
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Conventions: A Journey Into What?

Some would think that writing about the Republican National Convention would be very easy to do. After all it is in Tampa which is quite close by. The problem is -it's too easy. The Repubs have opened the door to being criticized with the antics and speeches they have performed. No, it is just too easy. Instead, I wanted to understand the purpose of the conventions. The main purpose is the nomination of the party candidates for president /vice president. This used to be a major component of the gathering. Now it is still important, but the truth is that primaries and caucuses have created a more democratic process for this action. The aspect of highest caliber is that the nominee must accept the nomination; otherwise the candidates will not be on the States ballots for the election and they are unable to touch general election funds. So this is the key reason for the conventions. The rest: the speeches, the panels, the protesters, etc are the windows through which we the people view the entire process of politicking. Here is the manuvering of the diverse groups within a political party to bring a semblance of unity its members and the people of the United States. Enjoy the conventions and remember they are here not for us to ridicule or criticize. They are not suppose to be about slamming the people or the city in whinch they take place. They are not here for delegates to go to strip clubs, parties, or other extratrivia activities. No; they are here to promote the democratic process and ensure the acceptance of the nominee. Have fun, shake your head at the nonsense and stupidity of certain delegates and speech makers and realize what the true purpose is: a journey into the political aspirations of individuals who dream of being president and hopefully understanding the power which comes with it.

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