
Monday, September 24, 2012

One of THOSE Days

You ever have one of those days? You know what I'm talking about. A day where no matter what you do it goes wrong. Yeah, one of those days. That's what I had today. A day where I wish I had crawled back into bed and stayed there with the covers over my head. It was a day where I woke up in a mood which forebade bad tidings and it just went completely down hill from that moment on. That's the way some days are, you have to deal with it even though every neutron and ion within your body is screaming to high tail it back to your favorite spot and remain there curled up until the swells of the turbulent sea stop batting you around. Yeah, one of THOSE days. Where chaos seems to reign supreme and you are in the middle of it. Where in the world do those days come from? Do we create them in our subconscious? Like I said, I woke up in a mood which was not coesive to a happy day. Nope, I was in the mood to tear someone to pieces. Yet, not really, I was just in a bad mood and it seemed to get worse as the day went on. So, where do they come from? These days which we all dread. How can waking up, put someone in a bad mood? Something to think about, but not to dwell on. Oh yeah, my night? A great deal better than my day. It turned around and the sea has calmed. The night is filled with happiness,relaxation, and peace....What's the dif? My own frame of mind...that's where those days come least mine do...they come from me....I finally got tired of being grumpy and bickering, and decided to spin my night from my day. A quiet time of writing, a time of reading, a time of listening to smooth jazz....The day - it's gone. A memory....The night? Just as chaos fled from the day, so to did the forebading leave my mind. Just as the sun and light give illumination, so to did my thoughts give me sight. Now as the moon rises and darkness covers the land as a blanket; so too, does my mind react to the stumulus of quiet and peace which the night brings me.... Yeah, one of those days! Thank God it's over and I am moving forward again on my journey of exploration of the mind.

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