
Thursday, August 16, 2012

It's Time!

I read an article the other day concerning a community's treatment of school children who were LGBT or were thought to be. It was a horrifying look which you wished was just a story. Unfortunately, it was reality.the bullying by fellow classmates was tremendous and terrifying. Worse still was the treatment of the victims by the adults whom the kids felt were there to.protect them. The actions and inaction of the community, teacher, and Education Board led to the suicides of 9 teenagers and over a100 others receiving mental health counseling. Even sadder this community is a part of a district represented by a very well known Republican who is very articulate about her thoughts concerning homosexuality. I was highly disturbed with what occurred in this community and wondered how many others refused to do anything to prevent this type of hats crime. Yes, I said hate crime for we need to be realistic about it. Don't hide behind religion! Christ teaches to love one another not condemn and hate! Don't say it doesn't affect you! Every child or person who trys or does commit suicide is someones friend, child, cousin, or other family member. Don't say you don't want to get involved! Its time to stand up and stop the bullying and hate! The time to stop being afraid is now! This is what our children and grandchildren deserve; our ability to be firm and strong in our conviction that every life is sacred! Yes! I'm talking about the LGBT kids and the kids who are heavy, are disabled, are of a different race, religion, poor, middle class, or rich; the individuals, and even the ones who are left handed, or wear glasses. Bullying is a means of inflating the egos of those who feel threatened by the "others". People who are different are considered abnormal and frightening. Its time to educate, explain, and rid our society of fear and antagonism. Its time to rise and stop the namecalling and putting down of children. Its time to look at our neighbor and realize that they are distinct from ourselves and should be treated with respect. Its time to stop saying people have to earn respect! Instead respect should be given immediately for out of respect comes understanding and appreciation. Its time to stop being afraid and time to enjoy life. All life; for these horrendous actions destroy everything. Especially our children and our communities. That's right, its time to take back what has been roiled from us; our children's youth and self esteem. It's Time!

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