
Friday, September 14, 2012

The World I See

Sometimes we need to sit back and realize that there is a big world and that we are just an extremely small part of it. That's why I wanted to share this poem which is by my favorite Russian writer, Ardent Tarkovsky. I hope you enjoy it and the photo I chose from
Ignatyevo Forest The last leaves' embers in total immolation Rise into the sky; this whole forest Seethes with irritation, just as we did That last year we lived together. The path you take's reflected in our tear-filled eyes, As bushes are reflected in the murky flood-lands. Don't be difficult, don't touch, don't threaten, Don't offend the forest silence by the Volga. You can hear the old life breathing: Clumps of mushrooms growing in damp grass -Though gnawed to the very core by slugs, They still inflame the skin. All our past is like a threat -Look, I'm coming, watch, I'll kill you! The sky shivers and holds a maple, like a rose, -May it burn still stronger - right into your eyes.

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