
Thursday, October 25, 2012


Fear is an emotion which is unlike any other. It grabs hold of you and will not relinquish its grasp until you cleave it off. Fear can rush at you or sneak up behind you. It doesn't care what age a person is; young, middle, or old; Fear clings to whpm ever it finds. Yes, Fear is an emotion which hholds onto a person. It can stay attached to an individual for an entire life span; clinging, expanding, and infiltrating into the person's very soul. Then Fear introduces its formidable partner, Anger. Once Anger has risen its powerful head, the individual becomes lost in a maze of untruths, falsehoods, and hypocritical prrceptions. Working together Fear and Anger overcome any resistance which may be left in a person. They keep feeding the Fear which in turns increases the combustion of Anger until their child, Hate is born; wailing, screaming, and kicking its way in the birth canal of a petson's mind. Hate the most powerful of all emotions save one rears its venomous head. As Hate takes over the soul has been poisoned and becomes filled with the rhetoric and expanses of revenge, misinformation, and murderous guile. Through hate comes the carnal corruption of love, the one emotion stronger than hate. However as the soul spins in the talons of Fear and Anger. Love is dismissed and Hate spreads its malice from one soul to another as it weaves its tale of dualistic concern. A concern covered by lies and false images which allows Fear to grasp another soul and another; beginning the cycle again. Does this mean that Fear,Anger, and Hate deprive us of hope? They can, but only if we allow them too. Like any emotion they can be overcome and thrown off a soul. It isnt easy, but it isnt hard eithet. It begins with immersing the soul with knowledge, truth, and comprehension. Dousing the flames of anger reduces the hate until it has been cleansed away. With Hate gone, anger begins to waver for the Fear that raised its fervor is being disembodied by actualization or reality. In the end Fear is overcome and vanquished when we no longer listen to it's lies for we now have retrieved our souls from thw grasp of darkness and have become free from its clammy clutches. We have redeemed ourselves from the hypocricy of prejudice, righteousness, and all the other reasons we give for falling to Fear, Anger, and Hate. Love is the hope and answrr to them and to our very souls.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Truth of Risk

I was thinking about what to write this week, but I admit the presidential debate has been on my mind. I didn't want to write something political for I have offended some. Then I realized what I was allowing. - I was being coerced through ties if supposed friendship to end writing my views on subjects. That is something I will not fall too. If I offend anyone I'm sorry that you were offended, but what I write are my thoughts and I wish to share them and discuss them with others. Isn't this the whole purpose of writing blots; to share our ideas and thoughts with others in order to debate and come to agreements and understanding with one another? But you see speaking your own personal truth is a risk. Its put out there for all to see, to discuss, to alienate, to and yes, to bring together. Truth of any sort is a risk- but when applied to politics or religion, it is inflammatory! Yet, if we are truly friends or close associates we should be able to discuss our personal views without fear of hostility, the use of foul language, or censorship. If we are completely honest our beliefs and ideals could generate healing and communication leading to tolerance and understanding. Through diversity we become stronger and through compassion we become perceptive of others around us. So here's to taking a risk with truth! May we all grow and learn as we explore the truths of others! I'm placing this poem with this for it actually drew my attention to the risks of truth. Risk Writing Politics Religion if you would write about politics religion the world in graphic highlights beware power perturbed consequences writing about sly world religion politics with truth perception has cutting edges sharp edges cut all falling within range blades truth makes enemies of those hiding in shadows truth pisses off lazy blind ignorant excuses truth generates hate mail stalker consequences truth often sharp someone somewhere offends stalkers enemies means relevant observations as long as it offends truth responsibilities demands beware sight truth crusaders passion writers ask them of truth at peril of sting accuracy words Copyright © Terence George Craddock Terence George Craddock (Spectral Images and Images Of

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Keep Climbing

When I was a child, a wonderful movie was released.  It was called, The Sound Of Music".  I was about 5 years old, but I loved it and I knew my mother did too.  I don't know how many times we went to the theatre to see it, but it was a lot.  Why did this movie mean so much to me and maybe to my mom?  I think it was a couple of songs... "Climb Every Mountain" and "I Have Confidence".  You probably understand why my mother would love this movie and songs; but why would a 5 year old kid?  I guess it's because I had already gone through 3 different surgeries, and almost died when I was 3.  Yep, that's just a few things to make me understand the need to hang in there and keep on climbing.  Life can throw a lot of punches at you and sometimes you duck and sometimes it lands fully.  That is why, I love them.  The lyrics help me grow and realize just who I am and what I can do.  Just like this quote from Colon Powell affects me as well.  They are all about continuing to climb and reach for your goal.  It's all about not letting others try to keep you on their level, just because they don't want you to go or from their own fears.  Colon's quote is wonderful for he puts everything into perspective; especially, when we are overcome with the advice of others.  I hope you enjoy it and maybe take some time to watch a great classic.  I think I will.  The hills are alive after all and calling to me!

