
Sunday, September 23, 2012

It's Your Fault!!!!! No, It's Mine!

Lately there has been a great deal of anger released due to the elections which are less than 45 days away. Bitterness, hatred, and frustration has been fueled by the words from politicians, media,and let's face it, extremists from all sides. Words, speeches, and rhetoric have been twisted in order for allegations and mudswinging to be tossed about; and we, the people are the ones who must distingush the difference between truth and fallacy. So, that is what is what has been happening. The past 3 presidential elections have been filled with this anger and it is spilling over into every segment of our lives. From our religious beliefs, to civil rights, to immigration laws, to voter displacement, and even into the school house with teachers being blamed for so many of the wrongs people feel have been done to them. We argue over every item that is brought forward and spend our time venting to others about our slights. We even talk friends into battling for us; instead of handling our own disagreements in an adult manner. We blame the government, the teachers, the politicians, the police, and religion for everything. It's our neighbors fault, or the senior's faults, or the young people's faults; everyone else is at fault. Notice who isn't at fault? Yeah, that's right, it is never our own fault about anything. I really hate to say it, but yes, it's our own fault. It's my fault, it's your fault. It's time to take responsibility for what each one of us has down. It was my own greed, that helped create this mess. It was my own pride which helped overlook my mistakes. I stood by and turned my head away, when someone who needed help cried out for it. Why, because, I was better. Yeah, when we get right down to it, we do not want to admit that we were wrong...I didn't want to admit I was wrong. I was better....To the Christians this should be something that we know is wrong. Jesus taught it time and time again.... Luke 18:9 The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector 9 To some who were confident of their own righteousness and looked down on everyone else, Jesus told this parable: 10 “Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. 11 The Pharisee stood by himself and prayed: ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other people—robbers, evildoers, adulterers—or even like this tax collector. 12 I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get.’ 13 “But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, ‘God, have mercy on me, a sinner.’ 14 “I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God. For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.” See! This parable is so true to what I am thinking about today. How many of us do this? I have and still do much to my dismay! Truth is looking us straight in the face and we run from it with our tails tucked in. It isn't religions fault at all... it's humanity's interpretation of spiritual works which is at fault....Again, we take the words and twist them in order for them to coincide with our own personal views and ideals. Extremists do this in all faiths; but lately in this country, it seems as though Christians are forcing their beliefs and ideals on other Americans who do not believe as they. Remember, not all Christians believe the same...there are many of us, who do not condone the use of condemnation of others; nor do we believe in establishing a state religion based on Christianity. No, it isn't religions fault...Nor is it the teachers' or academia's fault...Nope, teachers, schools, colleges, etc. are not at fault. They do the best they can with what little we give them. Are there individuals who should not be teaching? Yes! But that is not every teacher out there! Do you work with individuals who may not be competent for the position they are in? What happens? Are you all at fault? I doubt it. We need to look at the individual, not the group. Plus, how about the teachers complaints? How many of us would do what they do? They deal with issues, we do not even have the foggiest idea about. When was the last time you tried to teach a classroom of 30 or more kids? Think it's easy? Think again, better yet, try it out, I bet you will change your tune! Now, when it comes to the kids, let's think about the fault there. Yes, the kids have some responsibility in their actions and inactions. They really do, and so do their parents. You got it! Each one of we parents are responsible for what our children do. Not the teachers, not the education field, not the religions, we parents are! The same is true for everything I mentioned above! Even the government! WE the people are responsible for what occurs there! What? You are screaming! It's the politicians fault! To one extent it is, but the truth of the matter is, we voted the politicians into office. We are the ones who must be held responsible and then we must hold our politicians responsible for inactivity! We do that by participating in government, through voting, through correspondence, through our own activity in being kept up to date as to what is occurring. Yep! It's the same thing throughout everything we howl about and blame others for. Sorry, but its our own individual fault for we remained quiet and didn't take action when we should have. This is the last time I will write on this subject. Instead, I'm going to become active and become a part of my community. No, I'm no better than anyone else...I'm the same and so are you. We CAN make a difference, but it means accepting responsiblilty and taking action. There is hope and it comes from comes from each one of us...stop the blaming and get in there! It's time to move forward!

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