
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

What If Monsters Are Real

"What if all the monsters were real". I love that line...Bella says this in "Twilight" and I remember that I stopped reading and thought about it. What if all the monsters ARE real. It actually something to think about. Let's talk about werewolves. Do they really exist? Maybe not in the way you think...I was talking about this with my daughter the other day. I think they are real. Okay, no I'm not some sort of clown who is believing in fairy tales. However, fairy tales do have some truth to them; they've just been enhanced with fabrications in order to get their point across. Now, back to werewolves. Yes, I believe werewolves exist. I think that in the past, individuals with certain types of mental illnesses may have been labeled werewolves due to the changes in themselves. Think about it. How would uneducated people describe someone who is bipolar, or some other mental illness? It was a way in which the people could understand the change from "normal" to an individual who attacks others for no apparent reason. I'm not putting down mental illness, I suffer from depression and anxiety myself. My daughter suffers from severe depression and social conduct disorder. She calls herself a "werewolf", and she hates it when that side of her breaks through. So, maybe that is what a werewolf was, an individual who suffered from mental illness, and if we look at history, we see that the villages where "werewolf" attacks took place, hunted the individual down...not to help, but to kill. Think I'm making this up? In Medieval France, 30,000 people found themselves being called "werewolves" from 1520 to 1630. They were captured, interrogated, tortured, and whether they confessed or not; burnt on the stake. So, I guess there were a lot of scared peasants running around and that is just in France. By the way, there are still cases of lycanthropy today....many are found to have abnormal brain chemicals. Hence, my idea of a werewolf being real is based upon fact. Alright, now, you are going to ask, how about a vampire? My daughter asked me that one. Here's my answer: What does a vampire represent? Vampires are seductors, sexually explicit, drink blood, and are called the undead. Okay, got it....well, back in ancient times there are tales concerning vampires. However, I'm going to concentrate on the ones from Bram Stroker's "Dracula". First of all, during the time period of the 13th to the 20th century an individual who was known to be extremely sexually active was accorded one of two thoughts. A male would have been viewed as a seductor or "Don Juan". He would have been invited to all the social gatherings, not because of his conquests but of society wanting to have a look at him and perhaps, tempt him with a beauty. Now, on the other hand, a woman who was known to be a seductress, would have been ridiculed, by those of her own gender. She would have been "dead" socially. Hence, the idea of the undead. Now the drinking of blood...well, there are those who do have a compulsion to drink blood...but in the way I am looking a vampirism, a nice burgundy or red wine would definitely give the appearance of blood....there are many other thoughts on that issue, but I think you understand what I am saying. This is why I believe that vampires have been around for a long time. Now, who's next? My daughter brought up everyone's favorites, zombies! My thoughts, well a zombie is a mindless husk who obeys the orders of the master...kind of like a Tea Party member. Okay, that was nasty I admit...just joking, I've heard a lot of nasty things about Democrats lately, so I just had to have a little fun. However, I am adament that a zombie is a person who follows the crowd and is driven by mindless obediance. Any way, that's my thought on the subject of zombies. So, are monsters real? I think so! If you think up any other monsters, let me know. I would love to talk to you about them! By the way, October is coming...

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