
Thursday, November 7, 2013

Egg Farms, Harvesting, and Experimentation

There are a few things which scare me;  snakes, failure, and death.  They all make sense in a rather bizarre way.  They kind of go hand in hand in one respect.  A lot of people understand what I'm talking about concerning all three.  Snakes just freak me out, I think it is because I was chased by two when I was a kid.  I just don't like them.  Failure, well, who wants to fail; but it is through failure that we learn and grow.  Death....death is something which is just plan permanent.  It is the only permanence in our lives. We are born, live, and die.  Something so certain about that, even though we live a life of continuous flux.  So, yeah, these things scare me, but there are other scarier ideas or items which really frightening.

Take for instance an egg farm.  Yes, an egg farm, but not the ones you are thinking of.  I'm talking about egg farms where women are taken and placed into a position, hooked up to machines, which then has them produce eggs, for fertilization.  That's right, eggs, human eggs, for fertilization.  Oh, I know, people will say these are the ideas of science fiction and horror writers, but in the "UK a woman "donor" was harvested for 85 eggs in one "season"" (Fox news).  Yeah, I know, Fox news reported this, but this was for a legal egg donor facility.  Let's face it, we know there are legal places, but what about the ones which are underground so to speak.  If you really think they don't exist, you are either incredibly naive or just plain ignorant.  So yes, these human egg farms scare me to death.  Not the legal ones, but the covert ones for what are they doing to women?  Women who are in third world nations, women who disappear, women who are poor just to name a few.  I don't know about you but this is scary and is happening, whether we want to believe it or not.

Then there are the organ harvesters.  Yes, organ harvesters.  Think they are just rumours or stories?  Think again, we are finding out more and more everyday about the lucrative organ harvesting going on.  Go ahead, Google it.  You will find article upon article concerning this issue.  Human trafficking has found a moneymaking area in the field of organ harvesting and it is in every country!  Remember the article about the little Chinese boy who was found in a field with both of his eyes missing?  Yeah, organ harvesting, but he is alive.  How many others have been taken and killed for their organs?  Again, it is the poor or those alone in the world which are taken.  Talk about frightening!  At least, Frankenstein took from the dead, not the living.  
Now, this the third activity which has and still is going on.  Human and animal experimentation.  NO, I am not talking about the nice legal ones.  Those have all sorts of legal sanctions.  I am discussing the other ones, like the human experimentation done by the Nazis and Japanese during World War II .  I'm talking about the "research" they did and how much you want to bet is still being done by some people.  You know, the vivisections done without the use of an anesthetic.  Or how about putting individuals in the freezing cold, dump cold water on them, let them freeze, then amputate their limbs?  Don't forget that after their is nothing but the head and torso left, they get to be treated with the bubonic plague, cholera, or one of the other wonderful diseases out there!  Think it didn't happen, check out Japanese Unit 731 and you will find the truth.  You might find you can't believe this happened and if you don't think it still isn't happening take a look at Iraq's history and the events in Syria.  Believe me, being naive or turning your head and looking the other way just doesn't cut it.  No, we do and these types of activities go on all the time...we just don't want to think about it.

Now you know what I mean.  Being afraid of snakes, failure, and death are pretty normal and well, rather pitiful compared to what is out in the real world. It's a scary place out there, but we have to be in it and of it.  When I attended church we were always being told that we (the parishoners) are in the world, but not of it.  Now, I'm saying, we as humans and whatever religion we may be are not only in it, but of it.  It's only through our knowledge and being a part of the world that we can stop or at least slow down the three frightening activities I discussed above.  Like I said though, if you don't believe me and consider it all to be the writings of horror and science fiction, look it up.  You will find the truth and I hope you are as frightened as I am about what is happening, then maybe, we can keep the fight going against these atrocities.

Work Cited

Fox News.

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