
Sunday, March 30, 2014

Go Fly A Kite!

Another Sunday has dawned upon us (well, about 6 hours ago) and the sky is a luminous blue full of sunlight brightening the day.  A chilly wind blusters through destroying the sky's illusion of a warm day.  Yet, the sun draws one to venture out and enjoy a blustery day.  This is a day filled with visions of flying kites; watching the brilliant colors of the toy as it swoops, weaves, and soars in drafts reminiscent of the hawk it resembles.

The sky fills with these wondrous expressions of flight as people move from indoors to out, enjoying time with nature and one another.  The joy of seeing children's faces, as they race across the beach with their kites, is transforming for who could remain stressed or down at watching them let the wind catch the kites and lift into the air.  Eyes are transfixed onto the lightweight frames with their colourful material stretched across them.  Will they stay aloft?  Or will they come crashing down like Charlie Brown's does?  This day, they remain overhead caught in the tempest of air gusting from the sea to the land.

Ah, the mystery of flight and the desire to fly becomes overwhelming as one watches these human made birds.  The ability to dive, soar, and be free of the burden of gravity is tantalizing and wants to be fulfilled.  Dreams of hang gliding soon fill the mind and the send it into the wind as well, the rush and freedom of flight.  Then suddenly, reality drops the vision and once more I am chained to the ground by the restraints of society.

To hell with society and its uncompromising attitudes toward conformity!  I am going to make a kite and go fly!  It's a beautiful blustery day to go fly a kite and be free!

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