
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Our Music -Filled Journey

The last day of the Republican National Convention is here and we wait with "bated breath" the acceptance speech of nominee, Mire Romney. Now that that is said, it's time to turn the other cheek and move forward to a more intelligent discourse. Okay,okay I couldn't resist just one slam.while I am writing this, the music from the soundtrack, "Eat, Pray, Love " is playing and I am becoming lost in the mystical melodies of Kaliyugavaradana. It is hypnotic and filled with images of India within my mind's eye. Music is amazing in this respect. It brings reflections to life of memories past, or conjures dreams of desires to the listener's consciousness. An awareness which the individual allows to flow when lost in the rhythmic movement and melodious harmonies of the songs listened too. Music can "calm the savage beast" and can whip people into a frenzy! We hear the songs our mothers listened to while in the womb and music is our companion into death. Our life journey is enveloped with the stirrings that music brings to us. Can you imagine a world in which the sound and harmonies are not available to us? Even Nature demands that we take notice and listen to melodies it encompasses us with. From the buzzing of a honey bee to the aria of songbirds, Nature creates tunes which we aspire to discover and understand ourselves. Music is our constant companion in our journeys. It fills us with childish glee and wonder when young. The tunes and words change as we grow into adulthood - they are filled with yearning, desire, anger, love, and the beat pushes us into the reenactments of our ancient genetic memory. We age and our taste in genres changes eitheor recreding back to youthful fantasy or expanding and exploring new sounds of harmonies we discover. We become lost in the beat and dance to our fullest extent or we lose ourselves to the words, poetic intonations, or interweaving tones of instruments which take us into dreams, memories, or emotions we reveal in these musical moments. Yes, the RNC is almost beyond us; but its music lingers on in our minds. Music is the one constant to all of humanity. Whether whistling the "Andy Griffith Show " ditty or singing in a chorus or just listening to the tunes of Nature; music guides us and encompasses us within its arms and embraces us by bringing whatever we desire to our consciousness and making us aware of The magic and mysticism of music.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Conventions: A Journey Into What?

Some would think that writing about the Republican National Convention would be very easy to do. After all it is in Tampa which is quite close by. The problem is -it's too easy. The Repubs have opened the door to being criticized with the antics and speeches they have performed. No, it is just too easy. Instead, I wanted to understand the purpose of the conventions. The main purpose is the nomination of the party candidates for president /vice president. This used to be a major component of the gathering. Now it is still important, but the truth is that primaries and caucuses have created a more democratic process for this action. The aspect of highest caliber is that the nominee must accept the nomination; otherwise the candidates will not be on the States ballots for the election and they are unable to touch general election funds. So this is the key reason for the conventions. The rest: the speeches, the panels, the protesters, etc are the windows through which we the people view the entire process of politicking. Here is the manuvering of the diverse groups within a political party to bring a semblance of unity its members and the people of the United States. Enjoy the conventions and remember they are here not for us to ridicule or criticize. They are not suppose to be about slamming the people or the city in whinch they take place. They are not here for delegates to go to strip clubs, parties, or other extratrivia activities. No; they are here to promote the democratic process and ensure the acceptance of the nominee. Have fun, shake your head at the nonsense and stupidity of certain delegates and speech makers and realize what the true purpose is: a journey into the political aspirations of individuals who dream of being president and hopefully understanding the power which comes with it.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Popular Culture : The Colonial Williamsburg Official History Site

Popular Culture : The Colonial Williamsburg Official History Site

How Change Opens The Tomb of Longings

This poem by David Whyte captured d me for it is a thought which I have been pondering about myself. It follows completely the thoughts of my last post, Time For Change. I find myself waking as well to the rising sun of change.
Easter Morning in Wales A garden inside me, unknown, secret, neglected for years, The layers of its soil deep and thick Trees in the corners with branching arms And the tangled briars like tangled nets Sunrise through the misted orchard, Morning sun turns silver on the pointed twigs I have woken from the sleep of ages And I am not sure if I am really seeing, or dreaming Or simply astonished Walking toward sunrise To have stumbled into the garden Where the stone was rolled from the tomb of longing. David Whyte

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

On.the Threshold of Change

Another path has been found and with it comes change. I've looked at change in various ways throughout my life. I admit when I was young I was afraid of change. I wanted things to remain the same. I think it was because of the events in my life - my brother's death and my parents' divorce- which made me fear changes in my life. As I aged, I began to appreciate the new roads opening to me with each change I make. I was filled with wonderment and curiosity as I explored the fresh concepts being shown to me. Then suddenly, I became content or so I thought with my life and set roots down. Opportunities would arise and I would close true gate for I had nurtured the feelings of safety and complacency. As those emotions took hold, other reactions occurred as well. I became closed minded, judgemental, and overbearing. Yep! In other words, I was a real jerk! And I do mean a jerk! I even refused to talk to my daughter when she got a tattoo! Really how stupid and ridiculous could I be? I wanted a tattoo when I was young! Guess what? That's right change was in the air! I began to wake up from my slumber and found myself looking in a mirror and woundering who I was. I stared at the apparition before me and faced the reality it brought forth. I had become what I hated. Being fooled by the idea of being safe and planting roots had turned me into a fool. An overgrown trail appeared and I began to push my through the bushes, thorns, and brambles which I had allowed to surround me. It would be easy to me to just stay in that tower; very easy, but it wasn't right nor was it me. I had lost my soul to this belief. Now the time had come to fight for my soul, my life, and my hopes and dreams. Change had come back to me and I embraced it! The world became new and wonderment again filled my mind. My husband and I renewed our lives and the joy of being alive was apparent to us and to our daughter. We have all come to look at the events in our lives as being the trail to a new opportunity. I am back to myself, much wiser though and full of hope about my rebirth into a world filled with so many wonders. Yes, there are times when I get down and things go wrong, but that is what life is about. The ability to grow and learn from the dark times as well as the light times. Even more important is that when I move with change my mind opens and I find delight in the new opportunities that arise. Now as I write change fills the air for my family and I. There will be those who oppose the change, but without it we could fall back into the false security we held before. Change brings awareness as well as hope. It could be failure, but failure brings learning, understanding and comprehension; thereby, not being failure at all. Only to those who do not understand the growth which comes from blazing the new trail for ones self. Here I stand on the threshold of a knew path. Do I go forward or stay? Guess!!!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren: A Personal View

