
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

A Wandering MInd Comes Full Circle

it's one of those moments when I can't think of anything to say.  Hard to believe, I know, but I am actually unable to think up something to write about.  One of the authors that I grew up loving, Mary Stewart, once wrote, "that if you are unable to think of something to write, just write anything".  So this is what I'm dong, writing about anything that pops in my head.  Should be fun, huh?
Hmmmmm.  you know, my husband is great.  He always makes me laugh and his own laughter is contagious.  I've been in one part of a store and find him just by listening to his laughter; when I would find him, the people around him would be laughing as well!  He is truly a blessing to me for I am quite a serious person.  He is my soul mate; the yin to my yang.
Now my daughter is a gift which I treasure.  She is so compassionate and works hard at understanding what it is like to walk in the shoes of someone else.  She fills our life with joy and has brought so much love that it is amazing.  I am so glad that she is my daughter and my friend.  It makes me wonder how many others mothers feel this way about their children.  Many do, I know that but I always wonder about the ones who don't seem to care.  You know, the ones who kick their children out at the age of 18.  The ones who say they can't wait to get rid of their children.  I always wonder why?  Why do you feel that way?  Is it because you never wanted to have children and felt forced into it by society?  I just don't get it.  But then again, maybe I'm not suppose to.  Maybe it's the way they were brought up.  Maybe it's some sort of coming of age ritual.  For me though, family is very important.  It's how I was brought up.  Family was what would be there for you when everyone else dumps you.  Sad but true.
How many times have things go wrong and you find yourself alone?  Well, not alone, there is usually a few people there.  Members of the family and the closest of friends. Sometimes it isn't even a close friend, it's someone who is compassionate and cares about what you are going through. Why?  Maybe they've been through it before and understands exactly how you feel.  Maybe they just want to help and be the shoulder to lean on.
Yeah, lots of things on my mind.  Like, I wonder who is going to win the stage tomorrow in the Tour de France; why are members of the GOP wanting to turn back the hands of time and live in the 1950s again; who will be the champion for civil rights, and why do people have so much hate in them.  I think that is the thought that bothers me the most, the hate.  So much hate being spewed around.  Hate toward races, hate toward the LGBT community, hate between the Liberal and Conservatives; hate toward women; hate, hate, HATE!  Yes, way to much hate.  The saddest part to me is the hate being instigated and indoctrinated into its members by religious organizations.  An incredibly sad and horrific serpent winding and slithering its way through people by hiding behind the words of God, bending and twisting them to feed the frenzy they cause.  Hate is a terrible emotion, but that is all it is.  An emotion, based upon fear and anger.  Two other emotions which once formulated bend to the will of their master, Hate.
 I know, I've written about it before, but it fascinates me.  Not hate in itself, but how it comes into being.  The knowledge that we, ourselves, create it through our own fears and anger.  That we teach this same fear and anger to our children in order to keep hate a festering wound which never heals.  But it can heal;  through hope; through love; through understanding; through education; through learning; through listening; and most importantly through facing our own hatred, anger, and fear.  It takes courage to that, but many already have.  Some are famous for taking a stand against hate:  Ghandi, Frederick Douglas, Martin Luther King, Jr., Susan B. Anthony, Benjamin Franklin, Mary Dyer, Catarina Sforza, Leonardo di Vinci, Martin Luther, Mohammed, Jesus Christ, Bhudda, and so many others.  There are millions more who are not famous, but they stand up and deny hate to pass through them.  These are the everyday people who are you and me.  Yeah, us, we can stop the hate by saying as Gandalf did in The Fellowship:  "You Shall Not Pass".  If you need a more biblical inspiration  how about Jesus saying Get behind me, Satan".  Yeah, tell hate to take a hike and get out there and show love.
Hmmmm.  Seems like there is quite a bit to write about.  You know I love my family, they are full of fun and laughter which comes from love.  Have a great night!.

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