
Friday, January 31, 2014

Going Back

The two women had been friends for a very long time.  Over 48 years in fact and even though they had been separated through the years and followed different paths, their friendship endured and overcame all obstacles and challenges.  Now, this particular day, the one had come back and was with her old friend.  They were together riding the roads they had grown up on and driving through the countryside as they had in time's past.  Finally, they pulled into the small town they had both lived in.  "You need to see this", said the one.
"Groan, it's the same old town", answered the other.
"Just wait.  You will love this", chuckled the first.  "Close your eyes".
The one who had returned closed her eyes, but inside she knew nothing would have changed.
"This way".  Her friend led her down the sidewalk, which had been smoothed out and no longer caused anyone to trip.  The one sighed and allowed herself to led.

Finally, they came to a halt.  Her sense of smell had been bombarded with multiple scents; from cinnamon to onions to....wait, could it be?  Curry?  There had also been the scents of flowers, perfumes, and fresh air all intermingling with one another.
"We're here!  Open your eyes"!
She opened them and then stared dumbfounded at all she saw.  "What happened to this place"?
"Well, some new people moved in and started fixing up a few of the old buildings.  When everyone saw how nice they looked, they began to do the same things. Now, look what we have"!
Her friend was right.  Things could change, if people want them too.  She couldn't believe her eyes, the old storefronts from the early 1900s had been restored and given rock stone sidings.  The sidewalks had been raised and converted into wooden walkways with porches.  Flower boxes adorned all the windows of the stores which had been turned into boutiques of clothing, perfumes, candy, candles, books, and antiques.  At the end of the street, the old hotel stood proudly, not with clapboard siding, but elegant and refined with stones, brass lanterns shining on it's walkway, and a porch encircling it.  It's doors burst open as people exited it and she was able to glimpse the inside which showcased a beautiful stone fireplace and a small chandeliers in a room of intimate dining.

She kept rubbing her eyes and mumbling, "I can't believe it.  I can't believe it"
Her old friend smiled, "Believe it!"
A siren went off and both turned to see what was happening.  The one turned to the other, only to notice that she seemed to be fading away.  

The alarm on her phone was going at full volume.  She rolled over, grabbed it and turned it off.  For a moment, she couldn't figure out where she was, then recognition flooded back.  "Just a dream.  I have got to call her and tell her about it!  She will love it!  Plus, she will be at me about going back".

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