How many grandparents do you know are raising their children? How many are very involved in their grandchildren's lives? Is there a difference between the two questions? That is an answer you will have to make for yourself. As for me; well, my answer may seem to be rather absurd or very clear and concise. You see it is all dependent upon your own perceptions and beliefs. Yet if you are reading this it means to me that you are interested in my thoughts on this subject. You may even wish to discus your thoughts on it and that is what I wish to do. Welcome, to my answers! To begin with; I know many grandparents who have raised or are raising their grandchildren. Too many to count actually. I watch them as they deal with the issues of today's youth. Some work hard to make pennies stretch in order to provide for their wards. Others are dominated with worry as they arrange their schedules in order to be available for their charges. Some find themselves exhausted from this stress, but they still continue on in ways which place the grandchildren first and they last. My answer to the second question is the same as the first. Again I know many grandparents who are immensely involved in their grandchildren's lives. They want to be a part of this youngest generation and their descendants. These people love and enjoy being with the grandiose and spend as much time as they can with them. Now the answer to the third question. Is there a difference? Well; both yes and no. You see this query is rather ambiguous. It is surrounded by multiple shades of grey. Some grandparents do not want to raise their grandchildren, but they have to for the children have lost all rights to the kids and the grandparents must take care of them. Other grandparents are raising the grandchildren because they feel that they have too. This is due to their children not being responsible enough or too busy. These are the sad ones; for the grandparents have been forced into a situation they were not prepared for. On the flip side there are grandparents who are in the same situations and are eager to raise their grandchildren. You see I've seen all of these and I wondered what was the difference between the these grandparents. That was when I thought about my own grandparents. Both sets were highly involved in mine,my sister and brother, and my cousins lives. We kids (sorry about the grammar) grew up in the love, wisdom, and warmth of Gramp and Gram Peak and Grandpa and Grandma Eccleston. You see they would have us spend the night with them all the time. They had us stay with them when our parents had to do something or go someplace. We were always at their house which was home to us. I cannot even tell you how many times we grandchildren were basically living with our grandparents. They represented home and family. We had toys, and a bed always. We were talked to, disciplined, told stories to, bathed, hugged, and sheltered. Food of all sorts was available and if you ask any of the grandchildren they will tell you about all the fun had helping out grandmothers snap beans, cook dinner, or bake cookies, pies, cakes, or popcorn balls and candy apples. Then there was just as much fun with our grandfathers who taught us what a man truly was; for both the boys and the girls. My grandfathers showed us it was okay to hug someone; to show love; to be firm; to have your word be accepted by others; but to listen to what others have to say. They taught us to take time for the young and for our neighbors. They worked hard and enjoyed life. They gave us their values, their thoughts, and beliefs; then we took what they gave and molded our own views. This is what determines my answers on the questions. I look at my grandparents and understand my viewpoints on family. We are here to not only be apart of our grandchildren; we are here to raise them. I hope someday to have grandchildren and do for them what my grandparents did for me. And to all of you grandparents who are raising your grandchildren and being involved in their lives - I salute you for you know what it means to be a family and you are sharing your lives with children who look to you for comfort, love, and the continuation of your family.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

It's Time!

I read an article the other day concerning a community's treatment of school children who were LGBT or were thought to be. It was a horrifying look which you wished was just a story. Unfortunately, it was reality.the bullying by fellow classmates was tremendous and terrifying. Worse still was the treatment of the victims by the adults whom the kids felt were there to.protect them. The actions and inaction of the community, teacher, and Education Board led to the suicides of 9 teenagers and over a100 others receiving mental health counseling. Even sadder this community is a part of a district represented by a very well known Republican who is very articulate about her thoughts concerning homosexuality. I was highly disturbed with what occurred in this community and wondered how many others refused to do anything to prevent this type of hats crime. Yes, I said hate crime for we need to be realistic about it. Don't hide behind religion! Christ teaches to love one another not condemn and hate! Don't say it doesn't affect you! Every child or person who trys or does commit suicide is someones friend, child, cousin, or other family member. Don't say you don't want to get involved! Its time to stand up and stop the bullying and hate! The time to stop being afraid is now! This is what our children and grandchildren deserve; our ability to be firm and strong in our conviction that every life is sacred! Yes! I'm talking about the LGBT kids and the kids who are heavy, are disabled, are of a different race, religion, poor, middle class, or rich; the individuals, and even the ones who are left handed, or wear glasses. Bullying is a means of inflating the egos of those who feel threatened by the "others". People who are different are considered abnormal and frightening. Its time to educate, explain, and rid our society of fear and antagonism. Its time to rise and stop the namecalling and putting down of children. Its time to look at our neighbor and realize that they are distinct from ourselves and should be treated with respect. Its time to stop saying people have to earn respect! Instead respect should be given immediately for out of respect comes understanding and appreciation. Its time to stop being afraid and time to enjoy life. All life; for these horrendous actions destroy everything. Especially our children and our communities. That's right, its time to take back what has been roiled from us; our children's youth and self esteem. It's Time!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

