
Thursday, October 4, 2012

What Would You Do?

So,here it is another day. October is moving quickly for the days are shorter and the nights longer. Ive just finished watching an episode of JJ Abrams' new show, Revolution. Im not a big Abrams' fan at all, but the premise of the show caught my attention. What would we do if all electricity was just gone? In the show it took last than two weeks for total anarcy to occur. It is a rather cynical look at humanity in America; but is it a realistic view? You see this is why i love science fiction. The genre creates scenarios where social, economic, religious, scientific, and historical issues are discussed in a less offensive manner in order to attain a more intellectuals and non-combative discourse. I've watched and read a lot of science fiction/fanasy/horror and have entertained mainy discussions concerning issues due to this. Look at Star Trek : The Original Series; this one program took on issues of prejudice, discrimination, inter racial relationships, euthanasia, theoretical science, and so many other ones. The Star Trek franchise of books, movies, video games, and 4 other television shows engaged in discourses concerning reproduction, homosexuality, overcrowding, population growth, ethical research, education, the arts, business ethics, cloning, communication, personal responsibility, leadership...shall I continue? That's just one franchise of science fiction that has brought these issues to attention and have created interesting avenues of thought concerning them. I havent even gone into the Star Wars, Stargate, Alien, Halo, Mass Effect, or other tales in the genre. Once you look below the entertainment value of sci fi, you find multiple layers of stories which are interwoven through the impirtant events and issues of our lives. We see how ridiculous prejudice is when it is portrayed by two individuals; one whose face is black on the left and white on the right while the other was white on the left and black on the right. We confront our biases when we watch how being intolerant of another's culture leads to misunderstanding and violence. We view the full impact of degradation and dehumanizing of females, other races, and fellow beings when shown in the light of science fiction. Most importantly we are opened to awareness of problems when seeing the affects of extinction toward the environment and nature. Yes, this is why I love science fiction so much. It is a view of our times with all its problems set out before us in ways we can understand and contemplate. So, I ask again what would you do if all eletricity was lo...............

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