
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Change in the Air

Hey!  Can you feel it?  Do you see it? Can you touch it?  Do you smell it?  It's there! Yes, it's there.  Slowly and subtly it's here.  It's all around us; whether, in the rolling hills of the Northeast United States or the swampy tropical humidity of the Southeast.  The Northwest and Southwest is a part of it too!  So is Europe, Russia, and parts of Asia!  Change is in the air!  The movement from summer to autumn is upon us!  It's subtle approach has been gentle.  Not drastic or rash, but quiet and peaceful.  The sun seems to move in a lower angle during the day.  The breeze has a slight chill to it.  Humidity is bit lower, but still hanging on.  Watch the animals...the hair on a dog is thickening and it's summer coat is falling out.  Squirrels and birds are on the move, hunting for food to store for the long months of winter.  Even the water mammals are moving to shore up for the season to come.  Leaves are turning to yellow and harvest is beginning in various states.

Yep, change is in the air; but, it's more than just a seasonal transformation though.  It's a metamorphosis of the human race.  Yes, we the people of Earth are moving through a transition.  We are becoming more of a global environment rather than a national or regional one.  We are aware of the diversity which enhances all of humankind if we allow it too.  This is the change which is moving throughout the entire Earth.  Humanity is growing and expanding from the ideals which have been utilized since the eras of reason and renaissance.  This is a time of learning and educating.  A time of communicating and understanding.  A time for human rights, to realize how our differences are our strengths and how discriminating against people due to sexual orientation, gender, race, religion, and social class are just a means of trying to stop this change from occurring.  However, those who utilize these measures will find themselves scrabbling to catch up with humanity or be left behind and lost in the misty haze of the past.

Change is definitely in the air.  It can be felt, seen, touched, and smelt.  We hear it and move toward it with our eye wide open and our hearts filled with hope.  Our minds are evolving and our dreams expanding.  We are one Earth, united against the bigotry and hatred of the past.  We are global, we are also national, and regional.  We are humanity and change IS in the air.  It's yours and my decision whether to go with it or remain behind.  Stagnant or flowing.  Life enhancing or discriminating.  It's time to decide.  For me, change.  What about you?

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