A Voice of One

Yvonne C. Parizo Prof. Patti Cooksey-Fisher Quest for Meaning Pledged November 15, 2011 In this day and age, cynics are incredibly abundant. However, cynics have been plentiful since humans came into being. After all, how many times have you heard a person say, “I didn’t vote because my one vote doesn’t matter”. Or how about, “nobody cares what I say, I’m just one person”. I’ve heard those lines so many times, that I just look at the ones speaking them and shake my head. It’s sad, to hear individuals say those words. The idea that they do not matter is depressing, not just for me, but to them as well. I guess, they never heard about“A voice of one calling in the desert, ‘Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him”. (Location 50482). Well, one voice, one person can make a difference. Take Sergeant Dakota Meyer who “took the exposed gunner's position in a gun-truck as they drove down the steeply terraced terrain in a daring attempt to disrupt the enemy attack and locate the trapped U.S. team. Disregarding intense enemy fire now concentrated on their lone vehicle, Corporal Meyer killed a number of enemy fighters with the mounted machine guns and his rifle, some at near point blank range, as he and his driver made three solo trips into the ambush area”.( He made a difference for he was the only one with a weapon. Or how about the lone Chinese student during the uprising in 1989 who stopped an entire division of tanks, just by standing in front of them. If that doesn’t give an idea of what one person can do, just think about what Dr. Paul Farmer has done in Haiti, Peru, and Rwanda. When other people said helping areas of extreme poverty is wasteful, he proved they were wrong. Dr. Farmer showed how “one voice calling”(Location 50482) does make an impact on the world. In 2003, Tracy Kidder published a book entitled, Mountains Beyond Mountains. It is the true story of how one man, Dr. Paul Farmer, began and continues a quest to bring good health to all people. I say for all people, for he does research and works to cure diseases in places of extreme poverty which in turn will bring vaccines and better medication to the people in higher financial levels of the world. This is important for one of Farmer’s partners, Jim Kim said: “’Forgive me for saying this, but the great thing about TB is that it’s airborne.’ Tuberculosis was only predominantly a disease of the poor, Jim reasoned. Others got it, too, just from breathing. In the era of AIDS, the affluent world would have to pay attention to the threat of a TB so difficult to treat, and to the dire but real possibility that ‘superbugs,’ resistant to every known antibiotic, would spread across borders – between homeless shelters and Park Avenue in New York, between poor and wealthy nations”. (Kidder, 143) How true this statement is! And how quickly the wealthy forget that they too, can be devastated by a simple little germ or bacteria which have become resistant to the medication we have today. Although this is a major declaration, it is more to the middle of what this one man did. He brought and still brings health services, education, and respect to groups of people in the world which “experts in international TB control had deemed MDR too expensive to treat”. ( 141) Now back to the beginning, in 1983 Paul Farmer had just graduated from Duke University and with the winnings of an essay contest, he flew to Haiti in search of a region where he could concentrate on medicine and anthropology. He found it in the Cange, Haiti. A place which Farmer described as “amazingly, biblically, dry, and barren” (76) ; a place reminiscent of the one described in the quote: “a voice of one calling from the desert” (Location 50842). Furthermore, Farmer said: “the absence of tin in Cange, screamed ‘Misery’….the people who had built these miserable lean-tos weren’t convinced that they’d ever live in anything better….” (Kidder, 77) With these words, it is plain to see that Farmer had found one part of what he was looking for. It was a place to start at and begin his ultimate quest of “curing the world”. (Kidder, book cover) With finding Cange, Farmer used every resource available to him to help the people in this part of Haiti. As he moved forward in getting his medical degree at Harvard and an anthropology degree; he met others who heard his voice calling out: Ophelia Dahl, Jim Kim, Tom White, and Todd McCormack. They too, joined with him and became other voices of one who reached out to help Farmer with his vision. Zanmi Lasante, a community based health center became a reality and continues today, still growing and sharing in the need to help those who have the least in life and be given the dignity of being treated as human beings. All this came about due to Paul Farmer and his desire to help and cure the “others” of the world. The above mentioned people helped him create the Partners in Health organization which helped provide the funding, administrative issues, and educating of doctors, nurses, and many others in becoming a part of this venture. It didn’t stop in Haiti, Farmer and PIH built other facilities in Peru, Rwanda, and even Russia to help treat diseases and other health issues such as women’s health, birth control, and schools to help educate the people in the most depraved areas of the world. Farmer is indeed a “voice of one calling” and many people heeded his call; coming to donate, help, and stay in these regions. However, there are many who will say, “So what! Look at all the rich people he knew and got help from. Big deal”. It is true, Farmer did meet and came to know people in a higher economic class, but he was from a low economic class. He won a full scholarship to Duke and did meet many “rich” people there and at Harvard, but he spent most of his time in either Haiti or in the low income class area of Boston. That sure isn’t a place to meet the ones with the money, but somehow Farmer overcame all these barriers and kept on working to meet the goals he set out. This is a person who doesn’t believe in saying, ‘No’, he believes in ‘Yes’. And yes, he is just one man to do something, but there are others. “People for Haiti” is another organization which is non-profit. It was created after the earthquake in 2010 which left Port au Prince and most of the rest of Haiti devastated. You’re thinking: “Okay, that’s nice.” Yes, it is nice. What’s even nicer is that it is made up of “doctors, lawyers, journalists, homemakers, economists, contractors, students and artists who have joined to dedicate their talent and energy to helping people in Haiti rise again and prosper”. (PFH) Even of more significance, the one who began it is my physician. That is what makes it important to me. When I began reading Kidder’s book, I thought that my doctor was a part of Farmer’s organization, and then with talking to his nurse, I found out that Dr. Ferreira had created the People for Haiti organization. I knew that he had gone to Haiti many times. We had talked about it at mine and my daughter’s numerous office visits. One time I had asked him if they even had a portable x-ray machine. He looked at me for a long time and then just said, “They have nothing”. Wow! Talk about a reality check. Haiti is a country where even something as simplistic as a portable x-ray machine was non-existent and was hard to fathom. I remember looking at him and just saying, “You are really doing frontier medicine there”. He chuckled and said “That’s about right”. I guess you can tell, this conversation with my doctor left a huge impression on me. Further discussions with his nurse, Dina, left even more. You see it in their eyes that they want and wish to do more for the people of Haiti. The volunteers who go every two months to Haiti leave testimonials on their website. This one is from my doctor: “I look up and a little 7 year old girl is, literally, running and screaming out of one our clinics. I look at Dr. Mike bewildered. “she had a cut on her finger and when she asked my interpreter if I was going to cut it off, trying to be funny, he said ‘yes’.” The girl was terrified. I went outside the clinic to look for her; up and down the block, she was GONE. About an hour later, I see her again. She makes eye contact with Dr. Mike and begins to run and another patient, an older Haitian lady, grabs her and doesn’t let her leave. In the middle of seeing another family, I stop and start talking to her and even convince her to sit on my lap and start building rapport with her. In less than 10 minutes, I learn her name is Kimberly, we have the old, nasty dressing off (with lots of saline and, at her direction, I have to “blow on it”. LOL), have evaluated the wound (it has partially healed crooked and there is nothing corrective to do now), cleaned it and dressed it. I, then, proceed to explain to a seven year old how to perform proper wound care .While true, this story reflects so much of Haiti. Needing help is a fact of life in Haiti today. They desperately need help. They are a proud and desperate people whose only mistake was to be born on the wrong continent. Like, Kimberly, Haitians are a strong people. Imagine being seven, being told that a white doctor was going to cut your finger off, knowing you needed help, then mustering up the courage to go back….on your own….by yourself. I was not that strong at 7 and am not sure I am that strong today. Kimberly is that strong. Haiti is that strong and more. To see the absolute devastation, misery and daily strife these people have endured, and still they go on, is humbling to me. Like Kimberly, they need help, direction, guidance and instruction. And before any of that can happen, they need people to care. People who care enough to give. To give of their time, give of their expertise, give money or just give love. If you want to contribute to your brothers and sisters of this planet, join People For Haiti. Help us serve them. Robert J. Ferreira, MD Co-founder, People For Haitisite. This one is from my doctor who just returned from Haiti again: “ (PFH). I believe this is why people become that “voice of one”. These individuals are those who care. Like Dr. Ferreira commented above, “they give of their time, of their expertise, money, or just love”. (PFH) This to me is the true purpose of people like Dr Paul Farmer, Dr. Robert Ferreira, Jim Kim, Sergeant Dakota Meyer, and that lone Chinese student in 1989. They all cared and they all gave and still give. Thus, Dr. Farmer is the “voice of one calling in the desert” and so are all these people who do more than talk about helping. They actually do something and they prove that just one person can make changes which affect the whole world. Work Cited Congressional Medal of Honor. 2011. Kidder, Tracy. Mountains Beyond Mountains. New York. Random House. 2004. People for november-team/#more-407 Zondervan; Ten Elshof, Phyllis (2010-05-28). Quest Study Bible: The Question and Answer Study Bible (Kindle Locations 50482-50483). Zondervan. Kindle Edition.2011.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Journey

