
Monday, November 11, 2013

Navigating By the Stars to Safety......Happy Veteran's Day

The convoy rolled to a stop forcing those in the rear to wonder and question what was going on.  The orders were clear, move quietly from one position to another.   The men were told to fallout and rest off of the road.  Guards were set up on either side of the convoy and in the front and back of it.  The lieutenant in charge of this unit pulled the map from his pocket and hidden by his aides, tried to find out where they were.   "Damn! I have no idea where we are."  the lieutenant mumbled to himself.  He stared at the map retracing where they had come from and where they were suppose to go.
"We made this turn right", the Sergeant offered.
The lieutenant answered, "Yes, but somehow we must have missed this one here.  I don't remember seeing it.   We've gone to far now to turn back."
"What's this place here, Lieutenant"?, the sergeant asked.
"That is where the Nazis are and we aren't suppose to be anywhere near it.  Damn!  I wish I could figure out where we are."  The Lieutenant swore with a worried tone.

The men in charge looked over the map and the place where they were stopped.  Nothing matched where they were suppose to be.  The other members of the convoy were beginning to get restless.  The longer they sat here not moving, the better the chances of the enemy finding them.  Rumors started flowing through the men that they were lost, that the Nazis were just around the next bend, that a mine field had been detected ahead.  The men began shifting around trying to find out what was going on.

Finally, a messenger came to every man in the convoy.  "The lieutenant needs to know if anyone can find ---------", the French village they needed to be at by morning.  Each man answered back, "no".  The private spoke to all until he finally came to the medical unit which was well protected in the middle of the convoy.  Again, he repeated his message from the lieutenant, to the doctor who was checking the medical supplies again.  The doctor looked at him, then at the night sky out of the back of the truck.  He moved back out of the truck he had been in and checked the sky again.  "I can help", the doctor replied.  The private nodded and gave the doctor a look of relief.

"Please come with me to the front and speak to the lieutenant".  The private led the way back to where the lieutenant and his aides were still pouring over the map, as if trying to receive divine intervention from it.  The doctor grabbed his jacket, pulling it on as he followed the private forward.  Along the way, men whispered, wondering if this would be their last moment before a battle.  The two men walked quickly, weaving through the vehicles and men until they finally reached the front.

"Lieutenant", said the doctor, "Do you need some help?".
The lieutenant looked up.  "Doctor, can you read this map and figure out where we are?"
The doctor took the map, gazed at it for a few minutes, then looked at the night sky.  "We can turn at this path and move easterly here".  He said.  "We can reach the command center before morning if we move now."  The lieutenant frowned, "How do you know that"?
"We have been moving in a south easterly direction for a while now.  By turning here, we will be going in an easterly direction which will bring us back to the correct road and on target.  Just keep an eye on the stars and you will be able to follow them in order to find our way there".
The lieutenant smiled.  "The stars, navigating by them the way the ancients did.  Please ride with me, and teach me how to do that so this will never happen again."
The doctor nodded and told the private, "tell my driver I am riding up here".

The two men got into the jeep,the lieutenant giving the signal to fall in and start moving.  The convoy pulled out and followed the directions given by the doctor.    He watched the stars, teaching the young lieutenant the way to navigate by them.  Before the sun rose, the convoy rolled into the French town of ----------, at an earlier time than they had been expected.  A major came out from the command center.  When he saw the jeep with the lieutenant and doctor in it, he waved it down;  "Great job, lieutenant, getting here at this pace.  Set up your personnel over there, put the medical team in this building there, we have confiscated it from the Nazis.  It should be perfect for a hospital".
The lieutenant saluted and nodded, "Yes, Sir!  But the only reason we are here this soon is to the doctor here.  We were lost, but he showed us the way by following the stars".
The major, shot a look at the lieutenant, and then stepped in front of the doctor.  "Good job, Doctor!  Wish we had more men like you!"  Now let's get this camp up to par and ready for the show to begin."

Off they went.  Each in their own direction, preparing for another battle, where men would die, and others would require medical care, and still others would live to fight another day.  They were there to end the Nazi reign.  A reign of terror.  They were there to protect their countries or win them back.  They were there to serve and win this fight.  This group made it due to a doctor who knew how to read the stars and get them to a safe place. To fight a different day.  To live another day.  To serve and end terror.  Happy Veteran's Day.
By the way this is a true story....

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