliance of color and festivities!

Just a rambling thought I had today.  Have a wonderful day and godspeed!

Friday, October 20, 2017

Praying for the Weekend

Another weekend is upon us.  Once weekends were days the weary workers were given off to rest, recuperate, and prepare for the coming week’s work.  Before that weekends didn’t occur, just a period of time for worship of the chosen god and that was all.  No, weekends were more of a modern thought which has now been set aside by many businesses for in truth the god who is praised the most is the god of money and greed.

Think I’m joking?  Think again.  This country in many ways was created to worship money, capitalism, and greed.  When the “new world  was discovered by Europeans” what was it the Europeans desired?  If you said land , you would be correct. However, there was more.  The Spaniards flocked there to grab the gold, gems, jewelry, and Native Americans as slaves.  Once the French and English saw this, it sparked the avarice and sent individuals from these nations to do the same.  They plunged into the “new world “ hunting for furs, fishing, establishing colonies; thereby, taking the land from those who dwelled here before , all for the sake of money.

Yes, the god of money was and is prevalent within this land we call our home.  Even the Christian Bible was twisted as the pastors, ministers, priests, and teachers of this religion began promoting the promise of wealth over the teachings of the one they said they believed in.  Instead, they developed “prosperity gospel “ a creed which served to increase hatred and disdain toward the poor and needy and uplifted the value of gaining and increasing wealth.  Don’t believe me, read your Bible.  Read the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.  Read John’s letters 1,2, and 3.  Read the book of James. Think about what is being said of false teachers and prophets. Why do you think these epistles and Gospels were written?  For the same reason I’m talking about.  The god of money and greed is captivating and seductive.

Enjoy your weekend and think of those who don’t get to enjoy one.  They are there serving you and you are helping their employers achieve wealth.  Kinda fascinating isn’t it, the ones who work the weekends receive the lowest pay, while who they work for take the largest amount.  Oh well such is life as worshiping money leads us on a backwards path of serfs and lords.

Have fun!

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Embrace the Earth

Autumn finally showed it’s cool weather today.  Our high was only 79 degrees F and tomorrow morning we will rise to a delightful 68 degrees.  Ahhh!  After months of heat and high humidity perhaps we will begin to enjoy cooler temperatures; but then again maybe not.  Who knows?  At this moment though we will embrace the lowering temps.

Though there are those who disbelieve in global warming/ climate change, I find myself wondering what they think is happening to the Earth.  Of course, I should no better than ask; however, how is one to discover another person’s thoughts.  Yes, I asked and read.  I’m still trying to figure out the reasoning for the belief.

The one answer I found the most was it’s god’s doing.  That’s right, the increasing temperature is all god’s fault.  “If there is global warming “, they say, it’s what god wants.  Okay.  god wants the world,which he placed us as stewards of , to be destroyed.  I don’t know about you, but that tells me we were crappy caretakers.  Plus, it doesn’t make sense, all religions have the same basis, which is love and compassion.  Doesn’t really make the cut in explaining global warming and how it’s god’s idea.

Then there is the other answer many give.  “There isn’t any climate change!  It’s “fake news”!  I sit there with my jaw dropped open, thinking of all the scientific tests, the rising of temperatures, and the melting of polar ice caps and glaciers.  Who are these people?  Where do they come up with all this stuff.  Interestingly, they are our family members, friends, politicians, teachers, firefighters, police, bankers, mechanics, chefs, cooks, store clerks, customers, and all of the other jobs and roles humans perform.

The sad part about this is these individuals are so sure of their view, they won’t listen to any other perspective.  Both fervently believe in their truth, as do I believe in my own.  The question then comes , how do we change the others minds.  My answer , you won’t.  Not if all you are doing is trying to change minds.  Instead, we need to listen, rationalize, and realize we need to work together to help our only home.

Yeah, I know it will never happen.  People said we couldn’t live in space, guess what?  We are.  Anyway, it’s just a rambling thought.  Have a great night and godspeed.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Nature’s Release

A beautiful Sunday afternoon.  The birds are chirping, the squirrels chattering, the pups are running in and out; what I wouldn’t give for temperatures in the 70s.  Oh well, maybe soon.  I put a pumpkin out for the squirrels it’s filled with nuts and seeds. They are spiraling up and down the tree chasing each other.  In each round they move closer to the pumpkin!  It’s hilarious watching them as they figure out how and when to go for the pumpkin.

