
Sunday, March 16, 2014

The Candy Bar Thief

We were having a discussion about thieves and stealing today, and I found myself thinking back in time to a very valuable lesson I learned when I was 7 years old.  Yeah, another story of my somewhat ridiculous past, but, hey, I like to tell them.  After all, I didn't talk too much when I was young.  Too shy and too low on self-confidence.  Age and college have a way of building one's self-confidence and self-esteem. but enough of that, on to the story!

"Picture this!"  (Okay, so I love Sophia from The Golden Girls)  The year is 1967.  My grandparents' house in the small town of Taylor, NY.  Inside the glassed in porch sits my grandparents, my sister and brother, mom, dad, and me.  My sister suddenly says:  "I want a candy bar.  Yvonne, run over to Cross's and get me one.  Here's a quarter."
Wow!  My big sister wanted me to do this for her!  I was growing up!  7 years old and being able to cross the road and get a candy bar.  Never mind, my family would be watching me the whole time.  After all, just what did a 7 year old in 1967 rural America know?  Not much, if that person was me.  I admit, I was pretty naive!

Anyway, there I go!  Out the door, down the walk.  Look both ways before crossing!  Run across the road and go into the little flower shop which sold sodas and candy bars as well.  Mr. Cross looks at me and in his gruff voice asks, "What do you want, Yvonne?"
Me, rather timidly answers back.  "Dawn wants a candy bar".
He points to where they are and tells me, "Good thing you came over now. I was just closing down the shop."
I nod solemnly and pick out Dawn's candy bar.  "Hurry up and get your bar".
I look at him and think, I guess he wants me to have one too.  So I grab another bar.  I give him the quarter that Dawn had given me to pay for the one bar and leave.  (Yes, candy bars were a cheap then....maybe it was 10 cents.  Whatever, it was cheap)  I thought I was a big shot!  I did that all by myself!  I look both ways, cross the road again, run down the walk, and back onto the porch.  I hand Dawn her candy bar and then go sit on the couch behind everybody to enjoy my delicious Milky Way bar.  (I love Milky Way bars.  All that gooey caramel and chocolate...mmmmmm.  I'm making myself hungry for one. )

Well, I'm just about halfway done with that bar, when Dawn looks over at me and asks what I'm eating.  Of course I reply "A Milky Way".
 Mom asks, "Where did you get it?"
"At Cross'", I mumble, my mouth full of gooey goodness.
"How did you pay for it?"  Dawn asks.  "I only gave you enough money for one bar".
"He told me to get the bar".
Gramp looks over and says, "He told you to get Dawn's bar.  Not one for you."
I stop eating.  They are all looking at me.  "You stole it?" Ivan asks.
"I didn't steal it.  He told me to get it."
"You didn't pay for it!  You're in trouble!" Ivan shouts.
The others start in telling Ivan to hush and Dawn to be quiet.  My two older siblings were enjoying the idea that I had stolen something.  By this time, I was a mess.  I was crying, carrying on about how I wasn't a thief, but deep down inside, I knew.  I had stolen it.  I was sick, scared to death, and afraid I was going to go to jail.
"Tomorrow, young lady, you will go over there and pay him for the candy bar."  My dad said and that was the end of the conversation.

But it wasn't the end for me.  I was terrified.  No sleep for me that night or at least not much. Nightmares plagued my night.  Fear ran rampant through me.  I was a thief!  I had lost my family's respect.  Maybe they didn't love me anymore.  It was horrible.  (Still affects me to this day!)  It was a very long and scary night.  Then finally it was over.  I couldn't eat breakfast, my stomach was a mess.  I was literally shaking.  I got down my little bear bank and dug out the amount needed.  Now remember I was 7 and that was a lot of money for a kid my age.  Mom and I got in the car and we drove to Gramp and Gram's house.  Mom parked and looked over at me.  "Come on, Vonnie.  Let's go."
I slowly opened the door of the car and climbed out.  Mom was waiting for me.  I moved as if in a trance haltingly toward her.  She took my hand and we walked over to Cross'.  I dragged my feet, not wanting to go to jail, for I knew that's where I was headed.  In we went.  There behind the counter stood Mr. and Mrs. Cross!  I looked frantically for a place to hide.  Mom led me right up to them.  "Tell them what you did, Yvonne".
I looked up at her and she nodded her head.  I glanced at them and very shamefully told them:  "I took another candy bar when I was here last night.  I didn't just get one for Dawn.  I took one for me too.  I'm sorry!  I'll never do it again!  Please don't send me to jail!  I have the money for it right here!"
I offered up the coin to them with a shaking hand.

Mr. Cross reached over and took the coin.  Mrs. Cross came around the counter and knelt down beside me.  "That was a wrong thing to do, but coming here and admitting that you did it was a good thing.  We would never have trusted you again, but now we will.  Don't ever steal anything again.  After all, was that candy bar any good from stealing it?

I thought about what she said and then answered truthfully, "No, Ma'am.  I was sick as all get out and I don't want to feel that way again!"

Both of them smiled and talked to my mom for a moment.  Then mom and I walked back over to Gramp and Gram's.  Gramp was waiting for us.  "Well"?  He asked.
"All's good" Mom answered.
"Good.  Now Vonnie go get up in the truck.  You're coming with me today".
Mom smiled and waved good bye as she went into the house to see Gram.
Me, I jumped up and into Gramp's old truck with a grin.  It was always a treat to go with Gramp in that truck.  It had a horn that went Ahhhwooooahhh!  Yep, I was happy.  However, Gramp made sure I would learn my lesson well.  He put me to work in the cemetery he took care of trimming weeds around the stones.  He also had a long talk with me about self-respect, stealing, lying, respect for others, and doing the right thing.

I learned a lot that day.  I learned what family love was all about.  I learned to do what was right, even though others might try to pressure me into doing something wrong.  I learned that my actions affect no only me, but the people around me.  I learned that I was loved and I loved my family even more.  So once upon a time, I was a time only.  I never did it again.  Ever.  After all, I was a huge Batman fan, and what would Batman think of me, "The Candy Bar Thief".

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