
Thursday, September 6, 2012

From Here and Back Again: A Quest for the Right Politics

I've been quiet again about a certain topic. Yes, the politics and speeches of the RNC and DNC have been met by silence. If you're wondering why; there is a very good answer. I have been angry. VERY ANGRY! As David Banner tells people before he turns into the Hulk; "You wouldn't like me when I'm angry". No, you wouldn't like it and neither do I. When angry people rant and rave spewing forth their anger which has transformed into hate to all who are unlucky to be around. So I have remained silent until I could speak without falling into the frothing rapids of venom. So, now I am ready to speak, but not in the way you might think. Instead, this a quest; from here and back again, to quote Bilbo Baggins. Yes, it is a search to explain my thoughts of today's political atmosphere. To begin with; how did I reach my views? Well, it all began in 1966. Yep, 1966. I was 6 years old. You're thinking isn't that a little young to be formulating political ideals? Au contraire! Its the best time! The young mind is pliable,full of questions, and not yet silenced by traditions or social indoctrinaon. Yes, the young are there for the taking! Sounds rather discouraging. Yet, it is the truth from a "certain point of view" (thanks Obi-wan, Star Wars: A New Hope). So what occurred in 1966 to begin developing my views? Star Trek aired. A new type of show. Kind of a outerspace Western with a bit of difference . YES! A great deal of differences. The senior staff was mostly male, but a woman was a part of it. Yeah, a woman who could take command, was an officer, and could kick asa when needed. She didn't just sit there and be pretty and sexy- no, she corrected the men when they were wrong about something, she offered thoughts on situations, she controlled communications, and put her life on the line. But what there's more! She was African American! Wow! Now that was awesome! She broke through the barriers of race and gender! Women could be more than what I had seen before. Yep, Star Trek showed me a world of respect, service, compassion, and friendship! It also taught me the foolishness of prejudice, hate, and ignorance. This fascinating science fiction program demonstrated the needs and concerns of environmental issues, civil rights, education, and most importantly understanding and again respect. That's right! Respect and understanding. This is what brought me to my political beliefs. I admit, I didn't really pay much attention when I became of age to vote. I was a Republican. Then I sat down, listened to my stepfather's explanation of the two parties; then did my own research. I switched parties quickly! I've been a Democrat for 32 years now. The Republican platform had never been a part of my thoughts. No! I find the Republicans, especially those who are a part of the extreme right, to be purveyors of white male supremacy. They disrespect any who do not hold to their religious beliefs and use whatever means are available to create a national religion as well as promoting hares toward those the deem inferior. The Republicans praise God while worshipping power and money/wealth. It is not the Constitution they wish to preserve. No, its their stature in society they defend and in doing so actually reject the Constitution and the words of Jesus Christ which they claim to believe. This is why I am a Democrat. No Democrats are not perfect. We make mistakes, but at least I and many like me can admit it. Democrats are for the people - all people regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, and religious belief. I am for civil rights to all Americans and to the preservation of keeping our borders open while others wish to close them and deny immigrants the same rights and chances that our own ancestors had. I stand with Democrats that all have the right to affordable health care, that women have control over their own bodies- not the Republican extremists, and that all Americans have the right to marry whomever they love. Yes, this is who and what I am. An individual who nurtured a belief in respect and understanding. Something I learned from Star Trek and built upon as I learner, expanded my horizons and realized that the world and universe was filled with a diversity that went beyond my Anglo-Saxon ancestry. This is why I have been silent. I found the RNC to be filled with a hate toward Democrats which is unbelievable. I simmered in anger as a CNN camera woman was humiliated and degraded by individuals who were a part of the RNC. I howled with disbelief when Ann Romney articulated that women whispered their whatevers in the night and if we listened dealt hard we could hear them. Obviously I do not fall into that category for the whole neighborhood probably hears me. I read and listened with disbelief to the lies, trumped up allegations and increasing aggression of the speakers and vicepresidential hopeful ; and wondered how anyone could listen to this without being filled with revulsion. Where were the issues? What about the economy's, foreign policy, and domestic policy? We have became a nation of us versus them and as any Star Wars fan knows only the Sith (the darkside) speaks in such absolutes! (Again thanks Obi-wan, Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith) . As the RNC faded out and the DNC burst in; some of this same rhetoric continued. The name calling, the hatred, and aggression. Yesterday though, something changed. Starting with Michele Obama's speech Tuesday night- hope, respect, and compassion filled the air. It overcame the poison that had spread through the country and suddenly a sense of American strength and togetherness is filling a country that has been ravaged by the well shall we call them whet they are? The promoters of discord and hate: what some individuals call the American Taliban and others distinguish them as the most well known anathema of Facists or Nazis. Yes, hope springs anew. No, the Democrats are not perfect by any means. But there is a better chance for respect, compassion, and understanding with the Democrats than the Republicans. And to all the Republican Christians out there; yes, Democrats are believers as well. So much of believing that we stand by the US Constitution and its First Amendment which guarantees freedom of religion and freedom from government intervention into our beliefs! Not just for Christian Americans but for ALL Americans! So, now I've opened up and broken my silence. I have gone from here and back again. I'm not filled with anger and I didn't turn into the Hulk! Nope instead I am one person who can make a difference and I will, by voting.

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