One day you finally knew what you had to do, and began, though the voices around you kept shouting their bad advice--though the whole house began to tremble and you felt the old tug at your ankles. "Mend my life!" each voice cried. But you didn't stop. You knew what you had to do, though the wind pried with its stiff fingers at the very foundations, though their melancholy was terrible. It was already late enough, and a wild night, and the road full of fallen branches and stones. But little by little, as you left their voices behind, the stars began to burn through the sheets of clouds, and there was a new voice which you slowly recognized as your own, that kept you company as you strode deeper and deeper into the world, determined to do the only thing you could do--determined to save the only life you could save. Mary Oliver Sometimes a journey is begun by the sharing of a poem, song, quote, or art work. This is one for me to share with you. Whenever people say no or you can't, remember it's your journey and only you can make the decision about it.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

A "Fantasia " Journey

It's a hot and humid day,and I find myself inside being cooled by the air conditioners. As I sit here cooling off from the steamy heat outside I am enjoying a movie which helps take me on a wonderful journey. That's right I'm watching the Disney film, ""Fantasia "! Its at my favorite sequence with Mickey being The Sorcerer's Apprentice. Poor Mickey! He gets into so much trouble! But lets face it; how many times have we and Iknow I have wished for a magical wand that could be waved and all the tedious. Jobs would be done in a moment. It would be nice, but as Mickey shows us it creates more messes and problems just because he didn't know how to stop the brooms. Disney taught us a great message here. A couple of them. The first is quite obvious just do the job right yourself and it will be done and over with before you know it. A second message conveyed to us is based on power and responsibility. The sorcerer gave Mickey the responsibility to do the job. Unfortunately,Mickey fails when he tryst to do things the easy way by using magic. With the wand and magic at his disposal; Mickey becomes powerful. Too powerful, for he does not have the knowledge or the wisdom to control the power he has obtained. Yep! Mickey has lost control of the situation and when you really think about what is being portrayed here you realize the lesson we are being taught. We always want more than we are able to control; and that includes power. One of my favorite quotes comes from Spiderman starring Toby Mcguire. "With great power comes great responsibility". Boy, is that the truth! We see time and time again in history. As someone gains great power, they falter and become consumed with desire for even more power and control. The reality is that responsibility coincides wiith power. As we grow in knowledge and wisdom we realize the need for compassion, justice, and fairness. At least I hope we do. For that is where our strength truly comes from; the desire to help others. So this brings me back to Mickey who is being glared at by the Sorcerer as he stops the brooms and clears up the mess Mickey created. In response. Mickey grabs his pail and races out the door to fetch the water as he was suppose to. Mickey has learner the lesson that he is not wise enough for the magic he used nor is he responsible enough. I wish we could all learn this lesson from Mickey., but we don't. Maybe someday we will be wise and responsible enough to understand the relationship between power and compassion.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