“The less you associate with some people, the more your life will improve.
Any time you tolerate mediocrity in others, it increases your mediocrity. An
important attribute in successful people is their impatience with negative
thinking and negative acting people. As you grow, your associates will
change. Some of your friends will not want you to go on. They will want you
to stay where they are. Friends that don't help you climb will want you to
crawl. Your friends will stretch your vision or choke your dream. Those that
don't increase you will eventually decrease you.

Consider this:
Never receive counsel from unproductive people. Never discuss your problems
with someone incapable of contributing to the solution, because those who
never succeed themselves are always first to tell you how. Not everyone has
a right to speak into your life. You are certain to get the worst of the
bargain when you exchange ideas with the wrong person. Don't follow anyone
who's not going anywhere.

With some people you spend an evening: with others you invest it. Be careful
where you stop to inquire for directions along the road of life. Wise is the
person who fortifies his life with the right friendships. If you run with
wolves, you will learn how to howl. But, if you associate with eagles, you
will learn how to soar to great heights.
"A mirror reflects a man's face, but what he is really like is shown by the
kind of friends he chooses."

The simple but true fact of life is that you become like those with whom you
closely associate - for the good and the bad.

Note: Be not mistaken. This is applicable to family as well as friends. love, appreciate and be thankful for your family, for they will
always be your family no matter what. Just know that they are human first
and though they are family to you, they may be a friend to someone else and
will fit somewhere in the criteria above.

"In Prosperity Our Friends Know Us. In Adversity We Know Our friends."

"Never make someone a priority when you are only an option for them."
"If you are going to achieve excellence in big things,you develop the habit in little matters.
Excellence is not an exception, it is a prevailing attitude.."..”
Colin Powell

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Truth

My daughter had always been a very happy and contented girl – a typical teenager.  The summer of 2008 changed that.  She would become angry and hostile.  To put it simply, she was hiding something she didn’t want us to know.  There was one problem, for I knew what her secret was.  Plus, I knew she was beginning to suffer from a disease which seems to be prevalent in my family; a disease that I still suffer from.  Luckily, I had shared my battle with my daughter and husband, unknowingly preparing them for the events to come.

            It all began when she met a girl at college.  They became fast friends and were always together.  It was easy to see that there was more to their relationship than friendship.  In the summer of 2008, my daughter collapsed in my arms and began sobbing relentlessly.  All night I stayed up watching over her.  I watched my girl go from that vibrant smiling cherub to an empty shell that just went through the motions of life.  I took her to our doctor who prescribed anti-depressants and then to a counselor for therapy.  Finally, in June, 2009 she accepted what I and her father already knew was true and accepted.  She came to us while we were sitting in the living room, and asked us if we could talk.  I could tell she was nervous; she always walks around and waves her hands as if she were Keith Lockhart directing the Boston Pops when she is excited or apprehensive.  She looked at us both and said, “I love you.  I know that I have to be what I was meant to be.  I can’t lie nor hide what I am.”   “So, what are you,” I asked.  She peered at us with fear that shook her slender body, but she bravely answered, “I am a lesbian”.  My husband and I exchanged a glance and broke out in laughter.  Our daughter stared at us as if we had lost our minds.  Finally, I pulled her close and kissed her.  “Sweetheart, don’t you know by now that you are always my girl and that we love you no matter what.  We don’t care if you’re a lesbian; we just want you to be happy”.  My husband echoes the same sentiment, and we watched as a tear trickled down her cheek.  Her voice quivering, she said, “I didn’t think you would ever call me, ‘your girl’ ever again”.  That simple phrase, “my girl”, was all she needed to know that we loved and accepted her.  It is the phrase I always use when I know she is feeling down for I realize it helps her recognize the truth about my love for her.

