
Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Wonders of Childhood

This is my 125th post.  It should be something special, or maybe controversial.  Nah!  I'm not in the mood for that.  Too many items to write about and which one would I want to pick.  Instead, I want to relax, listen to some jazz, and talk.  That's right, talk.  Okay, and maybe tell a story.  I like stories and I love to tell them as well as hear them.  So here we start:

I know it's Christmas music, but it is nice and relaxing.  That's what this is all about being content, relaxed and enjoying the moment.  After all, how many times do we just do this with our family and friends?  Oh sure, we get together, but do we really listen to one another or go through the motions?  How often do we have our minds on other things?  Oh yes.  Sometimes we do and are really a part of the activities and then there are times when we are off in another world, our minds drifting through memories which we long to return to.  

Kind of like mine is right now.  Everyone around me is going on with their daily work.  me, I'm sitting here, typing away, thinking about all sorts of things.  A lot of my memories are from childhood.  Living on the farm, following my brother and sister everywhere, "helping" milk the cows, playing in hay mounds, pestering mom when she is busy in the kitchen, and tramping with dad through the fields.  Then there are the memories of young adulthood.  The stupid things I did, living in New York City, moving to Florida, meeting my soul mate, our wedding, the birth of our beautiful daughter.  So many wondrous events and joys flow through.  Oh yeah, there were a lot of negatives and difficulties, but life isn't suppose to be easy.  It's how we handle and go through the stresses and learn from them which is life.  For instance:

When I was a child, I loved to spend time with Gramp and Gram Peak.  Their home was always filled with fun things to do, all sorts of toys, and this really cool Bible.  It was huge!  It had a fancy cover and a latch which hooked it closed.  Inside were pictures of Bible stories, and in between the pages were flowers laid between wax paper and pressed by the weight of the Bible.  Then there was the page full of names.  My great grandparents: Marcia and Claude Smith began the list, down through four generations to me, the youngest great grandchild.  It was fascinating.  I spent hours looking through that Bible.  The only admonishment I would get from Gram was:  "Don't tear the pages, Vonnie"!  I would make sure I didn't, otherwise I knew I wouldn't be able to look through it again.  

Yes, the huge Bible was wonderful to look through, but then there was this humongous radio nearby!  This radio was taller than me at the time and was huge.  It had all sorts of dials and buttons to push and play with.  Now, it didn't work, and I really do not know why they kept it, but for me, that radio became a space ship. I was already into science fiction and being an astronaut at a very young age.  My imagination was full of adventures to be had and the radio was my means of accomplishing these.  I contacted base control with it, blasted off into space, fought evil aliens with just a push of a button.  Oh yeah!  I was a hero!  Full of courage and never hurt or sick.  The brave fighter of evil!  How I miss that broken radio!  So much fun and an imagination which never quit!  My grandparents would be sitting in their chairs in the entry living room entertaining friends and gossiping over juicy tidbits of the neighborhood.  Me, I would be hurtling through space in the tv room with that wonderful radio (space ship, communicator, weapons control, etc), defending the Earth or where ever I was from those nasty aliens who wanted to destroy humanity!  I was the original Buzz Lightyear!  

Oh yeah!  I loved being with Gramp and Gram.  So much fun and pie for lunch.  Everyday.  Miss you Gramp and Gram!  Love you so much and I wish I could have just one hour with you again....Someday, but for's time to live and celebrate life.  Enjoy the music and the memory.  Godspeed!

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