
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013: A Year of Contradictions

2013 has been a year of contradictions and conflicts.  The loss of rights for women and the gaining of rights for homosexuals.  The continued battle over gun violence and control flooded our minds with every violent action in the United States.  Racial, gender, and homosexual hatred has been given free reign hiding under the cover of Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion.  Yet, these rights have been taken from others who use them and stand against the bigots and religious extremists who flaunt their views under the guise of family values and Christian beliefs.

Yet, the year has been one of heroes and courage as well.  The runners in the Boston Marathon who stopped to help those in need from the bombings.  The astronauts, especially, Chris Hadfield, filled our minds and souls with dreams and visions of the future, where all are equal and further exploration would be done.  After all, humanity has always moved forward through inquiries, searches, and examinations. Our military personnel returning from war to family and friends, only to find no jobs, no help, no money due to the actions of Congress and the narrow-minded/ unrealistic legislatures who denied these heroes their rights to life, liberty, and happiness.  Amazingly, there were politicians who fought back against these fanatics:  Wendy Davis who worked hard at keeping women's programs available in Texas against all odds; although, she lost, she and the women of Texas were thrown into the nation's and world's eyes with her fight to stop the removal of rights for women.  Senator John McCain who tired of the bickering among the legislators and worked toward creating bipartisanship.  Senator Elizabeth Warren who has worked tiredlessly in the battle for living wages and help for the poor and middle class.  Representative Tammy Duckworth who served in the military and became the 1st woman double amputee in the Iraqi war.  She works at stopping corruption and salvaging the rights of military veterans in a Congress who cuts these "privileges" as some call them, away from those who served, fought, and many gave the ultimate sacrifice in protecting our Constitution.

There are many, many more heroes and courageous acts as well.  They are done daily by citizens who are tired of the hate which seems to be trying to permeate through the country.  These people are your neighbors, friends, and family members .  They have stood up in many different ways to end the bullying, the hatred, and the bickering.  They are the allies of homosexuals standing up against prejudice and hypocrisy.  They fight against the white supremacy of the Tea Party, Ku Klux Klan, and Nazis.  They stand for women's rights, including the rights for health and reproductive medicine.  They demand the equal treatment and protection of programs for the poor and middle class; as well as for living wages and the right to be treated with respect and dignity.  Even towards those who would remove it in their unending quest for power and money.

That's right.  Power and money have been the two most prevalent mechanisms used this past year.  They have funneled through every aspect of our daily lives.  From what we eat to what we read or watch, the major components have been power and money.  It is up to us, as a people, to decide whether we wish this type of control to continue or stand up and wrest it back to where it would be managed more appropriately. Yes, unlimited power becomes corrupted as does the unlimited power of money.  Why do you think Jesus says "You can only serve one master. God or money"  Interestingly, many of those who throw the money around in order to achieve power are those who claim to be Christians.  Quite a quandary for them isn't it?  Or is it?  It depends on who they actually serve, God or Power through money.

In the end, 2013 is closing with war, hatred, and prejudice being a part of it.  Another part is fueled with hope, love, and diversity to create compassion, fairness, and equality.  It is has been a year of contradictions filled with controversies and acceptance.  Which do you find more compelling?  Personally, I prefer acceptance and peace over hatred and godlessness.  2014 will soon be here.  Happy New Year!  Godspeed and Blessings to you all....

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