            Unfortunately, not everyone feels the way we do about homosexuals.  We had been going to the same church for seventeen years.  Regrettably, what occurred in the middle of July, 2009 drove us from any chance of reconciliation with the church and its young pastor.  We heard a soft knock on our front door and when my husband answered it, there stood our young pastor.  We had not expected him for my husband had told him that we were looking for a new church.  Yet, Pastor had come again to question why we were leaving.  My daughter finally came forth with the true reason.  I can still see her standing in the living room, her riotous curly brown hair shook around her head as she punctuated every word to this young man; “If I want to love a woman that is none of your business”!  Saying this she dissolved into tears and fled the room with my husband pursuing her.  I stood frozen and felt that all of the work that had been done to help her had been destroyed by the vanity of this man.  I asked him three times to leave my home, but he would not go.  I countered him verse by verse, and he smirked when he said “sin no more.”  I gazed at him and said, “Pastor, I would like you to stop sinning right now.”  Astonishingly, he told me he would!  I knew then what a hypocrite and liar he was.  I knew of the verse that would end this witch hunt; nevertheless, I kept it to myself.  No matter what verse I would repeat, Pastor would remain antagonistic and cocky in his belief that gays were condemned to hell.  I went to my daughter, she sobbing uncontrollably, and my husband, trying in vain to comfort her.  My husband and I traded places, and I could hear my husband’s gentle admonishments to Pastor and his requests to leave.  Finally, Pastor left and with him went our desire to ever attend a church again.             

            This is the truth and the verse I knew is one that reflects truth:  “If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us” (1 John 1:8).  You see I search for truth and I know that truth is what each one of us makes it.  Author, Parker Palmer, wrote these words in his book, Let Your Life Speak:  Listening for the Voice of Vocation, which I find very inspiring: 

“The world still waits for the truth that will set us free –

My truth, your truth, our truth –

The truth that was seeded in the earth

 When each of us arrived here

 Formed in the image of God.

Cultivating that truth, I believe,

Is the authentic vocation of every human being” (36).

Parker is right.  We all have our own truths which we must not only sow, but tend to, and allow to grow for it is not only a reflection of ourselves, but also God.  The truth, my daughter is a lesbian whom we love and enjoy!  Another truth, this all took place over four years ago and the majority of what I have written here was first done in the Fall of 2008.  We have been through many more events and they have sent us through the ringer.  The reactions of most who know have been overwhelmingly positive.  My girl knows this.  But there have been many who react to her the same as that young Pastor.  Full of hate and perpetuating condemnation, we’ve dealt with insults, the beating of my girl, and betrayal by people we thought were friends and discovered just how fair weather they really were.  No, homosexuals aren’t committing a sin, they have been born to love in a way that some heterosexuals don’t understand.  But then again it isn’t anybody’s business what goes on in the sexual life of others.  I know I sure don’t want to know about other couples around us and I really don’t know why that is so important to some.  But there is one thing I do know.  Read Mathew 19: 11-12, then think about it…really, you might just see the truth.  Now Accept it. 


Work Cited

Holy Bible. Grand Rapids.  Zondervon.  1991.

Parker, Palmer J.  Let Your Life Speak:  Listening for the Voice of Vocation.  San Francisco, Jossey-Bass. 2000.


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

John: Happy Birthday to the Man of Dreams and Hope

Today is the birthday of John Lennon.  For some reason this knowledge sent me reeling onto an emotional merry go round.  Why?  I have no idea.  Maybe because if he had lived, he would have been 72 years old.  Maybe its due to his having been murdered and his family and friends still mourn him.  Maybe its because I remember seeing him on the Ed Sullivan Show when I was 4 years old.  Maybe he is an imprint on my mind of being a child and growing up with his music.  Yeah, I grew up with his songs....first with the Beatles and then solo.  My favorite song by him is "Woman", followed by "Imagine".  Then come the Beatle tunes.  Yeah.  Loved John, Paul, George, and Ringo!  Paul was and is my favorite; but John, there is something extremely special about John.  I think its because John really didn't care what people thought of him.  He lived his life in his way, not worrying about conforming to societal rules and structures.  He stood up for people, peace, and love. In the end, he died violently at the hands of a fanatic.  Why is it that individuals who espouse peace, love, tranquility...seem to die violently.  Think about it.  Christ, Ghandi, JFK (to some extent), Lincoln, the list goes on.  No, I'm not saying that John was a messiah, I'm saying he spoke his mind on the subject of peace, of supporting all people and caring for them, of working toward equality to all, and doing it peacefully, through his music and his creativity.  John Lennon, 72 years old today if he lived...some where, sometime, we got old, but John, he will always be young.... and through him, we remain young and full of hope.  Maybe, that's why I was sent seems as though hope has been pushed aside to allow fear to run rampant.  Yeah, we needed John then and we need his music and hope now.  It's time to rid ourselves of fear and fearmongers and time to bring back hope, respect, and consideration....but then again, maybe "I'm only a dreamer, but I hope you join me" and stop the hate and cherish the love.  Thanks John!  And Happy Birthday! 

