
Saturday, November 9, 2013

The Hunt

Amongst the misty rolling hills of a dense forest, a figure creeps slowly along, stopping now and then to peer over the side of the hill it is moving across. It makes a motion and another figure and another appear; moving the same way as the first until there are ten of them gathered around the first. The sun has been lowering as this movement occurred and has now vanished from sight, leaving nothing in its wake but darkness and the glow of bright spots in the sky. Yet, these do not offer much light and the group on the dark side of the hill are hidden from view.

  A glow suddenly appears from the other side of the hill and the sound of laughter and voices is heard. The figures on the hill do not move; instead, they have lain down and are stretched out across the top of the hill, watching and waiting. The glow dies down to a faint glimmer and the voices slowly lower until no further sound is heard. The figures remain still, watching, and waiting. 

Finally, the first one rises and is followed by the rest, quietly and stealthily as they move toward the place which is now only dimly lit by a smoldering fire. Around this light are more figures. They are like the first figures in size and shape and they are covered in the skins of animals. Next to some lie spears or clubs. Others have smaller versions of themselves beside them – their children. The ten figures move closer, hidden by the trees and underbrush of the forest which covers their advance from those around the fire. They draw in close until they are almost on top of the ones who are sleeping. Again, they wait and without warning, the night is filled with screams and cries as the ten fall onto their victims, killing those who had had weapons next to them quickly and efficiently with just a single movement. The old are killed next and suddenly the only sounds left are the sobs and whimpers of young females and children.

The ten unleash a howl of victory and they are joined by others like them around the fire which they have built back up. They divide up their prizes and take over this place which had been home to the now dead tribe. They are the new owners of the fire, the young women and children, and the place of fertile hunting, fishing, and gathering grounds. They celebrate their victory, burn the bodies of their victims, and finally settle down for the night. But first, they place several warriors in strategic areas to ensure the safety of their new home and wealth….

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