
Monday, July 1, 2013

Grey Skies and Silver Linings: Go Forth and Discover

Another day of rain. Another day of grey skies, thunder, and watching the roads in the community flood. Yes, it's raining again. I can look at it from the point of view that is depressing and be filled with cabin fever; or I can enjoy the time the rain is giving me for stopping and well, smelling the roses. Today has been a great day. I've cleaned out a closet and rid myself and my husband of junk we haven't looked at or used in years. It was a wonderful feeling to be gone with it! Yet, getting rid of it allowed us to find other things. Like the photo albums my husband's mother put together. My daughter and husband enjoyed looking at this treasure of childhood memories for him and seeing her dad and grandmother young and full of happiness. A grandmother who died from cancer when my daughter was only 12 years old. A great day, indeed! I found a photo of my sister with her 6 month old daughter. Her first born child. The smiles were contagious! And the outfits and hairstyles....oh yes, outrageous! I had to call my sister and tell her what I found! We wound up talking about our Grandmother Peak and how she always told my sister to put the dates on photos. You've got it! The picture didn't have a date on it! We joked about how we should have listened to Gram and do what she said; but we were young and thought "We'll never forget". Guess what? We did! Yes, it's another day of rain. A day of finding memories and enjoying laughing about the photos. Grey skies and thunder; the telling of stories and robust bursts of guffaws as we shared the tales of our childhood and youth with our grown daughter. Depressing and cabin fever or finding treasures and sharing them. It's our pick in the journey we tread. I think I'll go get rid of some more junk and discover the joys of life as well! Have fun with the rain and grey skies and remember to look for the silver lining! It's there waiting for us to find! Be safe all!

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