Monday, October 8, 2012

American Democracy: Equality and Classes

Just thought I would add one of my papers that I wrote for my Intro to American Civilization class in 2010.  As a student of American Studies, I am constantly seeking to understand the nature of American culture.  This is just one look into the unique government which the founding fathers created in the 18th century.  I hope you enjoy it!



American Democracy: Equality and Classes


It was considered an experiment. An experiment which could seize the Old World and destroy its very philosophy concerning traditional roles of society; or it could be an experiment which ended in disaster and chaos for this newborn country which pursued the elusive conception of equality toward all its citizenry. Yet, this newborn country added another dimension to its philosophy of egalitarianism by encouraging the growth of capitalism within its ideology. Many watched this struggle by this infant nation as it writhed from the beliefs of its motherland and formed its own virtues and designs. A number of those of who scrutinized this process were convinced it would fail and would fall to the established views of tradition. Nevertheless, numerous others watched with delight as the new land overcame tradition, and established a new way of surviving and thriving with the principle of equality in a system dedicated to capitalism and a class system.

This ability to survive and thrive is due to the aptitude of individuals who through various means were able to cross social lines and rise in class. It is these means which can be used by any individual that allows for the continued growth and practice of this unique system. Two of the ways that individuals used in order to achieve this goal are: devotion to their goal and a tendency to improve oneself through education and resolves. One of the most important aspects of the principle of equality and capitalism’s class system is the capacity for growth and ascension into higher classes. In order to achieve this goal the need for determination and to strive forward even if failure occurs in some element of this aspiration. This ideal has been reflected frequently in books, letters, and essays of individuals who have achieved their dream. For instance, in Autobiography Of Benjamin Franklin, Mr. Franklin admits that when he tried to perfect himself, he came to the realization “that a perfect character might be attended with the inconvenience of being envied and hated; and that a benevolent man should allow a few faults in himself, to keep his friends in countenance” (1). However, Mr. Franklin did not give up on his goal. Instead, he realized that in order to attain his goal he had to realize that he needed to qualify which points needed to be enhanced and remain devoted to the major goal rather than to several offshoots of that goal.

Furthermore, Alexis de Tocqueville in his book, Democracy In America, writes about the progressiveness toward industry which Americans committed themselves to: “The Americans make immense progress in productive industry, because they all devote themselves to it at once” (1). Even this Frenchman notated just how devoted to a cause or goal Americans are when he traveled throughout the fledgling country in order to understand the principle of equality in this capitalistic country.

Probably one of the most notable writings concerning the devotion to attaining a goal is from F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel, The Great Gatsby. In the novel, Gatsby is a young man who was born into a poor family. However, his aspirations were to get ahead and become something better than what he had lived with. Upon his meeting Daisy, when he was in the Army for World War I, he realized that she was the catalyst of his goal. “…he found that he had committed himself to the following of a grail” (149). Yet, this devotion to a goal began when Gatsby was young for as his father says after his death: “he knew he had a big future in front of him. And ever since he made a success he was very generous with me” (172). Thus, Gatsby remained devoted to his goal of “making it big” (173) and to attain the most important aspect of his goal, the love of Daisy. It is this devotion to a goal which helps create equality within the capitalistic class system in American Democracy for it allows the upward and downward movement of people in the United States.