A tufted titmouse lands on the feeder to enjoy the seed we have out.  The wind rustles leaves and the bird tilts its head listening.  Our backyard has come alive with Nature.  The green of the grass, bushes, and leaves is reminiscent of emeralds, chrysoprase, and jade which glitters in the sunlight. A hawk crys in the distance and all hide until it flies past.  Although, Nature calms and relaxes me; it reminds it too is filled with danger and darkness.  For survival is a constant vigil of these animals and birds; yet we can learn from them to take time out for play and fun.

I think it’s time for me to read one of Mary Oliver’s poem.  It’s the perfect day for it.  Enjoy the moment and Nature.  The squirrels are playing again!

Saturday, October 14, 2017

I’m On An Adventure!

I love to read.  When you first meet me this is one thing you were learn about me right away.  I’ve read just about every genre out there.  My favorite genres are mysteries, thrillers, science fiction, fantasy, and of course the classics.  Books take me on adventures I would otherwise never have.  As Bilbo Baggins announces in The Hobbit; “I’m going on an adventure “!

This is the wonder of books, but without the authors creating these worlds and sharing them with us books wouldn’t exist.  Writers delve into the imagination of their minds: discovering the words which bring the characters, their cohorts, the lands or planets on which they live , and the obstacles which must be overcome to life.  I’ve often wondered who the first storyteller was.  That individual began a path to discovery which we covet and devour once we find it’s joy.

Today I’m at a book signing with one of my favorite authors, Timothy Zahn.  Timothy writes his own worlds and is one of the main authors for Star Wars.  He’s great.  I love his work and he is a wonderful person who loves to talk and share ideas with his fans.  The Books At Park Place is filled today with people who love Star Wars and Timothy.  The 501st is represented as well and to see the smile s on all these individuals is beautiful for they are joined together in their love of reading, Timothy, and Star Wars.  This is what it’s all about, sharing together the adventure they have had in reading .

 I guess you can say “I’m having an adventure “  for I am surrounded by books, an author, all sorts of personalities, and the obstacles we’ve overcome to get to this wondrous bookstore in St Petersburg, Fl!

Enjoy, and go have an adventure!  It’s easy to do!

Thursday, October 12, 2017

The Gift of Sight

So, what interesting adventures did you have today?  Me, I picked up my new glasses and am trying to get use to the bifocal line in the lens.  I miss my progressive lens, but indeed thrilled I have new glasses.  It’s amazing how the world changes from slightly hazy and blurry to crisp and clear just from the tweaking and changing of the lens. Those of you with perfect vision I hope treasure your eyesight.  It is a fearful time when you cannot see clearly or in some cases very little.  The need for these wondrous inventions (yes, spectacles as they were once called are inventions) has been shown throughout humanity.  Yet, many lived and are still living without the benefit of such a basic health tool due to cost or they are unavailable.

What can we do to help?  Plenty.  First off:  stop thinking that it’s their problem not yours.  Someday, it could be you or someone you care for.  Secondly, if you have an old pair of glasses donate them to the Lions Club Recycle for Sight program.  They collect almost 30 million pairs of glasses each year to help people in developing nations.  Another nonprofit organization is New Glasses who do the same thing. Lastly, this is a wonderful way to help if you can.  When you buy a pair, give a pair!  Some optical stores actually do this and give the glasses to those in need!  Think about the joy a child would have in seeing the world clearly for the first time.

Now, I’m not telling anyone to do this, just giving you an idea of what you can do to help make a difference.  Oh yes, as soon as I have adjusted to my new bifocals, I will be donating my old ones.  After all I can’t see out of them, but someone else could.  And yeah, if you need an additional incentive donating them is tax deductible.  Funny though, I never think about that, I just want to give the gift of sight.

As always, Good Night and Good Luck.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Just A Rambling Thought

It’s been quite awhile since I’ve done anything on here.  Too many things have occurred and I have been either exhausted, angry, frustrated, or stressed beyond my coping abilities.  I wonder how many would say we all have been , that’s life deal with it.  Sadly, all a person,who has been reeling from life as I have, wants is someone to listen to you.  Just to let you vent or talk things out.  Alas, an attitude of not my problem and a waste of my time is given in return .  Anger rises quickly, frustration flares, and the feeling of being inadequate floods the mind giving way to anxiety and depression.  All due the desire to connect with another for just a moment, relieving the turmoil within oneself.

Perhaps this is the reason for so much hostility today.  No one listens.  They assume .  No one pays attention.  They’re fighting their own  chaos.  Maybe, just maybe we should slow down.  Stop running here and there.  Take a moment to breathe and look at the wonders we are surrounded by and just open our hearts and minds to each other and listen.  Just a rambling thought.

Take care.  And in the words of  Edward R Murrow:  “Good night and good luck “.