
Saturday, March 15, 2014

"Beware the Ides of March"

Today is an important day in history!  That's right!  It's important!  "Beware the Ides of March"!  Too bad Julius Caesar didn't pay attention to that warning.  He might have lived a bit longer, but what would that have done to history.  How many times have we wondered what would happen if we could go back in time and change something?  Quite a few right?  The truth is, if we were to do that, we wouldn't be who we are now.

I know, what are you talking about?  You see, when people ask me if I would go back in time and change anything, I always answer, "No"!  I look at the past and see how the decisions, actions, and conversations have shaped who I am.  No way would I want to change that; otherwise, I would be a completely different person.  Maybe not one I would like very much at all.

Every path I have trodden, every stream I have forged, every mountain I have climbed has been a learning experience.  Sometimes, it was awesome!  Sometimes, if was complete failure.  Yet, I grew, learned, and expanded my mind from the results.  After all, that's what life is all about; learning, expanding, and growing in ways to include all cultures and people.

When I joined the Army, it was an eye opener. I had never been around so many different people and cultures in my life.  I loved meeting the people and learning about them.  I met people whom I learned so much from.  It was amazing and my love for history grew from it.  After i was discharged, I lived in NYC.  In Queens, to be exact.  Wow!  So much to learn and see.  So many ways to grow and learn.  Greeks lived next door on the right; Italians on the left.  Irish across the street.  The Greek Orthodox Church was down the next street and I loved to see the "Papa" in his robes.  Now you might say, but where are the other races, you talk about just white.

Well, in NYC you have areas where people just congregate to where they live.  Then they expand after awhile into mixed neighborhoods.  At least back then they did.  Now my employment was a whole different experience.  Indian, Irish, African-American, Native American, Barbados, Haiti, Jewish, Asian, you name it every culture and society was there.  It was wonderful!  A smorgasbord of learning and enrichment.  I learned, grew, and loved it!

Then to Florida....well, it's an amazing transient State. So many people coming and going. People from all over the world.  French, Russian, Scottish, Greek, Hispanic, African, the Islands, India, Middle East, Asian, everywhere.  Florida is actually a state where every country is represented and so many cultures are brought together.  But there is one little problem.  The white Christian who believes the state must tend only to white Christian ideals.  Then again, this is changing as well.  Slowly, very slowly, but it is changing.

This is what it's all about.  Change, the challenging of ideals which stop growth.  Change is not to be feared.  Oh I know, some change is considered not to be good; but then again, if we didn't look at it and learn from it, we would never know if it was good or bad.  So, in the end, "the Ides of March" were bad for Julius Caesar, but it was good for the rest of us.  After all, with the coming of Augustus Caesar came peace in the ancient world.  A world where all roads lead to Rome.  A world where the Christian god sent his Son.  A world of change, growth, expansion, and learning.  "Beware the Ides of March" for change is coming and challenges will be made to outdated molds of society.  Just don't fear them.  Learn and grow from them.  You will be very happy you did!

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