
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Why Are We So Damn Violent?

I know, I know.  I'm very outspoken when it comes to politics and issues which are important to me.  You see, I use to never say boo.  Then I realized that by not standing up for what I believe in was the fastest way to lose my rights.  That's correct.  If you don't ever take a stand/position on issues, you're voice is silenced forever.  Now, I realize my views/thoughts are not always going to popular; but that is the reason I started to become more active in this area.  Ideologies shouldn't be about popularity.  Not at all.  They should correlate to your perceptions and beliefs; but, and here is a mighty but, not to the point where listening to another's view is completely denied.  We must be willing to listen, understand, and compromise with one another in order to achieve the good for all.  That is what this particular writing is about.  Looking at current events and creating an avenue for discussion; thereby, seeking compromise and a solution.

First, the issue at hand is the gun violence which seems to be running rampant in this country.  If I didn't know better, I would think I was back in the frontier past.  Let's face it way to many people have been killed in the United States to shootings than in the entire war with Iraq.  That is a ridiculous statistic for a country which prides itself as being a purveyor of peace.  At one time the United States gave itself the nickname of being the Police for the world.  Well, I kind of think maybe we better stop putting down other countries and take a really close look at ourselves.  Yes, it's time to stop blaming other ethnic/racial/religious groups as being terrorists and realize that we too, contain terrorists and the terrorists are us.  Every time a gun is used in this country, fear grips us and we fly to blame this, that, and everything.  

Now, I am not going to put down the 2nd Amendment.  The right to bear arms is guaranteed in our Constitution.  As a matter of fact have you ever read it?  


A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
Okay.  There it is in black and white for all of you who see life in that distinction.  So, you know that this amendment came into being due to the British taking away weapons from colonists.  In this manner, the founding fathers wanted to guarantee that the people would be able to keep weapons due to the fact that a "well regulated militia, was necessary to the security of a free state"  or to maintain democracy.  Now there are two different theories which have evolved concerning the nature of the words.  One is the "collective rights" and the other of course is the "individual rights" thought.  However, just to throw you a curve, there is also the "incorporation doctrine" which incorporates the words of Amendment 14 into this as well.  Yeah.  No way am I going to go further into this except to say, if the founding fathers only knew....but they were mere men, humans who have flaws and who were beginning an government which would become the "Great Experiment".
Anyway, not to get sidetracked (I know, too late) more shootings have occurred, one very close to my location, and another at a school in New Mexico.  Here's the thing, how many more people must die from someone pulling out a gun and shooting?  This is a question which doesn't seem to be answered for the arguments between anti-gun and pro-gun get in the way.  Like I said, I'm not going to argue either against or for.  NO!  For the idea that this is black and white is only for those who wallow in denial and absolutisms.  There are shades of grey in every issue and this particular one is filled with grey.  You see as long as we keep arguing about the results of gun violence, we will never discover the reasons or disease (if you wish) of these actions.  To me, the real question isn't about gun control or legislation.  The 2nd Amendment answers that with which ever doctrine/ideology you agree with.  No, the real question for me is Why?  Why are we so violent?  Why do we resort to guns/violence in the first place?  Why can we not seem to speak to one another with respect?  Why do we blame the victims at times?  Why do we not interfere and stop conflict before it escalates?  Why are we so afraid?  
Yeah, that's the question.  Why are we so afraid that we carry guns to a movie theater?  Why are we so afraid that we carry weapons to a grocery store?  Why are we afraid?  Can you answer me?  Can you or will you look into yourself and answer?  Why did a man carry a gun into the bank just to open an account?  Why did a man carry a gun into a movie theater? Why did a man carry a gun when he was patrolling his neighborhood as part of a neighborhood watch group?  Why?  So many whys.  Then there are the questions concerning mental illness.  Why have so many who have weapons and caused so much death have mental illness?  Now I have a question for you on that.  If you know someone suffers from a mental illness, why the hell would you give them guns or why didn't you take the guns or tell someone who could get the weapons away from them?  Why the hell are you afraid?  Are you afraid of being involved?  Or are you afraid of what others might think?  Think about it.  By being proactive and involved the life you save may be yours, your family, your friend.  Stop being afraid!  Stand up for what is right.  Stop the insanity.  
Thanks for reading....just one safe... I care.

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