
Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving With Family

Memories race through my mind as I celebrate the Thanksgiving Day.  So many memories of family gatherings and changes within the family causing Thanksgiving to be a holiday both enjoyable and bitter sweet.  Images of family members who are no longer with me tumble through my reminisces and congregate as stories I share with those who are new to the family.  The past, present, and future all together on this one day.  A time of joy and a time of reflection.

Take for instance, one Thanksgiving when I was a child.  I grew up celebrating Christmas on Thanksgiving.  We would have a big family dinner with Gramp and Gram, Aunt Lois and Uncle Ted and my older cousins.  Yeah, I was the baby of the family and enjoyed it to the max!  I admit it!  I also loved to be with Jimmy and Dar.  We were the three youngest and always had to sit together at the children's table.  That meant we got to have the food first as well!  Yummy!  Turkey, potatoes, dressing, gravy, corn, and Aunt Lois' homemade rolls.  I loved her rolls and homemade bread!  They were delicious and warm with butter dripping down the sides.  Mmmmmm. I can taste them now.  How I miss her, I was her, Vonnie, the only person to call me that and get away with it.

Anyway, there we would be, sitting at the children's table, chowing done the food, getting up and getting more.  We goofed off a lot and normally got into some kind of trouble, but it was minor.  The older cousins and my brother and sister were with the adults, always thinking they were so superior to us, but we were the ones who got away with doing things since we were in a different room normally.  Ah, yes, Jimmy and Dar.  When we finished our meal, we would be sitting in front of the Christmas tree.  Yep, Christmas tree, for Gramp and Gram would be leaving for Florida and we were going to fit both holidays into one.  One of the reasons why I decorate my own home before Thanksgiving; I'm use to it!

There were the presents.  Sitting under the tree.  Bright packages, so mysterious.  It wouldn't hurt to touch them.  No, never!  "Here's one, Dar!  There's one, Yvonne!  Hey Jimmy, here's one for you!"  It's kind of weird.  We never had very many presents.  Maybe one or two, but nothing like today where some clamor for a bunch.  No, only a couple at most for this day and we would be happy.  I don't remember what we received. I just know we loved it.  The funny thing is, it isn't the presents which made the day, it was the people and I know this sounds weird, the food which made it memorable.

Goofing off with my cousins, having fun at our table, spending time together.  We didn't go running off to go shopping. We didn't leave in a hurry to get home and watch a football game or something else.  No, we spent time together.  We talked, we played games, if there was snow we went sledding, threw snowballs and made a snowman.  The adults talked and played card games which we would join in with at times.  We loved to be together and spend that day with each other, creating the memories I now cherish.  At least I did.

Today, I did this with my husband, daughter, and mom.  We watched the Macy's parade together, laughing and talking, enjoying each other.  We feasted on homemade blueberry bread, turkey, potatoes, dressing, gravy, and squash.  We had fun together.  New memories were made and joy filled the house.  Yeah, it's the people and the food.  It's the togetherness and family.  It's the love and the sharing.  Miss you Dar and Jimmy, we could have had a blast today.  Miss the ones who have gone, Gramp, Gram, Aunt Lois, Uncle Ted, Ivan, and Teddy.  Love the memories and the jokes.  I think I'll go make a turkey sandwich.  Wish I had some of Aunt Lois' homemade rolls for it.  Happy Thanksgiving!  

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