A Journey to the Monster Inside

The other day I was asked the question: "What is your favorite book?" Well, I thought about it. I have many books I love, but what is my favorite book is a little bit harder to discern. Many people will immediately say the Bible, Koran, Torah, or other religious books. Others will say the book they are reading right now. There are so many oks books to choose from, but I have discovered that my favorite book is a definite is also a rather different kind of story. Mary Shelly wrote and published it anonymously in 1818. After all, women were not suppose to be writers nor educated at all. However, this tale is considered one of the best shocking and horrifying stories of all time. Many know its name and have seen various movies about it, but how many of actually read it is what I find astonishing, for in speaking to people, I have found not very many have. Okay, the name of the book, Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus. Yep, this is my favorite book of all times. So why is a horror story about the legendary monster my favorite? Simple, it's about the building and suffering of a monster. You see, I have my own theory of the monster which I feel Mary Shelly was talking about. I believe that she wasn't talking about the literal building of a monster; I believe she was discussing the building of the monster we are each born with - the monster inside - of as Sigmund Freud spoke of the id. The id is defined as "the dark, inaccessible part of our personality, what little we know of it we have learned from our study of the Dreamwork and of the construction of neurotic symptoms, and most of that is of a negative character and can be described only as a contrast to the ego. We approach the id with analogies: we call it a chaos, a cauldron full of seething excitations.... It is filled with energy reaching it from the instincts, but it has no organization, produces no collective will, but only a striving to bring about the satisfaction of the instinctual needs subject to the observance of the pleasure principle." (Sigmund Freud, New Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis[1933]Penguin Freud Library 2 p. 105-6) Christians call this the original sin and other religious beliefs say approximately the same thing; that humanity is born evil....It is this internalyzing of the monster that I feel Shelly was writing about. When the book begins it is in the nature of a lotter written by Captain Walton who is setting out on a expedition to the Artic in order to gain fame. The ship he is commanding is iced in and as they try to break out of it, they save an emaciated man who claims to be chasing after a monster. A monster they have observed in the distance...The man is Victor Frankenstein and he then tells his story of the creation of the monster and the subsequence murders of his young brother, his newly married wife, and his best friend whom he says were done by the monster. Furthermore, the death of a yound servant maid is on his mind as well, for she is tried, convicted, and hanged for the death of his young brother - though Victor believes the monster did it - her conviction being obtained to the finding of a locket in her dress pocket which belonged to the young boy. This is the basis of the story. It is filled with claims by Victor that the monster has done all these murders...but couldn't the reality be that it was Victor who did them. The only person to see the monster is Victor, except for the men on the ship in the artic and a small family that the monster finds and lives under their cottage. Yet, even this can be shown as the men on the ship actually seeing Victor in the distance. Since he was emaciated, he could have been thought to be some sort of monster from afar. And the small family? Victor was sick for 4 months and suffering from delusions; could this not be a figment of his own imagination? For the monster is supposedly finding and educating himself under the family's cottage for approximately the same amount of time. In all reality, Victor was actually trying to control the monster he had become during this time; unfortunately, he needed help and refused to tell anyone the real reasons for his sickness. In the end, everyone Victor loves has been killed by the monster and in revenge, he takes on the quest of killing it. Captain Walton narrates the ending and he tells his sister and the reader that Victor died on board the ship. That night, the monster came to Walton and tried to enlist Walton into helping him, but Walton, unlike Victor, turns away and rejects him. So does this make the monster a real creation? No, to me, the monster speaking to Walton is his own monster from within him; for Walton was only concerned about going to the Artic and recieving fame. He did not care for the lives of the men who were serving him or the lives of their families and his sister's life. After hearing what Victor had been through and speaking to the monster as well, Walton becomes a changed man, giving up the fame he sought and turning the ship around saving both him and the men. You see Walton saw the truth about Victor and the monster and he realized that he was becoming a monster as well. This is why the book is my favorite. Mary Shelly realized that we all have monsters inside us; it is the way we control the monster which stops us from becoming a monster on the outside. Some of us are born with the inability to control the fiend. We are missing the electrical current to contain it from rearing its ugly head. The reality is that we are missing a chemical in our body which does this. This is a major cause of mental illnesses - a chemical which is missing in our body's system. The comic book hero, "The Incredible Hulk", was written as a means of understanding bipolar illness. The "Hulk" is the monster which breaks forth in a bipolar individual and creates the impression of two separate people. The same is true about "Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde"; it too looks at mental illness and how a person is altered by a chemical mixup. People who suffer from mental illness are not really monsters; they are the result of a loss of chemical which prevents them from stopping the demon we all fight with on the inside. Unfortunately, we see the results of that inability and declare them monsters. The reality is they need help, but until they either want the help or are brought in to get help nothing will change. Even more disturbing is the fact that a number of health insurance companies will not pay for the treatment of mental illness, even though people have thought it is a part of their health insurance. Alas, the sufferers of mental illness are still discriminated against due to society's stigma of mental illness. The truth is we as a society do not want to face the realitites of mental illness. This only occurs if we are actually affected ourselves or to someone we love. You see, I'm a sufferer of depression. I feel that monster try to unleash itself quite often. But I have medication that helps me control it. But I'm not the only one who suffers from mental illness. So does my daughter. She calls it her werewolf, which she fights to control. She was diagnosed with severe depression and social conduct disorder. It didn't just appear out of nowhere, she was born with it. She's missing that chemical that stops the werewolf from breaking out. Now, since being diagnosed, going through counseling and anger management, she too is on medication which helps control the werewolf. Once in awhile it breaks through, but we are able to contain it now through all these health services we are able to get. This is why "Frankenstein" is my favorite book. It shows the battle between the monster and Victor. Mary Shelly looks at how Victor loss the battle due to his not getting the help he needed. Furthermore, the book shows the real life struggles of the mentally ill and the need for affordable care and understanding. More importantly, "Frankenstein" is a part of all of us. The monster is the id, the original sin, the evil that is found deep within our souls. We look at it and hide ourselves from recognizing the reality of it from ourselves; but when something occurs which we consider as a society is hidieous and evil, we call the person who did it a monster. In one respect that person is a monster - for the switch to control did not work and the beast was released and that is what "Frankenstein" is. The monster which Victor released and lost complete control over. "Frakenstein" is a journey to the monster inside and we need to face our monsters in order to face ourselves by acknowledging who and what we are. For those of us that need help, we need to get it, so that we are not overcome by the monster inside. In order to do this we need help, encouragment, love, understanding, and most important the strength to break down the societal stigma which threatens us with prejudice, discrimination, and fear.

Monday, August 6, 2012

August, the Longest Month of the Year

I am probably one of the few people you will ever know of who despises the month of August. Even when I was a kid, I wasn't a fan of the month. The only good thing about August is blackberries and getting ready to go back to school. Then again I loved going to school and learning. Yeah, I know, a bit unique, but it sure beat being bored all summer. In one respect I'm not a big fan of summer. It's hot, boring, and long. Pretty fascinating that I feel that way since I live in a hot tropical climate. Really though, summer and August in particular is not my favorite time of year. But, like I said there are two things that I did like about August. Blackberries and back to school. I am a blackberry fanatic! Love them. They are so juicy and delicious. I eat them by the handfulls. When I was young and lived in New York State, I made sure to have a berry pail on me and a long sleeved shirt for picking blackberries is a dangerous and serious business; especially, for me. Finding the perfect blackberry patch is akin to Linus finding the most serene pumpkin patch. It's painstaking work. But once its found, heaven is at hand! There was one patch near the farm that my family owned. The berries were thick, plump, and huge. They were also delicious and being a child of 7 years in age, the berry picking was a process. After all one had to fill the pail and eat as many as one could without being noticed to much! I would always make sure my pail was to a certain height....well, not really, I made sure I ate the first one picked....mmmmm. Such a delight! The long sleeved shirt was necessary in order to pick these berries from the bushes they were which were not only loaded with the delicious morsels but with brambles as well. Thorny brambles that loved to grab hold of skin and rip across it. I don't even remember how many times I was scratched up from the thorns; but the fruit upon them was worth it. Once the pails were filled, back to home I would go. Mom would wash them off, put some aside for a snack and the rest for blackberry cobbler, blackberry pie, blackberries for ice cream...Yummy! I can smell that sweet, bubbly aroma now of the blackberries. I haven't had a blackberry pie in years; but I do find blackberries in grocery stores and every so often I bring some home...just to devour the juicy goodness of them. Ahh, August that's about the only thing I like about you. You don't have a holiday to enjoy, you're long with 31 days and boring beyond belief. However, there is back to school time and that is always fun! Even today, I find myself wandering around the aisles and looking at the items needed for school. The sight of watching kids gathering school supplies and getting new clothes is always a memory of the time when I and then my daughter did this venture. Many of you already know the adventure of trying to find the right things, and finding them at a great price was just a part of the hunt. A bargain was a fanctastic find and brought celebration and smiles to me! The best part of this event was the knowledge that school was right around the corner and with it came my favorite time of the year - Autumn! Soon the heat and drowsiness of summer would pass on to the cooler and fresher air time of autumn. That's right! Autumn! Indian summer disappearing into the colorful and brilliance of Autumn. A time of football (soccer in some areas), field hockey, baseball's World Series, blue jeans and sweaters! The picking of the harvest which included apples! Oh, what a wonderful and kaleidoscopic time of year! Alas, it is not autumn. It is only August. The longest month of the year to me. Long, boring, hot, steamy, and filled with the sound of cicadas calling for rain. The need to watch for tropical storms and hurricanes is present and hurricane kits have been made in order to be prepared. Yes, it's August! A month of 31 days with time to take that last plunge of summer before the cooler months prevail. Well, maybe August isn't all that bad....Yeah, it is. At least to me it is...a month of sweltering heat; yet a month of promise and memories of the year and how it has progressed to this point. August....the longest month of the year. So, in honor of August I leave off with a poem by Mary Oliver entitled appropriately: August. August By Mary Oliver When the blackberries hang swollen in the woods, in the brambles nobody owns, I spend all day among the high branches, reaching my ripped arms, thinking of nothing, cramming the black honey of summer into my mouth; all day my body accepts what it is. In the dark creeks that run by there is this thick paw of my life darting among the black bells, the leaves; there is this happy tongue.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

