
Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Path of Chance

As we walk the path of our journey we are given many obstacles to overcome. In like manner we are also the recipients of multiple opportunities. How often do we turn our backs on these chances due to our fear of what the future could bring? We are overcome with the thought of failure, ridicule, loss, and the whisperings from friends concerning our age, health, or some other variable. Sometimes we fear success for others may change their perceptions toward us. For some reason we forget the gains we would achieve from going for the opportunities! The experience, the knowledge, the abilities, and the chance to partake in something new and exciting! Age should never be a reason for
not taking a chance! Did my ancestor, William and Mary Brewster allow their ages to stop them from boarding the Mayflower and beginning a new life in an unknown world? NO! Mary Brewster was over 50 years old when arrived in the new world! She and William took the opportunity to leave behind everything and everyone they knew in order to have a life of freedom! This is the ancestry I am descended from. Individuals who took the chance and found themselves rather than always playing it safe! Life is what we make it and we are the ones who determine our journeys. This determination depends on our handling of both obstacles and opportunities. We take control of our own destinies. We can either grow or remain where we are. Which path will you take? The one of least resistance or the one which brings you the most growth? I know my path - now go and find yours! SLIGO GLEN: WALKING OUT OF SILENCE (excerpt) ...So that you suddenly realized you were given the complete and utter gift of your own transparency, the revelation of your own exact boundary with the world. The frontier between silence and speech exactly the line you must cross to give yourself while saving yourself, the gleam in your heart and your eye, another sun rising, the old memories alive after a long night of absence and the world again suddenly worth risking, worth seeing, worth innocence, worth everything. -david whyte

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