In addition, to this devotion to a goal is the desire to educate and grow in varied areas which are means that contribute to the egalitarianism within the capitalistic class system. Whereas, Tocqueville describes “how an aristocracy can be created by manufacturers” (1) he further states how “men of great opulence and education devote their wealth and knowledge to manufacturers” (1). With education the ability to be equal is approachable. However, as Tocqueville reiterates “an aristocracy can be created” (1) and it is up to “the friends of democracy to keep their eyes anxiously fixed on the conditions which could create a permanent inequality and aristocracy” (1).

This is an idea that is discussed in The Great Gatsby, as the reader discovers that several of the characters are from the working class and it is through their resolve and education that they are able to join the aristocratic class of the 1920’s. For example, Jay Gatsby’s father shows Nick Carroway a book in which his son had written several resolves that he wanted to attain: “Jimmy was bound to get ahead. He always had some resolves like this or something. Do you notice what he’s got about improving his mind: He was always great for than” (173). Again, one of the defining elements of climbing in society is the need to be educated and to expand one’s horizons to reach what many might have though to be unreachable.

Yet, there are many who like Tocqueville who felt that this would lead to an aristocracy. Fortunately, there are many more who believe that by educating all people and by tempering the number of resolves to one that may be of the most important, the ability to remain equal is fathomable in a capitalistic society. Benjamin Franklin writes: “I endeavored to cure myself of this vice (pride)…I made it a rule to forbear all direct contradiction to the sentiment of others and all positive assertion of my own” (1). In other words, Mr. Franklin worked on expanding his own viewpoints to the thoughts of others in order to prevent himself from becoming arrogant and aristocratic in nature. By doing this, he gives the formula for preventing inequality and establishing a rapport with others which conveys parity across social classes.

Thus, two methods used in order for the sociopolitical order based upon the principles of equality to survive and thrive in a capitalistic class society are devotion to a goal and the need for education and attainable resolutions. These are two ways which will continue the growth of evolution of equality within the American Democracy. Furthermore, as Tocqueville stated it is the “friends of democracy”(1) who must ensure the continuity of equality through these measures.






Work Cited


Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby. New York. Scribner. 2004.

Franklin, Benjamin. Autobiography Of Benjamin Franklin.

/instructor/griggscm/pel/dir_intro_am_studies/ autobiography_franklin.htm.2010.

Tocqueville, Alexis de. Democracy In America. instructor

/griggscm/pel/dir_intro_am_studies/Book_II_Chap_19 and 20.htm. 2010.







Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Haunted Palace

The very first American author of horror was Edgar Allen Poe. His works gave been made into movies,plays, satires, paintings, and have been quoted in numerous media. How many have found themselves shivering from the results of reading his chilling tales or poems. I hope you enjoy this piece by him. The Haunted Palace In the greenest of our valleys By good angels tenanted, Once a fair and stately palace-Radiant palace- reared its head. In the monarch Thought's dominion-It stood there! Never seraph spread a pinion Over fabric half so fair! Banners yellow, glorious, golden, On its roof did float and flow, (This- all this- was in the olden Time long ago,) And every gentle air that dallied, In that sweet day, Along the ramparts plumed and pallid, A winged odor went away. Wanderers in that happy valley, Through two luminous windows, saw Spirits moving musically, To a lute's well-tuned law, Round about a throne where, sitting (Porphyrogene!) In state his glory well-befitting, The ruler of the realm was seen. And all with pearl and ruby glowing Was the fair palace door, Through which came flowing, flowing, flowing, And sparkling evermore,troop of Echoes, whose sweet duty Was but to sing, In voices of surpassing beauty, The wit and wisdom of their king. But evil things, in robes of sorrow, Assailed the monarch's high estate. (Ah, let us mourn!- for never morrow Shall dawn upon him desolate!) And round about his home the glory That blushed and bloomed, Is but a dim-remembered story Of the old time entombed. And travellers, now, within that valley, Through the red-litten windows see Vast forms, that move fantastically To a discordant melody, While, like a ghastly rapid river, Through the pale door A hideous throng rush out forever; and laugh, but smile no more. Edgar Allen Poe published. 1839

Thursday, October 4, 2012

What Would You Do?

