
Monday, December 16, 2013

I Did It! I REALLY DID IT! The Christmas Gift!

Well, I did it!  I actually did it!  I have published a short story!  Excited?  Yes!  Will it do anything?  I don't know, but I published.  Of course, I messed up the cover by not getting the title on it, but I'm learning and I really don't care.  I've written something I like and published it.  It's on Amazon for kindle and I am thrilled to death.  I have finally done something I have wanted to do my whole life and got up the guts to do it.  Oh, I know some people will laugh and say how crazy or some other remark.  Who cares what others thinks?  I did it!  I published a short story and its for sale!  YES!

I just had to write this, for I have never had the confidence to do it before, and is a new day and I am going to have fun.  I'm tired of thinking about "others"....  Instead, a BIG THANK YOU to Rick and Mandi!  Love you two and thank you for giving me the courage to do something I've always wanted to do! Enjoy the season everyone and do something for yourself!  Take courage and make your dream come true!

Here it is!  Stupid mistake and all!

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