
Saturday, July 27, 2013

The Living Dead......

Okay, I've asked the question many times and still haven't gotten a satisfactory answer:  What's the dif between the undead and the living dead?  I mean really if they are walking around how can they even be dead or undead?  See what I mean.  Now I'm not talking about just zombies here, but many will think that.  No,  I mean zombies are described in voodoo as being a corpse which has been reanimated through the use of magic ( a bit of necromancy), but zombies are also individuals who are under hypnotism, that is they move about and respond to orders but have no conscious thought or will.  So in the first case we can say a zombie is the undead.  However, what about the individual who is under hypnosis?  They aren't dead, but are not in control of their body or mind.  Kind of creepy, huh?  Think about it.  You are going along, minding your own business and somewhere, somehow, someone hypnotized you.  Some sort of suggestion is imprinted in your unconscious mind, when it is triggered, suddenly you are gone and the hypnotic suggestion or order takes over.  There may be even a suggestion which says you will not remember the action you will doing or are doing.  You, as an individual no longer exists.  You are at the power and will of the one who planted the hypnotic suggestion.  Your unconscious mind has taken over and you are at the mercy of the hypnotist.  Guess what? At this point, you could be considered the living dead!
Wow!  Doing whatever someone else wants you to do!  From taking out the garbage ( okay, but, someone might like that) to committing a crime.  Imagine, how you would feel when you come out of hypnosis and everyone around you claimed you did something.  Personally, I know I would freak out and tell them I didn't do it.  I would have to see proof!  That's right, I'm a Doubting Thomas right down to the core.  But, here comes the really creepy stuff, what happens to you when you see the evidence?  Talk about an overload in the mind.  A crashing computer of the major sort!  No memory of it, your memory was wiped, no idea of how you did something, or even how you got to where ever!  Yep, definitely the living dead!  You're alive, but you are dead as I said creepy.
Okay, so I think I answered my own question about the difference between the undead and the living dead.  Oh and by the way, when the zombie apocalypse arrives, remember I will be out there with a baseball bat, so if you're not a member of the undead, make sure you let me know!  And if you are a part of the living dead....well, I'll make sure to have plenty of evidence of what you did, for this isn't Vegas!  Have fun and go enjoy a zombie movie or play a zombie game!  LOL!!!

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