
Sunday, August 18, 2013


Ahh, it's Sunday!  A day of relaxation, fun, family, and friends.  For some a day of hope, for others a day to play and enjoy the world of sports.  For me, today was at first a day awaking to memories of Sunday dinners of the past.  Thinking of Gram's chicken, Aunt Lois' homemade rolls, and Mom's pie.  Mmmmm. What a nice way to wake up!  Upon rising, I walked into the kitchen, pulled out a pan and began making sausage gravy.  My husband came in grinning, pulled out his favorite mixing bowl; filling it with the ingredients for his delicious biscuits.  Yes, sausage gravy and biscuits for breakfast on this beautiful Sunday.  Mandi appears and sets the table, the house is filled with music from Mannheim Steamrollers, Sunday Morning Coffee II; the aroma of baking biscuits and sausage grave.  Mmmmm.  A great day.

Breakfast ended, playing with the dogs outside, coming in and grabbing a vitamin water. Cooling off, flipping on the tv, finding the show, Treehouse Masters and dreaming of a treehouse.  I always wanted a treehouse, so does, Rick.  A fascinating show with so many awesome ideas.... Mandi is busy writing her fan fiction.  She has quite a few followers and is a really good writer.  So creative.... Made homemade dog treats for Reggie and Bella, which they love!  They follow me every time I go to the kitchen.

Sunday, quiet, relaxing, and full of love. A day for fun, family, and friends. We all have different ways to enjoy it.  We all have different memories of it.  Today was a day of memories. A day of enjoyment and peace.  Almost time to fix dinner.....hmmmm, I'm thinking chicken....thanks for the memories and love.  Sunday,

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