A Childhood Hero and a Trip to the Hospital

When I was 7 or 8 years old, I had several heros which I loved to pretend to be. One was Batman and I actually had the big bulky blue helmet and a cape to pretend with. The other was , the legendary king of the jungle. There really wasn't much out there for a girl to look up to in the 1960s. You could be a mom and homemaker; a nurse; a secretary; a teacher; and if you were pretty an airline stewardess. Not that there is anything wrong with any of those, because they are fantastic and rewarding. It's just, well, women didn't go swinging through the jungle saving people, or drive the Batmobile and save people. Actually in the 1960s women were the ones usually being saved by the male heroes. But this isn't about the role of women. I could really go on and on about that. No, this is about one day when I was a child and imagining to be Tarzon. Yep, that day was great! It was spring time and it was really nice outside. Mom was in the farmhouse and Dad was working on a tractor. My brother and sister were gone for the time somewhere and I was alone just having a great time playing. I was yelling the Tarzan cry and grabbing hold of my rope swing. I'd swing on it, let go and start wrestling with my dog, Lady who had become a lion in my imagination. What a great day! The huge lilac bush near the maple tree which held my swing was the jungle undergrowth where I would hide in and watch the imaginary villians! I was incredibly brave and heroic saving people from these evil people! Then, I had a brilliant idea. Dad was in the horse barn and there was a hay loft in the back part of that barn. Yep, and a rope to swing on! My imagination flew and there I was swinging on the rope and dropping into the hay! Talk about fun! The bad guys were really dropping as I wrestled my way in the river (er, hay) taking on aligators, crocodiles, and bad men! It was so much fun! Another idea came into my head...if I tied the rope around my wrist, I would be able to swing back to where I started from. Now, Dad had checked on me several times and saw that I was doing okay. I wasn't doing much, just swinging on the rope and falling into the hay...His back was turned when I tied the rope around my right wrist. "This was going to be great! I wouldn't let go and drop into the hay, instead I would swing right back. Here goes, 1, 2 3, SWING! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!... Poor Dad, I must have givn him a heart attack! Yep, I swung out, and I swung back, but my body was used to falling and it did.....but I was still attached to the rope. I still remember the pain which ripped through my arm and the sound of my voice going from Tarzan's cry to a scream. Dad flew into where I was and grabbed hold of me as I was dangling trying to get my wrist free. He untied it and carried me up to the house. Mom had no idea what was going on, but the next thing I knew; they were putting me into the car and off to Cortland Memorial Hospital we went. Me, I was sobbing from the pain and Mom was holding me. The hospital is a blur of fragmented memories, pictures of the waiting room, getting xrays done and screaming from the positions my arm was put into, and finally, receiving the news. It wasn't broken, but it would have been better if it had been. Nope, not broken...instead the ligaments and muscles had been ripped from their positions. Real good, kiddo! The one nice thing...I got to wear a sling! Well, it was cool to a kid, although, there was a lot of pain. Plus, I got to sleep downstairs on the sofa in the living room! Okay, I'm trying to make it sound better than it was. The truth is it hurt like hell! Believe me, I still remember that pain well! It took awhile for the arm to heal. Sad thing is, my doing this weakened my right arm a great deal. Not that it mattered much, I'm left-handed, but it did do damage that I still suffer from today. Yeah, rotor-cuff problems in my right shoulder and a weakended arm. Nice arthritis in there as well. So is there really any bright spot in this? Yepper! I learned not to do anything stupid like that again! The best thing is that I didn't get the brilliant idea to tie the rope around my neck! Wow, that would have been really bad.... So, did I stop playing Tarzan? Nope, I just played him smarter and wiser. After all he was still my hero and I loved him, but I never tied anything around my arm again, cause I never wanted to go back to the hospital again or have that type of pain again. Nope, instead I did other stupid things, but that's another tale for another day!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Journey to the Darkside

