
Saturday, August 24, 2013

It's Quiet in the House

It's quiet in the house.  Hardly a sound is being made.  Outside, the rain falls, turning the streets into minor rivers down which the water flows into the overflowing drainage ditches.  The thunder booms and the lightning flashes across the sky.  A world of chaos out there.  Inside, is a huge difference.  Soft light fills the room casting shadows. The only sounds are the fans which cool the air.  The cats are all sound asleep, as are the dogs.  Sleeping through the wildness of the atmosphere.  Dreaming their dreams of running, playing, or jumping.
CRASH! All jump at the sound so close by.  Then as it passes, back into the slumber they go.  The humans going about their business quietly as if in silent rebellion against the rantings of nature.  One is reading, delving into a world of adventure and intrigue.  Another watches the rain and seems to be on the verge of joining the pets in sleep.  Me, I'm watching it all and thinking of the joys of a rain storm.  The times of just being together and watching the rain.
The blueberry pie was able to finish baking and it's scent fills the rooms of the tranquil house, while the tempest rages outside.  It's cozy and comfy inside.  "Come in", the house whispers, "and enjoy the peacefulness of a home.  A home filled with love and contentment".  Yes, that is what is found right now at this moment.  A time to enjoy and feel blessed.  A moment to be cherished and enjoyed.
It's quiet in the house.  Tranquil and peaceful against the rages and tumults of the outside.  A time for stories and laughter.  A time to be together.  Listen to the rain and savor this moment, before it winks away....

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