So,here it is another day. October is moving quickly for the days are shorter and the nights longer. Ive just finished watching an episode of JJ Abrams' new show, Revolution. Im not a big Abrams' fan at all, but the premise of the show caught my attention. What would we do if all electricity was just gone? In the show it took last than two weeks for total anarcy to occur. It is a rather cynical look at humanity in America; but is it a realistic view? You see this is why i love science fiction. The genre creates scenarios where social, economic, religious, scientific, and historical issues are discussed in a less offensive manner in order to attain a more intellectuals and non-combative discourse. I've watched and read a lot of science fiction/fanasy/horror and have entertained mainy discussions concerning issues due to this. Look at Star Trek : The Original Series; this one program took on issues of prejudice, discrimination, inter racial relationships, euthanasia, theoretical science, and so many other ones. The Star Trek franchise of books, movies, video games, and 4 other television shows engaged in discourses concerning reproduction, homosexuality, overcrowding, population growth, ethical research, education, the arts, business ethics, cloning, communication, personal responsibility, leadership...shall I continue? That's just one franchise of science fiction that has brought these issues to attention and have created interesting avenues of thought concerning them. I havent even gone into the Star Wars, Stargate, Alien, Halo, Mass Effect, or other tales in the genre. Once you look below the entertainment value of sci fi, you find multiple layers of stories which are interwoven through the impirtant events and issues of our lives. We see how ridiculous prejudice is when it is portrayed by two individuals; one whose face is black on the left and white on the right while the other was white on the left and black on the right. We confront our biases when we watch how being intolerant of another's culture leads to misunderstanding and violence. We view the full impact of degradation and dehumanizing of females, other races, and fellow beings when shown in the light of science fiction. Most importantly we are opened to awareness of problems when seeing the affects of extinction toward the environment and nature. Yes, this is why I love science fiction so much. It is a view of our times with all its problems set out before us in ways we can understand and contemplate. So, I ask again what would you do if all eletricity was lo...............

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Why Spuyten Duyvil Is So Named

Its the time of year when spooky stories are told as friends and family gather around fire pits enjoying their time together. Some of the tales told are from my home state, New York. I hope you enjoy these tales as much as I have. Happy Spooky Time! WHY SPUYTEN DUYVIL IS SO NAMED The tide-water creek that forms the upper boundary of Manhattan Island is known to dwellers in tenements round about as "Spittin' Divvle." The proper name of it is Spuyten Duyvil, and this, in turn, is the compression of a celebrated boast by Anthony Van Corlaer. This redoubtable gentleman, famous for fat, long wind, and long whiskers, was trumpeter for the garrison at New Amsterdam, which his countrymen had just bought for twenty-four dollars, and he sounded the brass so sturdily that in the fight between the Dutch and Indians at the Dey Street peach orchard his blasts struck more terror into the red men's hearts than did the matchlocks of his comrades. William the Testy vowed that Anthony and his trumpet were garrison enough for all Manhattan Island, for he argued that no regiment of Yankees would approach near enough to be struck with lasting deafness, as must have happened if they came when Anthony was awake. Peter Stuyvesant-Peter the Headstrong—showed his appreciation of Anthony's worth by making him his esquire, and when he got news of an English expedition on its way to seize his unoffending colony, he at once ordered Anthony to rouse the villages along the Hudson with a trumpet call to war. The esquire took a hurried leave of six or eight ladies, each of whom delighted to believe that his affections were lavished on her alone, and bravely started northward, his trumpet hanging on one side, a stone bottle, much heavier, depending from the other. It was a stormy evening when he arrived at the upper end of the island, and there was no ferryman in sight, so, after fuming up and down the shore, he swallowed a mighty draught of Dutch courage,—for he was as accomplished a performer on the horn as on the trumpet,—and swore with ornate and voluminous oaths that he would swim the stream "in spite of the devil" [En spuyt den Duyvil]. He plunged in, and had gone half-way across when the Evil One, not to be spited, appeared as a huge moss-bunker, vomiting boiling water and lashing a fiery tail. This dreadful fish seized Anthony by the leg; but the trumpeter was game, for, raising his instrument to his lips, he exhaled his last breath through it in a defiant blast that rang through the woods for miles and made the devil himself let go for a moment. Then he was dragged below, his nose shining through the water more and more faintly, until, at last, all sight of him was lost. The failure of his mission resulted in the downfall of the Dutch in America, for, soon after, the English won a bloodless victory, and St. George's cross flaunted from the ramparts where Anthony had so often saluted the setting sun. But it was years, even then, before he was hushed, for in stormy weather it was claimed that the shrill of his trumpet could be heard near the creek that he had named, sounding above the deeper roar of the blast.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Happy Birthday Dad!

