
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Our Music -Filled Journey

The last day of the Republican National Convention is here and we wait with "bated breath" the acceptance speech of nominee, Mire Romney. Now that that is said, it's time to turn the other cheek and move forward to a more intelligent discourse. Okay,okay I couldn't resist just one slam.while I am writing this, the music from the soundtrack, "Eat, Pray, Love " is playing and I am becoming lost in the mystical melodies of Kaliyugavaradana. It is hypnotic and filled with images of India within my mind's eye. Music is amazing in this respect. It brings reflections to life of memories past, or conjures dreams of desires to the listener's consciousness. An awareness which the individual allows to flow when lost in the rhythmic movement and melodious harmonies of the songs listened too. Music can "calm the savage beast" and can whip people into a frenzy! We hear the songs our mothers listened to while in the womb and music is our companion into death. Our life journey is enveloped with the stirrings that music brings to us. Can you imagine a world in which the sound and harmonies are not available to us? Even Nature demands that we take notice and listen to melodies it encompasses us with. From the buzzing of a honey bee to the aria of songbirds, Nature creates tunes which we aspire to discover and understand ourselves. Music is our constant companion in our journeys. It fills us with childish glee and wonder when young. The tunes and words change as we grow into adulthood - they are filled with yearning, desire, anger, love, and the beat pushes us into the reenactments of our ancient genetic memory. We age and our taste in genres changes eitheor recreding back to youthful fantasy or expanding and exploring new sounds of harmonies we discover. We become lost in the beat and dance to our fullest extent or we lose ourselves to the words, poetic intonations, or interweaving tones of instruments which take us into dreams, memories, or emotions we reveal in these musical moments. Yes, the RNC is almost beyond us; but its music lingers on in our minds. Music is the one constant to all of humanity. Whether whistling the "Andy Griffith Show " ditty or singing in a chorus or just listening to the tunes of Nature; music guides us and encompasses us within its arms and embraces us by bringing whatever we desire to our consciousness and making us aware of The magic and mysticism of music.

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