
Thursday, October 25, 2012


Fear is an emotion which is unlike any other. It grabs hold of you and will not relinquish its grasp until you cleave it off. Fear can rush at you or sneak up behind you. It doesn't care what age a person is; young, middle, or old; Fear clings to whpm ever it finds. Yes, Fear is an emotion which hholds onto a person. It can stay attached to an individual for an entire life span; clinging, expanding, and infiltrating into the person's very soul. Then Fear introduces its formidable partner, Anger. Once Anger has risen its powerful head, the individual becomes lost in a maze of untruths, falsehoods, and hypocritical prrceptions. Working together Fear and Anger overcome any resistance which may be left in a person. They keep feeding the Fear which in turns increases the combustion of Anger until their child, Hate is born; wailing, screaming, and kicking its way in the birth canal of a petson's mind. Hate the most powerful of all emotions save one rears its venomous head. As Hate takes over the soul has been poisoned and becomes filled with the rhetoric and expanses of revenge, misinformation, and murderous guile. Through hate comes the carnal corruption of love, the one emotion stronger than hate. However as the soul spins in the talons of Fear and Anger. Love is dismissed and Hate spreads its malice from one soul to another as it weaves its tale of dualistic concern. A concern covered by lies and false images which allows Fear to grasp another soul and another; beginning the cycle again. Does this mean that Fear,Anger, and Hate deprive us of hope? They can, but only if we allow them too. Like any emotion they can be overcome and thrown off a soul. It isnt easy, but it isnt hard eithet. It begins with immersing the soul with knowledge, truth, and comprehension. Dousing the flames of anger reduces the hate until it has been cleansed away. With Hate gone, anger begins to waver for the Fear that raised its fervor is being disembodied by actualization or reality. In the end Fear is overcome and vanquished when we no longer listen to it's lies for we now have retrieved our souls from thw grasp of darkness and have become free from its clammy clutches. We have redeemed ourselves from the hypocricy of prejudice, righteousness, and all the other reasons we give for falling to Fear, Anger, and Hate. Love is the hope and answrr to them and to our very souls.

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