
Thursday, September 13, 2012

The "Rashomon "Effect

The US Ambassador to Libya has been killed along with 3 other staffers of the embassy. Republican presidential candidate, Mitt Romney, appears at a press conference shaming the present administrations lack of response. He emphasises an apology instead that the White House has perceived to have been made. A nation and its leaders both Republican and Democrat respond with stunned exclaims at Romney's tone and expression. A photo circulates showing a smirk on his face as he leaves the podium. His words offer no respect to the 4 dead; nor does he acknowledge that 10 Libyans were killed ad well- trying to protect the Embassy and its staff from extremists. Romney's own leading party members condemn his inflammatory rhetoric. Even the world is astonished at the deaths in Libya and at Romney's speech. Republican s and Democrats both warn of responding quickly and rashly at what occurred. The need for silence during a threat to American ambassadors and their staffs is necessary in order to handle the situation quietly, quickly, and without further loss of life. Romney has placed a new agenda before that ; his desire for the presidency and power has overshadowed the goals of foreign policy and diplomacy. Moreover, his lack of respect to those who have been killed seems cold and unsympathetic. However, lets say that we see things from his point of view. I watched a movie in my "Media in Society " class that really affected me. "Rashomon " is a 1950 Japanese crime drama directed by Akira Kurosawa. It concerns the murderer of a man. So what does this have to do with Romney? Simple the movie looked at the murderer from everyone's point of view. From the man arrested to the wife of the one killed to believe it or not the dead man's perception as well. Each one had a totally different view on the crime. Yet, they were all there witnessing the same exact event! Maybe Romney really did see the events occurring in Libya and the US response to it in the way he ascribes too! We all have different perceptions and our own unique responses to situations. Unfortunatly, Romney comes across as a callous, power hungry man who has no clue as to what to do in a critical event in the world. That is what is wrong. Romney's image has been tarnished not only Ny leading representatives of the Republican and Democrat parties, but also by many people in the United States and the world as well. There are many in the US who see a military strike to be immediate and necessary,but to what extent? Who would be the target? This is when calm and intelligence must prevail. The Ambassador and his fellow staffers were killed by angry extremists. The extremists killed their own fellow citizens who were protecting the embassy and staff. The Ambassador had worked with the people of Libya du
ring last year's revolution against the controlling dictatorship. So where am I going with this? Simple, isn't it wiser and smarter to go after those who killed the Ambassador, his staff, and those who were protecting them? But you see that is my point of view. There are those who wouldn't agree. Yet, I do believe that those killed should be given and shown the respect they deserve from the citizens of the United States and its leaders. This is what Romney did not show or give. In reality his remarks were those of an individual in desire of power rather than a candidate for president. This isn't just my viewpoint, many leaders of this country feel this way as welll. However, we have to see events as Romney does for his perception is very important as we the people head to our election booths and vote. I pray that reason, calmness, and intelligence is elected over emotional, antagonistic, powermongers.

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