
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Truth of Risk

I was thinking about what to write this week, but I admit the presidential debate has been on my mind. I didn't want to write something political for I have offended some. Then I realized what I was allowing. - I was being coerced through ties if supposed friendship to end writing my views on subjects. That is something I will not fall too. If I offend anyone I'm sorry that you were offended, but what I write are my thoughts and I wish to share them and discuss them with others. Isn't this the whole purpose of writing blots; to share our ideas and thoughts with others in order to debate and come to agreements and understanding with one another? But you see speaking your own personal truth is a risk. Its put out there for all to see, to discuss, to alienate, to and yes, to bring together. Truth of any sort is a risk- but when applied to politics or religion, it is inflammatory! Yet, if we are truly friends or close associates we should be able to discuss our personal views without fear of hostility, the use of foul language, or censorship. If we are completely honest our beliefs and ideals could generate healing and communication leading to tolerance and understanding. Through diversity we become stronger and through compassion we become perceptive of others around us. So here's to taking a risk with truth! May we all grow and learn as we explore the truths of others! I'm placing this poem with this for it actually drew my attention to the risks of truth. Risk Writing Politics Religion if you would write about politics religion the world in graphic highlights beware power perturbed consequences writing about sly world religion politics with truth perception has cutting edges sharp edges cut all falling within range blades truth makes enemies of those hiding in shadows truth pisses off lazy blind ignorant excuses truth generates hate mail stalker consequences truth often sharp someone somewhere offends stalkers enemies means relevant observations as long as it offends truth responsibilities demands beware sight truth crusaders passion writers ask them of truth at peril of sting accuracy words Copyright © Terence George Craddock Terence George Craddock (Spectral Images and Images Of

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