Ever taken a journey down the darkside? I have. It's amazing just how easy it is to take that path. As a matter of fact there is a line from a Star Wars video game which says the same thing. "It's a quiet thing to fall"(SWKOTOR) the character sighs in the game. That's the truth - it is a quiet thing to do and very easy. Many books, movies, and myths describe how easy it is. However, the truth is its not only easy and quiet ;its quick as well. So what was my personal trip to the darkside? It was one built upon the though of doing good and being helpful. The reality is the idea was sound; but it became corrupted with pride, brainwashing, avarice, and judgemental. You see I discovered in my fall that although I wanted to do what was right and good;it was the reason by which I was doing it that had changed. This is why so much is writen about the darkside. Most of us do not realize that we have fallen until it is to latte. For some it is a journey that they never escape from. Others do not even realize they have fallen. They continue on the path thinking that they are doing the right thing. Me? I was lucky. I started reading, thinking, and questioning my actions and attitudes toward my ideal. Finally, I opened my eyes and my mind which had kept me blind to my own false sense of superiority and condescending arrogance. I was appalled at what I had become. I had become what I hated and I did not like it one bit. The ext question I asked myself was why did I allow it to happen. After that I asked:"how do I pull myself back from this darkness?" Yes; darkness for that is exactly what it was. A void so large that I was horrified of it and myself. It really is a quiet thing to fall! But it is a hard and noisy thing to crawl out of the pit of darkness. It begins first with forgiveness. Forgiveness I asked those whom I had harmed with my arrogance. The second action is forgiveness of myself and to actually mean it. Third comes change. Change of attitude; change of thoughts; changing associations; but most importantly changing me. This is all hard to do. Its so much easier to ignore the truth and carry on the merry way that has become habit. I didn't want that;I wanted to be what I had first been. The person who wanted to serve by helping. Yet that person was gone. Shattered by the desire for wanting to be appreciated and acknowledgement. This is when I discovered a new truth: the journey down the darkside can bring about a rebirth. As a phoenix rises from the ashes of a fire; so too can I rise anew from the darkness I had perpetrated. This is the hope, guidance, and light I found. From this new knowledge I blazed the new trail back from the darkside. I have found the truth and light I had been searching for. A place of peace and awakening to be me and not the person others wanted me to be and who I thought I had to be. Yep! I took a fri down the darkside. It held me for awhile, but I have crossed that void and have learner from it. The darkside is a part of me always trying to bring me back on. I know how to fight it and it begins with honesty to oneself and the opening.of ones mind to new.ideas, thoughts, beliefs, and understanding that all one had to do is be me.

Friday, August 3, 2012

The Advertising Images of Women

The Advertising Images of Women

Yvonne C. Parizo

Dr. Catherine Griggs

Becoming Visible


December 7, 2011

Commercials and advertisements capture our attention and give us jingles we love to sing or scenes we laugh about. They also condition us in how we view others, especially women. The inculcation toward the roles and purpose of women is dangerous, violent, and destructive to women. Yet, not every ad was detrimental to women. There are a few which promote equality, strength of character, and an overall view of dignity and education. However, it is the negative view which is a constant in the advertising world toward women.

How many times have we seen advertisements showing the nearly naked body of a young woman promenaded in front of us to contemplate? She is always young, beautiful, perfect hair, and skin; which we see plenty of. She wears spike heels and not much else. At times she lies across a bed. Other times, she stands defiantly with her legs spread apart, a smirk crosses her face. This is the image of the sexual animal. According to the advertisements, women are and should be in the bedroom and for the benefit of men. They are an animal which needs to be tamed and trained to obey. Men look at this image and believe they have every right to expect their sexual desires to be fulfilled by the women in their lives.

  This is an advertisement for a sports magazine. It is a negative look at women, for it looks at the woman’s body not as an athlete, but as a sexual object. Everything about this poster is filled with eroticism from the pose of the woman, to the bed she is lying on, to the thick heavy drapes in the background. This is an ad not for promoting athletes, but for stimulating seduction.

This isn’t the only sports advertisement which uses women this way. There are other endorsements which use women in the same way. The difference, the one I am going to discuss, is an ad for an online dating service, but again it reduces women to the role of a sexual object which must be defeated. This time the woman is shown with black stripes under her eyes, her head is thrown back as if in ecstasy. She is wet as if perspiring or having been covered with water. The football is shown sidewise in her hands between her knees which are straddling the front and back of the football. She has wrist bands on her arms. Her breasts are pushing out of her skimpy top. The jargon for this ad? "Who are you doing after the game? Life is short have an affair". ( Such a wonderful message to share for after the Super Bowl! It is a definite appeal to throwing away marriage vows and enjoying sexual pleasure. But worse, it treats women as if they are animals and are only needed for sexual gratification. The gratification for men.

One of the most horrific advertisements I have looked at, is the one on the cover of this paper. It is a MTV ad and its imagery is disturbing. The background is completely dark; the naked body of a young woman is seated. We do not see her head and her left hand lies spread across her upper abdomen. Her legs are wide open. In front of her we see the hand of a man. He is holding a pistol which is aimed directly at her crotch. That is all we see of the man. He is faceless and bodiless. He is one of the many or of the unknown who are being heralded in this advertisement. His victim is in front of him and at his mercy. She is his enemy and it is her gender which angers him. The pistol is symbolic of two items; a phallic symbol and a representation of violence. Pointing at the young woman’s sexual organs, the weapon is a reminder of strength and authority. Its purpose is to inform both men and women as to who has the power and that it will be maintained and protected by the male. Women are being taught that they are weaker and must submit to the male or be punished or killed. It is a frightening photo where fear, submission, hate, and anger are illustrated with only three objects. Yet, the photo shows the fear and anger of young men toward defenseless young women. She is totally exposed – vulnerable to his attack. He is afraid of her. By using a pistol, he displays his fear of being lowered in status. His role is not that of protector, but of aggressor and his anger comes from his own feelings of worthlessness and insecurity. He must use a weapon to control her and threaten her. This MTV campaign is scary for it advocates the forceful and violent control over women.

Although, there are advertisements which look at women with respect, equality, and dignity, there are many more which are negative. These negative ads create a campaign of violence, hatred, fear, and aggression toward women. They are filled with sexual innuendos and a celebration of male aggression over submissive and animalistic females. The advertisements position women to the role of conquest and must be violently controlled. They are beneath men and are subject to men’s demands. It isn’t a realistic look at women or men; but the terrifying aspects of them are that they could and can become realistic. Especially to the young who look at these photos as if they are a glamorous or credible view of the roles of men and women. Therefore, advertisements and commercials are ways which the young are acclimated into the various views on the social positions of men and women.

Work Cited 2011. 2011.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

A Journey of Freedoms- The Chick Fil A Debacle

For the past week, Americans seem to be embroiled in a war over rights; most specifically the rights provided within the First Amendment.  The interesting point of this is that it spawned into a media and popular fervor from the comments of a fast food chains president.  First, let's see what the Amendment says, then take a look at what Dan Cathy, the president of Chick Fil A said.  Finally, we will put it all into perspective.

