
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Year's Resolutions

To tell you the truth, I've never made any New Year's Resolutions.  I believe them to be empty promises not to one's self, for one already knows they are, but to the family and friends of that one.  Instead, I'm going to compile a list of dreams/goals.  At the end of 2014 I'll evaluate that list to see exactly what I achieved and what I still need to accomplish.  A simple list to begin with.

1.  Instead of falling to anger immediately, look at my perception, look at the humour of the situation, then evaluate the reasoning of being angry.

2.  Laugh more, for laughter and humour can create a more harmonious living condition for others and one's self.

3.  Stand up for the rights of others.

4.  Make healthier choices.  Bring myself and my family to an even more healthier lifestyle, including exercise,

5.  Read more and share what I am reading.  Write critical reviews.  Read a varied selection of books.

6.  Write one short story a week.  Per advice of Ray Bradbury.

7.  Research. Continue research on project and begin putting it together.

8.  Travel.  More travel in the state of Florida.  Go to Cross Creek, Alapachee village near Tallahassee, and Fort Caroline in Jacksonville.

9.  Less worry.  What does worry gain anyone?

10.  LOVE!  More time with family and more time having fun.  Life is way to short to be wasted on non-necessities.

That's the list for 2014!  Time to start....end the old on the right note, with forgiveness, love, and repentance.

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