
Sunday, October 13, 2013

My Horror Story

Okay, so I've told you about the house my mom, Oscar, and I lived in.  It was three stories and I lived in the apartment at the top.  In April 1984, mom and Oscar left for a three week vacation in Europe.  When I arrived home from work they were already gone.  I was in charge of the whole place!  Which meant I had to make sure everything was locked and all the other daily chores done.  Oscar had left a sign on the office door saying his practice was closed for three weeks and where they could go for medical care.  Do you know how many times people would come and pound on the door?  I would shake my head when I was at home and wonder why people couldn't read a simple sign.  I still wonder about that with people, but that's for a later time.

Anyway, I was alone.  Completely alone, except for my cat, Roddie.  It was awesome!  I would wonder around the house and be the female version of Tom Cruise in "Risky Business".  My stereo was full blast and I loved it!  The days flew by and soon two weeks had passed.  The weekend arrived and with it came April showers.  Except they weren't showers, but full blown thunderstorms.  Saturday was a day of cleaning, laundry, reading, and playing with Roddie who loved to race up and down the stairs.  I had gotten into the Wagons West series by Dana Fuller Ross and was enjoying a great story when the lights flickered.  "Great".  I mumbled. "Better go find a flashlight and some candles".  I ran down the stairs to Mom's and Oscar's area and rummaged around until I found what I needed.  Then back up with Roddie right behind me.  The storm abated a bit, and the electricity held, but I was glad I had the flashlight and candles.

The day went by quickly, and every so often I would hear someone knocking on the office door.  That's right a doctor who was open on Saturdays. Back then a number of general practitioners were open on Saturdays during certain hours.  Made life a lot easier for people that's for sure.  I would get up, take a look out, check on what it was , then turn back, and find myself back on a wagon train heading for Oregon.  The afternoon went by quickly and Roddie decided it was time to eat.  She talked a lot when she wanted something and that evening she was demanding her food.  Got her fed, then looked in my fridge.  I really didn't want to cook, so the next best thing came to mind.  You got it, PIZZA!  A pizza fully loaded, but no anchovies!  Yummy.  There was no way I was going to walk to Grand Avenue and pick it up.  This was definitely a day for delivery.

Thirty minutes later, I've got a nice hot pie and settling down with a good movie,  Grand Avenue Pizzaria makes the best pie!  I can taste it now.  Of course Roddie wanted some, so we sat together, eating, purring, and watching a movie on my betamax.  That's right, beta.  Who knew the VHS would be the one to survive, well, for a little time.  The time past by, I got full and put away the rest of the pizza, Roddie tended to her business, and then we took the evening walk to make sure everything was locked up.  Go to the bottom, check the door, walk into the examination room, check the sliding glass doors, back to the front of the office, up the stairs, check that go out to the front door, check it's lock, check Mom's doors on both side of the small entryway, go to my door, lock it, and back up the stairs.  All locked up nice and tight.  Fantastic.

 Boom!  Some more thunder and lightening.  Might just as well watch another movie, it was going to be a noisy night by the sound of things.  I pick out one of my favorites, "The Spiral Staircase".  This is a 1945 black and white mystery thriller which takes place in 1916, about a serial killer who strikes handicapped women.  It stars Dorothy McGuire, Ethel Barrymore, and George Brent.  A great movie!  Especially for a stormy night since it takes place during a stormy night.  One of my favorites of all time.  There is nothing better for a stormy night than this type of movie.  Roddie curled up next to me and I was soon engrossed in the film.  Outside the storm blasted it's full fury with the flashing of lightening and crashing of thunder.  Inside, my apartment was cozy and comfortable the blinds and drapes closed tight against the barrage of the storm.

Time went by, I was fully into the thriller (even though I had seen it several times before) and before I knew it, the film had ended and the serial killer disposed of. Great film.  Love it.  I glance out the window and it's still raining hard.  A quick trip to the bathroom and then to bed.  A good day was coming to an end.  Roddie was up in a window watching it rain, and soon I heard her soft paws hit the floor and she jumped up beside me, curling up next to my head.  That's where she always slept, right next to me.  The darkness closed in and sleep overtook me.

BANG!  BANG! "What the heck"?  I sit up in bed.  Roddie is gone.  THUMP!  "Roddie!"  I look at my clock, 3:32.  "Roddie!  What are you doing"?  Nothing. No meow at all.  "Roddie"!  I get up.  THUMP!
"Miserable cat", I mumble.  "Where are you"?  I don't bother with the lights it's easier for me to see in the dark.  THUMP!  I walk out to the living room and search for her.  Nothing.  "Roddie"!  I grab the flashlight as I walk past it and flip it on.  There's Roddie at the foot of the stairs, staring at the door.  "Come on Roddie"!  THUMP!  "What the heck?  I guess you're not the one making that noise.  Crap!  Did I check the glass doors"? Yeah, you got it, I get my keys and decide to make sure everything is locked up.

Back down my stairs, through Mom's kitchen, and down the stairs to the office.  The front door is locked tight.  My handy flashlight and I head to the examining room.  Have you ever thought about how creepy a doctor's office is when it's 3:30 in the morning, a storm is still raging outside, you're all alone, and like an idiot, you watched a spooky movie before bed?  Let me tell you this, I have a great imagination and it was working overtime.  I checked the bathroom, I checked the office, I swept the light around the examining room and headed to the glass doors.  Slowly, very slowly, I sweep the beam of light again, slowly, I raise my hand, pull back the drapes, and peer outside.....AAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!  I jumped back fast, my heart is pounding, the fight or flee instinct was in effect, much to my chagrin, I find myself fighting not to flee.  "Okay Yvonne, get a grip".  I say out loud.  I move back to the doors, pull back the drapes, and stare at the apparition looking back at me.  "Oh for Pete's sake, Yvonne!  You are an idiot!" I exclaim.  Yeah, I am and was, I find myself looking at myself.

You got it!  Myself.  I scared myself with an overactive imagination!  I am laughing my head off.  I check the lock on the doors, pull the drapes back into place, and head back up the stairs.  I start laughing even harder when I realize I still had the flashlight on.  "I'm just like those stupid heroines of gothic novels. Instead of a candle or lantern, I'm running around with a flashlight."

Yes, that's exactly what I told myself.  Even funnier though is gothic heroines are always in flowing nightgowns and I was in a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt.  Hey, if you want to sleep good, be comfortable!  Besides, I still do wear that at night when it's cold!  I prefer comfort over everything else! Back to the story, I trot back up the stairs and re-locking  Mom's and mine doors.  Back to bed, where Roddie has curled up and yawns at me sleepily.  The banging and thumping, the wind blowing my neighbor's tree against the windows next door to us.  Me, no more spooky movies when I'm alone..... well, not for a short time!

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