
Monday, October 1, 2012

A New Chance For a New Beginning

So here we are. Another month beginning and a chance for new beginnings. That's what today is all about; a new month, a new quarter, a new day. We are given so many chances to begin anew, but how many have we thrown away or disregarded just because we were afraid of change? How many others went by due to our apathy or complacency? Too many, I would predict...way to many. So how do we break out of our fear or apathy? Sadly,quite often. We don't. We are comfortable and do not want to leave the confines of our safe zones. We enjoy our positions in our communities and say this is what we know and undersrand. We are secure, but are we alive? By remaining in our same situations are we becoming stagnant and dead since we refuse to move forward? Life is too short to always "play it safe"! Once a chance is gone it never comes back. However, other opportunities do appear. So why are we given all these avenues? Simple. Humanity always strives to move forward. We are constantly pushing and prodding our way across all obstacles and walls. This is the reason we leave our safety nets. It is an urge in us which is primal and for some of us it becomes so strong and urgent that we must answer it. By lifting off the security blanket that we have cocooned ourselves in, we remove the fallacy we have been living with. Our minds are opened ; our eyes see; our ears hear ; and we become reborn. Yes, reborn for we have moved through the struggles of the birth canal.and are facing the life we are too live. Not one based upon our family's or friends' desires, but the one which is our dream. If someone you know is positioned to take flight, support them! Help them lift off and reach for their dreams; for they will be the ones who delight in helping you achieve your "fantasies " when the naysayers try to divert you! Live life and enjoy the ride for we all walk the hills and valleys' of our journeys and we can all overcome anything as long as we hold hope and compassion in our minds and hearts! Have a great October 1st and seize the moment for growth and change!

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