A Happy Birthday to my father whose quiet calm has always been a trait I wish I had inherited. Although the distance is great, I see and feel his love surround me as I look at the memories I have of our family. Thank you tor all you have given and all you have taught me. We will celebrate your birth and life on this special day. Love you fer much: Your daughter. Father was a Farmer: A Ballad by Robert Burns MY father was a farmer upon the Carrick border, O, And carefully he bred me in decency and order, O; He bade me act a manly part, though I had ne’er a farthing, O; For without an honest manly heart, no man was worth regarding, O. Then out into the world my course I did determine, O; Tho’ to be rich was not my wish, yet to be great was charming, O; My talents they were not the worst, nor yet my education, O: Resolv’d was I at least to try to mend my situation, O. In many a way, and vain essay, I courted Fortune’s favour, O; Some cause unseen still stept between, to frustrate each endeavour, O; Sometimes by foes I was o’erpower’d, sometimes by friends forsaken, O; And when my hope was at the top, I still was worst mistaken, O. Then sore harass’d and tir’d at last, with Fortune’s vain delusion, O, I dropt my schemes, like idle dreams, and came to this conclusion, O; The past was bad, and the future hid, its good or ill untried, O; But the present hour was in my pow’r, and so I would enjoy it, O. No help, nor hope, nor view had I, nor person to befriend me, O; So I must toil, and sweat, and moil, and labour to sustain me, O; To plough and sow, to reap and mow, my father bred me early, O; For one, he said, to labour bred, was a match for Fortune fairly, O. Thus all obscure, unknown, and poor, thro’ life I’m doom’d to wander, O, Till down my weary bones I lay in everlasting slumber, O: No view nor care, but shun whate’er might breed me pain or sorrow, O; I live to-day as well’s I may, regardless of to-morrow, O. But cheerful still, I am as well as a monarch in his palace, O, Tho’ Fortune’s frown still hunts me down, with all her wonted malice, O: I make indeed my daily bread, but ne’er can make it farther, O: But as daily bread is all I need, I do not much regard her, O. When sometimes by my labour, I earn a little money, O, Some unforeseen misfortune comes gen’rally upon me, O; Mischance, mistake, or by neglect, or my goodnatur’d folly, O: But come what will, I’ve sworn it still, I’ll ne’er be melancholy, O. All you who follow wealth and power with unremitting ardour, O, The more in this you look for bliss, you leave your view the farther, O: Had you the wealth Potosi boasts, or nations to adore you, O, A cheerful honest-hearted clown I will prefer before you, O.

Monday, October 1, 2012

A New Chance For a New Beginning

So here we are. Another month beginning and a chance for new beginnings. That's what today is all about; a new month, a new quarter, a new day. We are given so many chances to begin anew, but how many have we thrown away or disregarded just because we were afraid of change? How many others went by due to our apathy or complacency? Too many, I would predict...way to many. So how do we break out of our fear or apathy? Sadly,quite often. We don't. We are comfortable and do not want to leave the confines of our safe zones. We enjoy our positions in our communities and say this is what we know and undersrand. We are secure, but are we alive? By remaining in our same situations are we becoming stagnant and dead since we refuse to move forward? Life is too short to always "play it safe"! Once a chance is gone it never comes back. However, other opportunities do appear. So why are we given all these avenues? Simple. Humanity always strives to move forward. We are constantly pushing and prodding our way across all obstacles and walls. This is the reason we leave our safety nets. It is an urge in us which is primal and for some of us it becomes so strong and urgent that we must answer it. By lifting off the security blanket that we have cocooned ourselves in, we remove the fallacy we have been living with. Our minds are opened ; our eyes see; our ears hear ; and we become reborn. Yes, reborn for we have moved through the struggles of the birth canal.and are facing the life we are too live. Not one based upon our family's or friends' desires, but the one which is our dream. If someone you know is positioned to take flight, support them! Help them lift off and reach for their dreams; for they will be the ones who delight in helping you achieve your "fantasies " when the naysayers try to divert you! Live life and enjoy the ride for we all walk the hills and valleys' of our journeys and we can all overcome anything as long as we hold hope and compassion in our minds and hearts! Have a great October 1st and seize the moment for growth and change!