
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Let the Truth Come Forth

Sometimes things occur in our lives which we wonder why?  What is the purpose of what has happened?  We strive to understand, but don't.  Then as time passes, things begin to fall into place and finally we comprehend.  We reason the implications of past actions and attribute these rationalizations as a means to an end.  Yet, the truth is, incidents occur due to our own activities.  The lack of foresight on our part contributes to this.  We fail to do what is right, due to our own inattentiveness.  We have our minds on thousands of items which need our attention.  This in turn leads to misunderstandings, forgetfulness, or just plain doing something "stupid".  Illnesses occurs and we lay blame on all sorts of outside events....but let's face it, sometimes we just get sick, due to bacteria or viruses.  Sometimes we just can't do everything, but this is based upon each individual.

When events occur to a town, city, state, or country, it becomes something else.  It becomes history.  Yeah, kind of a different way of thinking I know, but it is history.  Think about the Great Wall Street Collapse of 1929.  That event transpired due to the actions of many individuals.  The taking out of loans, defaults on loans, not enough pay to workers, the beginnings of credit use, greed from investors for more profit, and numerous other happenings which are the result of natural disasters.  Sound familiar?  Sort of sounds like today doesn't it?

How about any other historical event?  Same thing.  Individuals create situations which then expand and assimilate others who are experiencing similar circumstances.  They join together and metamorphosis into a movement which flows through societies and cultures as a means of challenging the constrictions the individuals made.  Look at the Know Nothing Party of US history during the 1850s, the Communist Party of Russia in the 1910s, the Nazi Party of Germany in the 1930s, and even today's Tea Party of the US.  Even the American Revolution was a transformation of ideals and beliefs from individuals who went from being English colonists to American frontiersmen.

To me, this is what history and historical events are.  It is the construction of independent ordeals or ventures which are mutated into a complex writhing of parallels and similarities which we like to call coincidences and synchronism.  Yeah, I know, who cares?  Well, I care.  You see, I have been doing a lot of reading lately and for some reason it seems as though my readings have pertained to events or people whose roles in history have been hidden or entombed in a web of lies or burial of truth due to society's stigmata on certain roles.

For instance, when did you learn of the role of women in World War I and II?  When did you find out that there were women pows in both wars? Or that they died serving their country?  How did you feel when you found out that women fought in the American Revolution and Civil War?  Or how about discovering that the Nazis killed homosexuals, Gypsies, mentally slow / Down Syndrome individuals and many more in the concentration camps?  Or that the Nazis slew an approximate total of 50 million Russians?  When did you learn that the Japanese experimented on and murdered millions of Chinese and Koreans during World War II?  Did you know that the Confederates during the US Civil War actually attacked St. Albans, Vermont?  Or that they really did try to stage a rebellion in New York City?

So why were all of these hidden?  Why were we not taught all of these events in our history classes?  That is something you really need to think about and ask.  Too often the answer is that we didn't really care about the individuals or groups to which these horrific actions were taken against.  That is not we as individuals, but we as a society.  Certain events like the roles women played in wars or even in daily life had been minimized due to the "desire" of others to control the significance of women as citizens.  This is true of all minority groups.  By downgrading the realities of minority groups, society is able to control the position of these people.  Think about it.  Do we not still try to place disadvantages or the removal of rights toward the LGBT community just because some deem this group of people as being different (instead of using the disgusting words which some call this group)?  Yes, we do. At this time, the LGBT community are fighting for their rights....the simple rights to be treated as citizens of the US which include the right to marry.

I could go on and on about this subject, but i have to get back to my own research.  I hope you will think about this and maybe do some research on your own....Oh yeah, Tea Party, you don't have to worry about the idea of a gay president....We've already had one.....Thank you President James Buchanan....For opening a door....Now, it's time to uncover the hidden and let the truth come forth....

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