
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Zombies! They're Everywhere! AAAAUUUUUGGGGHHHHHH!

Zombies!  They're everywhere!  Whichever way you turn, look, hear; zombies are there!  They surround you and the only thing they want to do is eat you!  And maybe turn you into a zombie as well.  After all, have you ever seen just one zombie?  NO!  They hang out together in the hundreds!  Maybe thousands!  All sizes, shapes, and all stages of decay.  They will even drag their torsos after you if that is all they have left; and their mouths are always and forever stuck in the open position ready to take a bite!

Why are we so enthralled with zombies?  They are worse than vampires and werewolves!  Even vampires and werewolves run from zombies!  Zombies are the big bad monsters of all time.  Mummies can't compare with them.  Or is a mummy a zombie?  Hmm, will have to think about that.  Anyway, zombies are in every part of society, no one is immune from the zombie curse!  Or are they?  What are zombies anyway?  The walking and rather hungry dead.  What do they want from us? Our bodies, our brains, our blood?  Humans don't taste very good.  Heck, we don't smell very good to other animals and sometimes to each other.  So, what is it they want?

Someone must control them.  That's it.  They are controlled by someone bent on destroying the human race!  We will be turned into brainless, non-compassionate, easily herded cattle and led down the path to the gates to our slaughter.  Then we will continue to reanimate and follow this same unthinking avenue again and again, until the only thing left of us is nothing.  That's right, nothing.  We will have never mattered for we did nothing but follow and be controlled.  Sounds like what one political party wants us to be right now...scary isn't it?

That's it!  That's why there are zombies everywhere!  People who are creative, artistic, musical, individual, independent, and many other positive aspects of humanity are showcasing zombies, not for our entertainment, but to show us how not to become one!  When the zombie apocalypse comes, we will be prepared!  Time to grab a book and read!  Go to a museum and appraise the artwork!  Watch a movie!  See a documentary!  Go running, walking, swimming, biking, kayaking!  Move!  Learn something new!  Don't be a Zombie!  Don't be caught and become brainless and uncaring!  Get involved and participate in life, even if it is from a computer. you are still a part of something better by standing up against the flow!

Zombies!  They're everywhere, but so are the Zombie hunters!  Don't be a Zombie!

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