
Monday, December 2, 2013

A Christmas Dream

The cameraman scanned the audience showing viewers the responses being made from the hauntingly beautiful song the group was harmonizing to.  She slowed the movement as she zoomed in on one couple and then another.  The singers were performing a concert of Christmas music to a full house.  The auditorium was packed with holiday merrymakers enjoying a magical night of music and cheer.

The director spoke quietly to the cameraman, asking her to try to zoom into the crowd in the mezzazine.  She tilted the camera and began a slow drift across the entranced faces of those she viewed.  Suddenly, she slowed her progress and came to a stop on a young couple.  They weren't watching the singers.  Instead, they were absorbed with each other.  She smiled as she held the camera on these two lovers and watched the tenderness and love flow between the two.  They shared a whisper and a touch and then the one moved into the embrace of the other as they turned back to music and the world around them.  She kept the camera on them and laughed with delight as they snuggled together enjoying the music.

The song ended and the couple clapped along with the rest of the audience, yet, even this was done in a manner filled with love.  The director spoke to her again and she moved the camera to a new angle as the orchestra began another song.  For some reason she kept coming back to the young couple for the rest of the performance.  Each time she found herself filled with love as well as she watched them enjoying the show.  Finally, the music ended.  The magic floated through the crowds as they exited the venue and filtered into the streets beyond.

Holding hands the two lovers walked to their car, climbed in, and left.  The one with brown wavy hair drove as her partner pushed back her own blond curls.  The night's magic filled their hearts with love for one another and the joy they had shared together through music.  The cameraman and the director stood together and watched this.  "i'm glad you focused on them".
"So, am I". she answered back.  "The love they have for one another should be seen by all.  It's what Christmas is all about".
"Yes, it is", the director answered back.  "See you tomorrow".
"See you, and have a great night".  The cameraman walked to a waiting car and as she got in she smiled at her husband.  "Love you"!
"Love you too!" he smiled back.
She reached over and stroked his black wiry hair and planted a kiss on his ebony cheek.
He laughed and pulled the car into traffic and they too were go into the magical mist of the night.

The director stood still for a moment, then he too, left the theater.  Arriving at home, he slipped into the quietly not wanting to wake his household.  It was to no avail for as he walked into the living room, two young torpedoes rushed at him.  "Whoa!" He yelled, as they grabbed hold of him in a tremendous hug.
"They wanted to stay up and wait for you".  His husband grinned.
"Oh, you did did you?" He asked the two.
"Yay, Daddy's home!"
"Yes, Daddy's home and now it's time for some popcorn and hot chocolate.  Then off to bed!"
Ah, Papa!  Can't we stay up for a little while longer?" the children begged.
"Hmmm.  What do you think Daddy?'
"I think tonight would be a great night to stay up a little bit longer". The director answered.

The alarm is playing it's tune and I have to rise.  Only a dream.  I look into my daughter's room and wish it hadn't been a dream.  I wish this was a dream come true for her and her girlfriend.  A wish, that people would smile and be filled with love when they see the two together.  I wish they could see them the way I do... It's my Christmas dream for my girl and her Andi.

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