The First Amendment:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. (

It seems quite clear.  The government can't create a state religion; nor can people be stopped from practicing their own religious beliefs.  Abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press...Hmmm.  abridging :
1aarchaic: deprive b: to reduce in scope : diminish <attempts to abridge the right of free speech>  (Merriam Webster  Okay, that's understandable.  not to deprive or diminish the ability of the press or the people.    People have the right of assemble peaceably...look at that last word, peaceably...not to riot or use violence.  and lastly, to petition the government for a redress of grievances.  The right to petition the government for a redress of grievances guarantees people the right to ask the government to provide relief for a wrong through the courts (litigation) or other governmental action. It works with the right of assembly by allowing people to join together and seek change from the government.  (,edu.)  Makes sense to me....but the freedom of speech needs a closer look.  The Legal Information Institute of Cornell Law School states this about the freedom of speech and press clause: 
The right to freedom of speech allows individuals to express themselves without interference or constraint by the government. The Supreme Court requires the government to provide substantial justification for the interference with the right of free speech where it attempts to regulate the content of the speech. A less stringent test is applied for content-neutral legislation. The Supreme Court has also recognized that the government may prohibit some speech that may cause a breach of the peace or cause violence. For more on unprotected and less protected categories of speech see advocacy of illegal action, fighting words, commercial speech and obscenity. The right to free speech includes other mediums of expression that communicate a message. The level of protection speech receives also depends on the forum in which it takes place.
Despite popular misunderstanding the right to freedom of the press guaranteed by the first amendment is not very different from the right to freedom of speech. It allows an individual to express themselves through publication and dissemination. It is part of the constitutional protection of freedom of expression. It does not afford members of the media any special rights or privileges not afforded to citizens in general.(

This establishes just what freedom of speech and press are concerned with.  Basically, you must be responsible for what you say and not promote violence or hate. 

Now just what did Dan Cathy say that began this heated debate and appreciation of Chick Fil A? 
When asked about his traditional take on families, Mr. Cathy acknowledged, “Well, guilty as charged.”  “We are very much supportive of the family — the biblical definition of the family unit.” Cathy continued, “We are a family-owned business, a family-led business, and we are married to our first wives. We give God thanks for that.”  (

Well, he is a traditionalist....he is religious, and is married to first wives (as opposed to second, third, etc.).  A rather strange statement, but okay, its his....  Very nice....That's what he believes and what he said.  So how in the world did this little statement become the cry of oppression of religion and speech?  Seven words did it.  the biblical definition of the family unit.  (  Yep, those seven words brought about this unsettling storm of accusations and hate toward the LGBT community and Chick Fil A.  Suddenly, America erupted into a save the Chicken sandwich mentality! 

Yeah, I am being a bit sarcastic, but that's because this is how this outcry has made me feel.  The us vs them mentality is childish and completley beneath the dignity of the American people.  What do I mean by that?  Mr. Cathy, you can say what you want.  According to the First Amendment you are within your rights.  Or are you? The outcry prompted the following post on Chick-fil-A’s website:
“The Chick-fil-A culture and service tradition in our Restaurants is to treat every person with honor, dignity and respect –regardless of their belief, race, creed, sexual orientation or gender. . . our intent is to leave the policy debate over same-sex marriage to the government and political arena.” (  So, if your intent is to leave the policy debate over same-sex marriage to the government and political arena (  why did you bring it up in the first place?  How many of us actually come out with I believe in the biblical definition of marriage?  When I am asked about my beliefs, I say that I believe that Christ is my savior.  That God is love.  I talk about how Christ fulfilled all prophecy and told us to Love God, the father almighty and to love one another.  If asked further, I speak about how Christ told us not to judge one another, and how to be humble. 

Yet, we the people of America became embroiled in this turbulence.  Some said they didn't care what he said, they just loved the food.  Others embraced the idea of standing up for Chick Fil A and Cathy's stance on Freedom of Speech and Religions.  Many opposed him and those who followed his views and condemned his viewpoint.  The sad part is this, many more used this to loose the tongues of hate which fanned across the nation concerning gay marriage and homosexuals in general. 

It is this which has led me to take a journey of freedoms.  The firestorm these words created brought out the worse, the best, and the mediocre in people.  For those of you who have no opinion one way or the other, remember, your rights can be taken away quickly, for you show no caring or concern one way or the other.  Believe me, by not paying attention to what is happening you are making sure that you never take a chance.  Never stand up for anything, never be involved.  That is sad, at some point in time you have to stand up for something....your voice and ideas are important.  For those of you who are jumping on the bandwagon just to be in it; figure out what you believe in.  Stop doing something just because everyone else says or does it.  Stand up for your own beliefs and freedoms.  To the many who stood up for religious and speech freedoms, fine.  But do it with love and peace, not the violence, hate, and vindiction which seems to froth freely out of your mouths.  Do not spew hate toward the LGBT community.  What have these people ever done to you?  Nothing...except maybe make you face your fears...That's right fears.  Only people who are fearful hang onto the words of hate, for fear makes you angry.  Angry at those who are different from you and angry at yourself for fearing them. 
The Journey of Freedoms cannot hold onto the clamors of fear.  Freedom is to deny fear the ability of challenging ourselves and our thoughts in order to grow in knowledge and wisdom.  We must purge the words and feelings of hate from us if we are to expand our horizons and views.  That is what the Chick Fil A debacle is...a means of those who hate to flood our media, our government, our children, and our minds with their fear and anger.  It's time to stop being mindless zombies and being blind obediant serfs.  It's time to learn, educate, and examine exactly what is being said and done and then make a decision toward a belief.  Then standing by that decision but willing to hear another's view as well. 
So, where do I stand on this.  Mr. Cathy, you can have your beliefs, but I pity your judgemental and superior attitude toward people who are not what you think is correct.  Who am I to say this?  A fellow Christian who is following the Bible and reminding another Christian that God is love and Christ is our savior through faith.  Not good works, not money, not position, or station; but through faith alone.  That's my freedom of religion thought.  My freedom of speech allows me to say that even though you insist in the Chick Fil A views to leave gay marriage to the government, you are obviously not doing it with the words you said in the interview...believe in the biblical definition of marriage.  Those words brought it into debate and created this latest upflux of hatred.  Yet, the question remains whether you did it on purpose or if others have taken your words and used them to increase the ability of their fear mongering to generate this avenue.  Either way, the tongue and words have a way of being twisted and can make more harm and injury to individuals than any other item.  Yes, we have freedom of speech, but we must use it wisely and reponsibly for there are many who lie in wait for us to make one mistake; which they pounce upon and use to benefit their own agendas. 

Thus, this journey of freedoms has come to an end of a chapter, but not the end of its journey.  That journey continues onward and will be filled with many other events which will try to impede the freedoms.  By being involved and educated the attacks on freedoms can be deflected and overcome.  They have been throughout the history of the United States and will continue to do so.  This is my thoughts and don't have to agree, just listen and I will with yours.