
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

One of Those Days

Ever had one of those days?  You know, one of THOSE days where you feel like you shouldn't have gotten out of bed.  Yeah, a day like today.  It's been one of those days.  First, you wake up great, do some exercises and stretch out the kinks in the body.  Feeling great, you take the dogs out, watch the sunrise, enjoy a cup of coffee, and have a delicious breakfast.  Then, something happens...just something minor, an irritant really, but it bugs you.  Puts you edge a little.  Okay, you say to yourself, just a little snafu.  No biggie.  Just as you are convincing yourself of that, another nuisance occurs.  Maybe it's someone cutting you off, or you get pushed out of the way, not big, but a bother all the same.

Alright, you say, just a couple of things to keep you hopping this day.  The rest of the day will be good.  Yeah, right.  There's the woman who always complains heading your way.... great.  You can either hide or deal with her.  No time to run off, " Hi there!"  15 minutes later, if your lucky, you get away and are shaking your head wondering why you were the one who had to hear about everything going wrong in her life. Weren't you the fortuitous one?

The day drags on with one thing after another happening.  "I shouldn't have gotten out of bed", you groan.  At home, more disturbances occur and you begin to feel as though you are being plagued by misfortune.  You rail against everyone and thing you come across.  Your frustrations venting from you like a torrent of water caught in the grips of Niagara Falls.  Your angry, disgusted, and vexed.  Today has been a thorn in your side.  "What did I do to deserve this?"  You shout to the sky.

Hey, stop a minute!  It's just one of those days.  We all have them.  It's just a part of life.  Part of the journey we are all on.  Think about the morning.  It was great!  The things that happened, well, have you ever cut someone else off?  Have you ever pushed someone out of the way?  Have you ever done the same things which happened to you today, to someone else?  Ummm, feeling a little guilty here. And what about the woman who complains.  She needed someone to talk to, to get some of her frustrations out. She told you. Hey, that's an honor for she trusts you.  Finds you to be sympathetic and non-judgmental. She needed someone and you were there.  Feeling a little better?  You do and you realize what an idiot you were getting upset over nothing.  Time to apologize to everyone you screamed at when you were venting.  What do they say, "No problem, you had one of those days".

Yeah, one of THOSE days.  Hey, we all have them, and if we are blessed, we have people in our journey who recognizes these type of days and help us through them...It may take some yelling or crying to get it out of our system (better yet, go running, exercising, or even cleaning), but we get through them.  It's a part of life, a part of our journey, a part of being human.  Next time, think about the humor in the thing which sets you off.  You might find yourself having an awesome day instead, just by laughing it away!

1 comment:

  1. Oh yes, I must attract those people all the time, the ones who always complain about their day. Then I look like a jerk when it is my turn to complain because then I just feel guilty for doing it. Then I get that look from others that says why are you dragging me into this?
