
Friday, September 28, 2012

It Must Be October

Maybe I'm jumping the start, but October is a wonderful month for so many reasons. I hope you enjoy this poem and begin the pleasures of October.
It Must Be October The harvest moon hangs round and high It dodges clouds high in the sky The stars wink down their love and mirth The Autumn seasons is giving birth Oh it must be October The leaves of red bright gold and brown To Mother earth come tumbling down The breezy nights the ghostly sights The eerie spooky far off sounds Are signs that its October The pumpkin yellow big and round Are carried by costumed clumsy clowns Its Halloween lets celebrate Come one come all and don't be late We know now its October We'll roast and toast some luscious food For apples we'll be bobbin While tales are told around the fire Of timely ghosts and goblins Oh how we love October The moon has grown pale The stars have grown dim Our Halloween party is over With a hi-de-ho homeward we'll go What a delightful month October Pearl N. Sorrels

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