
Sunday, July 7, 2013

Sunday Fundays

Ahhh, Sundays!  A day of enjoyment with family and close friends.  You see this is the memory of Sundays I have from childhood.  A lazy day beginning with a delicious breakfast, the funny pages, and then either having cousins come over for a Sunday dinner or going to either the cousins' house or grandparents' house for the family dinner.  Then it was play time.  Baseball was always played in the summer down in the field by the creek at our house.  I was too little to play, but I would watch my big sister and brother and older cousins play.  Cheering them on when they got a hit and watching great catches!  During the fall it was soccer  and football!  Every so often I could play that! Being small I could squeeze through the the charging bodies!  Winter time!  Oh yeah, sledding!  We all enjoyed that and when my brother was old enough, he bought a Polaris snowmobile and would drive it all the while pulling us on the toboggan behind it! Yes, Sundays were wonderful.
 Today, they still are.  For quite awhile we attended a church and pretty much spent half a day there with our church family.  Youth group was always fun and we enjoyed being with the kids in it.  Now, no more church, but an even better time for us.  We spend the day together and have fun.  Sometimes we go to the beach; swimming, building sand castles, soaking in the sun, and fighting with sea gulls who want to steal our food!  Other times we go to the nature park and go hiking; walking through the woods with our dogs, listening to the sounds of nature and enjoying its peacefulness.  Rainy Sundays are filled with video games, reading, movies, and board games. A day of just being together.  The zoo and aquarium are fantastic places to go to; as is going to the movies!  Especially in the summer months; although, we save the zoo for winter and fall months.
Yes, Sundays are fundays and when you spend them with the people you love they are holidays filled with fun and laughter.  So today being Sunday;  have fun, laugh, play, sing, dance, and just enjoy for tomorrow "Manic Monday" begins and we will wish it was Sunday again.  Enjoy!

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